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Valuation of Digital Goods During the Coronavirus Outbreak in the United States

Valuation of digital goods during the coronavirus outbreak in the United States

Consumer Valuation sentence examples within consumer valuation uncertainty

Optimal advance selling strategy with information provision for omni-channel retailers

Online marketing: When to offer a refund for advanced sales

Airfares with codeshares: (why) are consumers willing to pay more for products of foreign firms with a domestic partner?

Competitive Price Discrimination, Imperfect Information, and Consumer Search

The underexplored impacts of online consumer reviews: Pricing and new product design strategies in the O2O supply chain

Promotion Pricing Strategy of Discount and Full‐Reduction

Escenario agroalimentario contemporáneo: desafíos y oportunidades de la producción artesanal de alimentos de Magdalena, Sonora

MPG, fuel costs, or savings? Exploring the role of information framing in consumer valuation of fuel economy using a choice experiment

Consumer Myopia in Vehicle Purchases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Hedonic Pricing of Rice Attributes, Market Sorting, and Gains from Quality Improvement in the Beninese Market

Multi-product supply networks: Implications of intermediaries

Consumer Myopia in Vehicle Purchases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Pengaruh Kredibilitas Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Penilaian Konsumen

Advertising, Content, and Welfare

Consumer Myopia in Vehicle Purchases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

How Much Is Data Privacy Worth? A Preliminary Investigation

The effect of CAFE standards on vehicle sales projections: A Total Cost of Ownership approach

Impacts of the consumer heterogeneity in fuel economy valuation on compliance with fuel economy standards

How Much Is Data Privacy Worth? A Preliminary Investigation

Investigating Consumer Preferences for Production Process Labeling Using Visual Attention Data

Consumer responses to front-of-package labeling in the presence of information spillovers

Consumer Myopia in Vehicle Purchases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Is “Localness” about Distance or Relationships? Evidence from Hard Cider

A hedonic price study on warm- and cold-water shrimp in danish retail sale

“Palm oil free” vs “sustainable palm oil”: the impact of claims on consumer perception

The Charm of Behavior-Based Pricing: When Consumers’ Taste Is Diverse and the Consideration Set Is Limited

The Normalization of Consumer Valuations: Context-Dependent Preferences from Neurobiological Constraints

Learn more from Consumer Valuation 소비자 평가

Consumer Valuation 소비자 평가

Consumer Valuation 소비자 평가
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