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Consumer Technology sentence examples within Leveraging Consumer Technology

Smartphone- and Smartwatch-Based Remote Characterisation of Ambulation in Multiple Sclerosis During the Two-Minute Walk Test

Our Story: Addressing Challenges in Development Contexts for Sustainable Participatory Video

Consumer Technology sentence examples within Available Consumer Technology

Fabrication of 3D Models for Microtia Reconstruction Using Smartphone-Based Technology.

The use of privacy-protected computer vision to measure the quality of healthcare worker hand hygiene

Consumer Technology sentence examples within Modern Consumer Technology

Impact of COVID-19 on the Consumer Electronics Market

Learning Accurate Head Pose for Consumer Technology From 3D Synthetic Data

Learn more from Consumer Technology 소비자 기술

Consumer Technology sentence examples within consumer technology association

CES Makes a Comeback in 2022

Using a consumer-based wearable activity tracker for physical activity goal setting and measuring steps in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus: exploring acceptance and validity

Consumer Technology sentence examples within consumer technology product

Lifecycle forecast for consumer technology products with limited sales data

Managing Reference‐Group Effects in Sequential Product Upgrades

Consumer Technology sentence examples within consumer technology market

Virtual care in the ED: a game changer for the future of our specialty?

Defining virtual reality: Insights from research and practice

Consumer Technology sentence examples within consumer technology industry

Female Digital Entrepreneurship and the Development of Digital Entrepreneurial Competences in the Republic of Serbia

Bits vs. Things

Asynchronous Teledermatology Assessment of Young Adult Acne Likely Concordant With In-Person Evaluation.

Electron Microscopy Investigation of Graphite Electrodes from Fast-Charged Lithium-Ion Cells

Novel Cybersecurity Paradigms for Consumer Technology

A Design Method of Tele-Rehabilitation Platforms for Post-Stroke Patients Based on Consumer Technology.

The role of technology in the perioperative management of bladder cancer patients.

Reply to Letter to the Editor regarding “Thermal imaging for microvascular free tissue transfer monitoring: A feasibility study using a low cost, commercially available mobile phone imaging system”

Using an iPhone or iPad for Tonal Activities in Teaching Mandarin Chinese

Recovery of technologically critical lanthanides from ion adsorption soils

Success stories from consumer technology - helping and saving lives

Mixed use shopping mall as an attractiveness on customer behaviors in Bangkok, Thailand

How to Treat Depression With Low-Intensity Virtual Reality Interventions: Perspectives on Translating Cognitive Behavioral Techniques Into the Virtual Reality Modality and How to Make Anti-Depressive Use of Virtual Reality–Unique Experiences

1.2 Intelligence on Silicon: From Deep-Neural-Network Accelerators to Brain Mimicking AI-SoCs

The Rise Of High-Performance Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - How worried should we be?

Serious Games, Meditation, Brain-Computer Interfacing, and Virtual Reality (VR): Empowering Players to Discover Their Minds

The “right to consume”? Re-thinking the dynamics of exclusion/inclusion in consumer society

Innovation in Clinical Trial Design and Product Promotion: Evolving the Patient Perspective With Regulatory and Technological Advances.

Effectiveness of social media platforms for product marketing in southwestern Nigeria: a firm-level analysis

Pupil diameter as a measure of emotion and sickness in VR

Validity, potential clinical utility and comparison of a consumer activity tracker and a research‐grade activity tracker in insomnia disorder II: Outside the laboratory

Learn more from Consumer Technology 소비자 기술

Consumer Technology 소비자 기술

Consumer Technology 소비자 기술
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