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Factors Controlling Urban and Rural Indirect Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Household Consumption: A Case Study in Beijing

Incorporating carbon emissions from landfills and wastewater treatment into a household emission inventory for systematically analysing household behaviour

Consumer Lifestyle sentence examples within consumer lifestyle trend

An update on water kefir: Microbiology, composition and production.

Screening and Application of Cyberlindnera Yeasts to Produce a Fruity, Non-Alcoholic Beer

Consumer Lifestyle sentence examples within consumer lifestyle analysi

The transmission mechanism of household lifestyle to energy consumption from the input-output subsystem perspective: China as an example

Characteristics and influencing factors of carbon emission from typical community household consumption: a case of Beijing

Learn more from Consumer Lifestyle 소비자 라이프스타일

A Growing Self-Organizing Neural Network for Lifestyle Segmentation

Preparedness of Young People for a Sustainable Lifestyle: Awareness and Willingness

Consumer lifestyle before and during COVID 19 virus pandemic

Consumers’ Risk Perceptions, Risk Reduction Strategies and Willingness to Pay Premium Prices for Organic Products

Climate change, consumer lifestyles and legitimation strategies of sustainability-oriented firms

Local Brand Franchise Competition in the Disruption Era

Emerging Consumer Healthy Lifestyles in Lithuania

The Influence of Seller Reputation and Online Customer Reviews towards Purchase Decisions through Consumer Trust from C2C E-Commerce Platform Users in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Investigating male consumers’ lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS) and perception toward slow fashion

Factors for and against resistance to smart services: role of consumer lifestyle and ecosystem related variables

Integrating Perspectives of Logistics and Lifestyles for a Sustainable Economy

Effect of Lifestyle on Consumer Decisions in Choosing Retail Business in the City of Manado

The Impact of Social Awareness and Lifestyles on Household Carbon Emissions in China

Getting a drink: An experiment for enabling a sustainable practice in Thai university settings

Retail Tales and Tribulations: Transmedia Brands, Consumer Products, and the Significance of Shop Talk

Assessment of air pollution caused by illegal e-waste burning to evaluate the human health risk.

Research and Innovation Perspectives on Integrated Supply Chains in a Sustainable Economy

How Does The Relationship Between Lifestyle With Consumer Decisions In Buying Motorbikes

Demystifying the Indian Way of Doing Business: An Overview

Learn more from Consumer Lifestyle 소비자 라이프스타일

Consumer Lifestyle 소비자 라이프스타일

Consumer Lifestyle 소비자 라이프스타일
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