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Consumer Preference sentence examples within supply chain revenue

Risk-Averse Pricing Decisions Related to Recyclables’ Quality in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Changing Consumer Preference

Swine Production and Challenges in Vietnam after African Swine Fever: A Case Study in Peri-Urban Hanoi, Vietnam

Bioeconomic development in Europe and in the world

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Influence Consumer Preference

Development of a novel green tea quality roadmap and the complex sensory-associated characteristics exploration using rapid near-infrared spectroscopy technology.

Skin-Lightening Products: Consumer Preferences and Costs

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Affect Consumer Preference

Multi-Input Deep Learning Model with RGB and Hyperspectral Imaging for Banana Grading

Transitioning towards cleaner cooking fuels: an analysis of consumer preferences in Ghana’s cookstoves market

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Analyze Consumer Preference

Analyzing Consumer Preferences for Credence Attributes of Fish and Fishery Products in Davao City, Philippines

Over-the-top bundled services in the Korean broadcasting and telecommunications market: Consumer preference analysis using a mixed logit model

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Increasing Consumer Preference

Assessing the Impact of Large-Scale Trends on Ontario’s Pedestrian Fatality Rate

Consumer Preference for Certified Sustainable Palm Oil with Environmental Sustainability Attributes: A Choice Experiment Approach

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Influencing Consumer Preference

Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Preferences of Kasbi Sago (Sagu Jay Brand) Purchasing Decision

The Influence of Beauty Vloggers on Purchasing Decisions Involving Skin Care Products

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Evaluate Consumer Preference

Consumer Preferences for Labeled Plant-Based Products Associated with Traditional Knowledge: A Study in Protected Natural Areas of Northwest Mexico

An Epidemiological Study Report on the Antioxidant and Phenolic Content of Selected Mediterranean Functional Foods, Their Consumption Association with the Body Mass Index, and Consumers Purchasing Behavior in a Sample of Healthy Greek Adults

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Satisfy Consumer Preference

Evaluación de características fisicoquímicas, compuestos fenólicos, contenido de minerales y color de mieles comerciales del Cauca (Colombia)

Combination of Freezing, Low Sodium Brine, and Cold Smoking on the Quality and Shelf-Life of Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) Fillets as a Strategy to Innovate the Market of Aquaculture Products

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Shaping Consumer Preference

Selling Terrorism


Consumer Preference sentence examples within New Consumer Preference

Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and Implications on the Tourist Consumer Behavior

Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and Implications on the Tourist Consumer Behavior

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Identify Consumer Preference

Identification of Consumer’s Preference towards Store Image: Using Analytical Hierarchical Process Technique

Study on Automobile Culture of Developed and Emerging Countries in Asia Using Text Mining Analysis on Social Media

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Understanding Consumer Preference

Malian Thick Porridges (tô) of Pearl Millet Are Made Thinner in Urban Than Rural Areas and Decrease Satiety.

Clean Label Trade-Offs: A Case Study of Plain Yogurt

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Chinese Consumer Preference

Investigating an E-commerce business model to act as a bridge between the Australian beef industry and the Chinese market

“Testing the water” – prior-online market entry in China

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Meet Consumer Preference

Perancangan Preferensi Konsumen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Sabun Mandi Ramah Lingkungan Menggunakan QFD

Identifying Molecular Pathways and Candidate Genes Associated With Knob Traits by Transcriptome Analysis in the Goose (Anser Cygnoides)

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Changed Consumer Preference

E-Commerce and Consumer Protection in India: The Emerging Trend

Perceived health risk, online retail ethics, and consumer behavior within online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Considering Consumer Preference

A behaviour-based pricing model of the green product supply chain

Behaviour-based Pricing in the Green Product Supply Chain

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Growing Consumer Preference

One-pot microbial bioconversion of wheat bran ferulic acid to biovanillin

Fermentative production of propionic acid: prospects and limitations of microorganisms and substrates.

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Specific Consumer Preference

Volatile profiles of 47 monovarietal cloudy apple juices from commercial, old, red-fleshed and scab-resistant apple cultivars

Characterization of the relationship between olfactory perception and the release of aroma compounds before and after simulated oral processing.

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Regarding Consumer Preference

Does the origin of inputs and processing matter? Evidence from consumers’ valuation for craft beer

Comparing Some Benefits and Costs from Eliminating the U.S. Trade Deficit with Low Wage Countries

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Measure Consumer Preference

Consumer willingness to pay for bio-based products: Do certifications matter?

Chinese consumer preference for processed food quality attributes and the impact of trust in information sources

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Determine Consumer Preference

Segregation of Genes Controlling Seed Coat Color in Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata [L] Walp)

Preferensi Konsumen terhadap Produk Sasirangan di Kota Banjarmasin

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Individual Consumer Preference

The effect of online C2C markets on new-product-purchasing behavior: an empirical analysis of Japanese selling apps

The effect of culture on energy efficient vehicle ownership

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Investigate Consumer Preference

Consumer preferences for hybrid and electric vehicles and deployment of the charging infrastructure: A case study of Lebanon

Electric Vehicles Ready for Breakthrough in MaaS? Consumer Adoption of E-Car Sharing and E-Scooter Sharing as a Part of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Analyse Consumer Preference

Understanding the role of information and taste heterogeneity in consumer preferences for functional beef: The case of the omega-3 enriched burger.

How much is a bottle of conventional, organic or biodynamic wine worth? Results of an experimental auction

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Compare Consumer Preference

What Young E-Consumers Want? Forecasting Parcel Lockers Choice in Rome


Consumer Preference sentence examples within Increase Consumer Preference

New Opportunities for Restaurant Business Development Based on Computer Modeling of Consumer Preferences

When time pressure counters the zero price effect

Consumer Preference sentence examples within High Consumer Preference

High-Throughput Quantitation of Key Cocoa Tastants by Means of Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Application to a Global Sample Set.

Demand Subsidy versus Production Regulation: Development of New Energy Vehicles in a Competitive Environment

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Understand Consumer Preference

European Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Red Meat Labelling Attributes

An interdisciplinary and participatory methodology to improve user acceptability of root, tuber and banana varieties

Consumer Preference sentence examples within Measuring Consumer Preference

A case for measuring negative willingness to pay for consumer goods