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Consumer Data sentence examples within Collect Consumer Data

Smartphone Application Using Fintech in Jakarta Transportation for Shopping in the Marketplace

Data Tracking under Competition

Consumer Data sentence examples within Analyze Consumer Data

Prediction Of Consumer Review Analysis Using Naive Bayes And Bayes Net Algorithms

The preconditions for the development of humanistic marketing in the nowadays context

Consumer Data sentence examples within Protect Consumer Data

FedCPF: An Efficient-Communication Federated Learning Approach for Vehicular Edge Computing in 6G Communication Networks

Understanding People’s Attitude and Concerns towards Adopting IoT Devices

Consumer Data sentence examples within Use Consumer Data

Addressing Online Behavioral Advertising and Privacy Implications: A Comparison of Passive Versus Active Learning Approaches:

Voluntary Disclosure and Personalized Pricing

Consumer Data sentence examples within Much Consumer Data

Market for Information and Selling Mechanisms

Data Intermediaries and Selling Mechanisms for Customized Consumer Information *

Consumer Data sentence examples within Private Consumer Data

Big-Data and Consumer Profiles – The hidden traps of data collection on social media networks

The Ethical Implications of the 2018 Facebook-Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal

Consumer Data sentence examples within Personal Consumer Data


Blockchain: A tool for a secure, safe and transparent way of food and agricultural supply chain

Consumer Data sentence examples within Commercial Consumer Data

167-LB: Pandemic Changes and Usage of At-Home Collected Hemoglobin A1c and Lipid Profiles

Does the τ estimate from same-different test data represent a relevant sensory effect size for determining sensory equivalency?

Consumer Data sentence examples within Leverage Consumer Data

Fostering Consumer Protection in the Granular Market. The Role of Rules on Consent, Misrepresentation and Fraud in Regulating Personalized Practices

Advertising in a Quantified World: A Proposed Model of Consumer Trust, Attitude Toward Personalized Advertising And Outcome Expectancies

Consumer Data sentence examples within Large Consumer Data

Forecasting Short-Term Electric Load with a Hybrid of ARIMA Model and LSTM Network

Detecting Address Uncertainty in Loyalty Card Data

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data protection

The Role of Religiosity in Explaining the Intention to use Islamic FinTech Among MSME Actors

Ghosts in the Dark: How to Prepare for Times of Hyper-Privacy

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data right

Online Advertising, Data Sharing, and Consumer Control

New Data City: The future of the digital CBD as a data pool on a DAO

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data collection


Sports Consumer Behavior Based on Integrated Data in the Context of Big Data

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data collected

Competition and Mergers with Strategic Data Intermediaries

The influence of in-store personnel on online store value : an analogical transfer perspective

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data privacy

FedCPF: An Efficient-Communication Federated Learning Approach for Vehicular Edge Computing in 6G Communication Networks

The Features of Consumer Rights Violations in Online Trading

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data become

Pareto price discrimination

Pareto Price Discrimination

Consumer Data sentence examples within consumer data set

Forecasting Short-Term Electric Load with a Hybrid of ARIMA Model and LSTM Network

Class Clown: Data Redaction in Machine Unlearning at Enterprise Scale

The Concept of Authenticity: What It Means to Consumers

Privacy Practices of Health Information Technologies: Privacy Policy Risk Assessment Study and Proposed Guidelines.

The provenance of loyalty card data for urban and retail analytics

Determination of optimum ripening time in hard cooked cheeses (Reggianito type) using survival analysis statistics: Modified versus traditional cheese making technology.

Machine learning-based mathematical modelling for prediction of social media consumer behavior using big data analytics

Prominence-for-Data Schemes in Digital Platform Ecosystems: Implications for Platform Bias and Consumer Data Collection

(mis)Informed Consent in Australia

A Review on Algorithms of Homomorphic Encryption

Buying and Payment Habits: Using Grocery Data to Predict Credit Card Payments

Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry

The Protection of Consumer’s Personal Data and the Electronic Geodiscrimination Practice

Internet of things (IoT) and smart home technology in Malaysia: Issues and challenges for research in adoption IoT and latest technology for home building

Price discounts and personalized product assortments under multinomial logit choice model: A robust approach

Sensitivity Context Awareness based Privacy Preserving Recommender System

Behavior-Based Personalized Pricing: Consumer Privacy Concerns and Information Structure

Critical Review: Factors Affecting Online Purchase Intention Generation Z

Tourism, technology and ICT: a critical review of affordances and concessions

Synthesizing Individual Consumers′ Credit Historical Data Using Generative Adversarial Networks

All For Naught: An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Breach Notification Laws

Evolución de los intereses y hábitos de consumo televisivo de la audiencia española

Systems thinking in managing the success of food products : exploring the potential of a system dynamics approach

Encrypting and Preserving Sensitive Attributes in Customer Churn Data Using Novel Dragonfly Based Pseudonymizer Approach

How to Protect Consumer Data? Leave it to the Consumer Protection Agency: FTC Rulemaking as a Path to Federal Cybersecurity Regulation

The Long-Term Effect of Health-Related Online Use on Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures Among Older Adults

Creditworthy: A History of Consumer Surveillance and Financial Identity in America

Maintaining Data Integrity in Fog Computing Based Critical Infrastructure Systems

The moral limits of the market: the case of consumer scoring data

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The effects of integrated information & service, institutional mechanism and need for cognition (NFC) on consumer omnichannel adoption behavior

Use of big data in drug development for precision medicine: an update

Valuing Intrinsic and Instrumental Preferences for Privacy