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Consumer Resistance sentence examples within Reduce Consumer Resistance

Factors for and against resistance to smart services: role of consumer lifestyle and ecosystem related variables

Predictors of occupational differences in tipping

Consumer Resistance sentence examples within consumer resistance toward

Barriers and paradoxical recommendation behaviour in online to offline (O2O) services. A convergent mixed-method study

The effect of affective response to corporate social irresponsibility on consumer resistance behaviour: validation of a dual-channel model

Social Downgrading on Consumer Values and Practices: A Transgenerational Perspective

Resisting to Game of Thrones: a fannish agonism

Materialism, Ecological Consciousness and Purchasing Intention of Electric Vehicles: An Empirical Analysis among Chinese Consumers

Consumer Resistance to Innovation in the Fashion Industry

An empirical analysis of consumer resistance to smart-lighting products

The Effects of Product Consistency and Consumer Resistance to Innovation on Green Product Diffusion in China

Fashionable subjects and complicity resistance: power, subjectification, and bounded resistance in the context of plus-size consumers

e-Commerce: an analysis of the factors that antecede purchase intentions in an emerging market

The potential impact of synthetic animal protein on livestock production: The new “war against agriculture”?

Consumer culture poetry: insightful data and methodological approaches

Learn more from Consumer Resistance 소비자 저항

Consumer Resistance 소비자 저항

Consumer Resistance 소비자 저항
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