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Consumer Electronic sentence examples within low power consumption

Low Power NAND Gate–based Half and Full Adder / Subtractor Using CMOS Technique

A Novel Tri-Axial Piezoelectric MEMS Accelerometer with Folded Beams

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Wearable Consumer Electronic

Flexible iron oxide supercapacitor electrodes by photonic processing

Cardiovascular reactivity as a measure of irritability in a transdiagnostic sample of youth: Preliminary associations.

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Portable Consumer Electronic

Capacity-Fading Behavior Analysis for Early Detection of Unhealthy Li-Ion Batteries

Development of a Test Methodology to Design an Overnight Charging Profile to Reduce the SOH Degradation Rate of Li-ion Batteries

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Power Consumer Electronic

Alternative chemistries in primary metal-air batteries

Demand-Side Management for Improvement of the Power Quality in Smart Homes Using Non-Intrusive Identification of Appliance Usage Patterns with the True Power Factor

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Small Consumer Electronic

Review on E-waste Recycling: Part II—Technologies for Recovery of Rare Earth Metals

Designing consumer electronic products for the circular economy using recycled Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): A case study

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Future Consumer Electronic

A review of neutral pH polymer electrolytes for electrochemical capacitors: Transitioning from liquid to solid devices

Enhanced URLLC-Enabled Edge Computing Framework for Device-Level Innovation in 6G

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Largest Consumer Electronic

CES Makes a Comeback in 2022

COVID-19 Claims CES 2021

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Variou Consumer Electronic

NNStreamer: Efficient and Agile Development of On-Device AI Systems

Densified MoS2/Ti3C2 films with balanced porosity for ultrahigh volumetric capacity sodium-ion battery

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within New Consumer Electronic

Customer Knowledge Enabled Innovation: Analyzing Pricing-Promotion Coordination Mechanism

Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) based Eye-Gaze Tracking System using Machine Learning Algorithm

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Powered Consumer Electronic

Solving Limited Data Challenges in Battery Parameter Estimators by Using Generative Adversarial Networks

N-butylamine-modified graphite nanoflakes blended in ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers for piezoelectric nanogenerators with high power generation efficiency

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Generation Consumer Electronic

Novel Cybersecurity Paradigms for Consumer Technology

Practical Approach to Enhance Compatibility in Silicon/Graphite Composites to Enable High-Capacity Li-Ion Battery Anodes

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within Large Consumer Electronic

Prototyping Spatial Interactions

A Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time Analysis of Attendees’ Engagement in Public Events

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within consumer electronic device

High-speed multi-user optical wireless communication between VCSEL-integrated electronic devices

Harmonic Reflection Amplifier for Widespread Backscatter Internet-of-Things

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within consumer electronic product

ANDROMEDA: An FPGA Based RISC-V MPSoC Exploration Framework

Inductive Power Transfer Converter With Center-Tapped Pickup Winding

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within consumer electronic manufacturing

A Novel Process to Setup Electronic Products Test Sites Based on Figure of Merit and Machine Learning

A Universal Machine-Learning-Based Automated Testing System for Consumer Electronic Products

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within consumer electronic market

Gate Driver for p-GaN HEMTs with Real-Time Monitoring Capability of Channel Temperature

Decision-Tree Based Root Cause Localization for Anomalies in Smart IoT Systems

Consumer Electronic sentence examples within consumer electronic commerce

Analysis of the Effect of Website Sales Quality on Purchasing Decisions on e-commerce Websites

More than Shared Ethnicity: Shared Identity’s Role in Transnational Newcomers’ Trust in Local Consumer-to-Consumer E-commerce

24.2 A 14nm-FinFET 1Mb Embedded 1T1R RRAM with a 0.022µ m2 Cell Size Using Self-Adaptive Delayed Termination and Multi-Cell Reference

High-Precision Pose Estimation Method of the 3C Parts by Combining 2D and 3D Vision for Robotic Grasping in Assembly Applications

Ultrafast Li/Fluorinated Graphene Primary Batteries with High Energy Density and Power Density.

Sinter-free inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS/WO3/PEDOT:PSS flexible valency change memory

Soft Body Belt-Type Touch Sensor With Impact Resistance: A Study of Dynamic Behavior

Leveraging IoT Lifelog Data to Analyse Performance of Physical Activities

Toward the Internet of Underwater Things: Recent Developments and Future Challenges

Evaluation of olive oil quality using a miniature spectrometer: a machine learning approach

High-Performance Multi-Stream Management for SSDs

Whither wilderness? An investigation of technology use by long‐distance backpackers

Mobile communication technology of sports events in 5G era

PUF-Based Key Generation Scheme for Secure Group Communication Using MEMS

A review of niobium oxides based nanocomposites for lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries and supercapacitors

Hand Gesture Recognition on a Resource-Limited Interactive Wristband

17.3 A 1.25GHz Fully Integrated DC-DC Converter Using Electromagnetically Coupled Class-D LC Oscillators

Proof of Concept of a Graphene-Based Resonant Accelerometer

Tunable and foldable paper-based passive electronic components and filter circuits

Microstructure and Properties of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Ni-Co-Fe Coatings

Real-Time Macro Gesture Recognition Using Efficient Empirical Feature Extraction With Millimeter-Wave Technology

Deep Compressed Imaging via Optimized-Pattern Scanning.

Methodologies of e-waste recycling and its major impacts on human health and the environment

Electromagnetic Metamaterials: A New Paradigm of Antenna Design

A family of optimal ternary cyclic codes with minimum distance five and their duals

Recent Developments in Near Field Communication: A Study

IPN Hand: A Video Dataset and Benchmark for Real-Time Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition

Deployment of IoT for smart home application and embedded real-time control system

Pocket MUSE: an affordable, versatile and high-performance fluorescence microscope using a smartphone

Modeling and evaluation of nickel manganese cobalt based Li-ion storage for stationary applications

Sign Language Recognition Using Deep Learning

Liquid Metal Composites with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Stability Using Molecular Thermal Linker.