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The Effects of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Memory toward Brand Image: The Role of Image Transfer

Virtual Reality Marketing: A Review and Prospects

Sequential Effects of Indirect, Direct, and Virtual Sport Experiences on Consumer Learning

Optimal Software Feature-Limited Freemium Model Design: A New Consumer Learning Theoretical Framework

Impact of consumer innovativeness on really new product adoption

Religion and psychological influences on consumer behaviour: Perspectives on developing nations

Optimal Design of Revenue‐Maximizing Position Auctions with Consumer Search

Perception value of product-service systems: Neural effects of service experience and customer knowledge

Learning by Doing and the Demand for Advanced Products

Making new products go viral and succeed

Who Wants Consumers to Be Informed? Facilitating Information Disclosure in a Distribution Channel

How Much Do Consumers Know About the Quality of Products? Evidence from the Diaper Market

Cross-cultural perspective of situated learning and coping: understanding psychological closeness as mediator

Customer retention under imperfect information

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Consumer Learning 소비자 학습

Consumer Learning 소비자 학습
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