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Consumer Motivations sentence examples within Underlying Consumer Motivations

A Motivation Based Shopper Typology for Short Term Retail Events

Imaginary futures: Liminoid advertising and consumer identity

Consumer Motivations sentence examples within Hotel Consumer Motivations

Управление мотивацией потребителя туристских услуг

Motivation management of tourist services consumer

Consumer Motivations sentence examples within Understand Consumer Motivations

Understanding in-store interactive technology use: a uses and gratifications theory (UGT) perspective

Health Consciousness, Food Safety Concern, and Consumer Purchase Intentions Toward Organic Food: The Role of Consumer Involvement and Ecological Motives

Learn more from Consumer Motivations 소비자 동기

Mining Consumer Minds: Downstream Consequences of Host Motivations for Home-Sharing Platforms

Intra and inter-country comparative effects of symbolic motivations on luxury purchase intentions in emerging markets


Investigating the Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Emotional Appeals Into the Link Between Organic Appeals Advertisement and Purchase Intention Toward Organic Milk

Antecedents of online word-of-mouth reviews on hotels

What kind of video gamer are you

Is money the biggest driver? Uncovering motives for engaging in online collaborative consumption retail models for apparel

Meal and snack: Two different contexts for foods and drinks

A laddering study of motivational complexities in mobile shopping

Empirical analysis of the US consumer

Picking out a wine: Consumer motivation behind different quality wines choice

Motivations for sharing marketer-generated content on social media: a comparison between American and Korean college students

Investigating brand visibility in luxury consumption

Investigating the Effects of Time and Temperature on the Growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in Raw Cow’s Milk Based on Simulated Consumer Food Handling Practices

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Consumer Motivations 소비자 동기

Consumer Motivations 소비자 동기
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