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Consumer Culture sentence examples within service dominant logic

Fashion brands are engaging the millennials: a moderated-mediation model of customer-brand engagement, participation, and involvement

Value-in-acquisition: an institutional view

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Global Consumer Culture

Editorial: on Hideki Matsuyama and the need for more study of global brand equity

Will Social Media and Its Consumption Converge or Diverge Global Consumer Culture?

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Contemporary Consumer Culture

Essential Workers, Essential Services? Leitourgia in Light of Lockdown

Tools of Conviviality: Art in the Postcolonial Imagination

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Mas Consumer Culture

Making Light of Convicts

Marilyn Monroe’s Star Canon: American Consumerism and the Semiotics of Stardom

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Modern Consumer Culture

Man Up but Stay Smooth: Hybrid Masculinities in Advertising for Men’s Grooming Products

Problematizing Pain: Medical, Social and Commercial Approaches to Pain

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Western Consumer Culture

The Fashion Designer’s Evolving Role in the Apparel Value Chain: Perspectives from Sri Lankan Designers

Aladdin Almighty: Middle Eastern Magic in the Service of Western Consumer Culture

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Postmodern Consumer Culture

Experiential marketing and the changing nature of extraordinary experiences in post-postmodern consumer culture

Negative word of mouth about foreign lands: Dimensions of the shared discomforts narrated in travel blogs

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Swedish Consumer Culture

Market Wonderland: An Essay about a Statist Individualist Consumer Culture

Market Wonderland: An essay about a statist individualist consumer culture

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Within Consumer Culture

6. Afterword

The Life and Death of Anthony Barbie: A Consumer Culture Tale of Lovers, Butlers, and Crashers

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Mainstream Consumer Culture

On Materiality and Meaning: Ethnographic Engagements with Reuse, Repair & Care

Safe design of laser consumer products

Consumer Culture sentence examples within American Consumer Culture

On Thoreau’s Contradictory View of Nature

Towards (and Beyond) LGBTQ+ Studies in Marketing and Consumer Research

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Capitalist Consumer Culture

“Small Sales Agents (of Nationalism) Inside the House”: Childhood, Consumer Culture, and Nationalism in the Jewish Yishuv of Interwar Palestine

Conclusion: Decentring Cosplay

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Popular Consumer Culture

A Note on Bazaar Consumer Collectives

The Newsboy’s Good Deed: Billiken Magazine’s Construction of Argentine Childhood In 1942

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Using Consumer Culture

Naive, connected, and counselor tween girl identity groups: Consumption practices and social identity constructions within consumer culture

Distinguishing Maternity Shoots on Instagram: Capital, Class, Field

Consumer Culture sentence examples within Local Consumer Culture

Impact of consumer global–local identity on attitude towards and intention to buy local foods

Positioning strategies of high-tech products: cross-cultural moderating effects of ethnocentrism and cultural openness

Consumer Culture sentence examples within consumer culture theory

Editorial: on Hideki Matsuyama and the need for more study of global brand equity

Resisting to Game of Thrones: a fannish agonism

Consumer Culture sentence examples within consumer culture positioning

The impact of service category and brand positioning on consumer animosity in the service sector – a social identity signaling perspective

Luxury cars Made-in-China: Consequences for brand positioning

Consumer Culture sentence examples within consumer culture theoretic

Mapping spheres of exchange: a multidimensional approach to commoditization and singularization

If Not Now, When? The Timeliness of Developing a Dialogue between Consumer Culture Theoretic and Macromarketing Perspectives

Consumer Culture sentence examples within consumer culture research

Post-digital prosumption and the sharing economy of space: The pay-per-minute cafe

Understanding Café Culture: Toward a Dynamic and Holistic Research Framework

Converting the Imagination through Visual Images in Ecological Religious Education

Az anyagiasság és a személyes jóllét kapcsolata: a nyugati fogyasztói társadalom egy árnyoldala

Books Received

Julie Hardwick, Sex in an Old Regime City: Young Workers and Intimacy in France, 1660–1789. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 288pp. £22.99 hbk.

“Passing a looped and knotted string between their hands”. The Bible, the Women’s Liberation Movement and Women’s Bonds in Michèle Roberts’s The Wild Girl

Ageing and Self-Care in India: Examining the Role of the Market in Determining a New Course of Growing Old among Middle Class Older Adults in Urban India

The Semiotic Analysis of Cosmetic Advertisements on Facebook

Periphery fandom: Contrasting fans’ productive experiences across the globe

Social Media and The Corrosion of Public Discourse: A Critique on The Rhetoric of Post-Truth


The Symbol of Cosmetic Products as Social Distinction and the False Needs of Shopping for Cosmetics at Department Stores Aroused by Women’s Magazines

Failure: Perspectives and prospects in marketing and consumption theory

Culture and attitudes towards contraception of women in subsistence markets: the role of values and social axioms

Emporia and the Exclusion Identity: Conservative Populist Alienation in the USA and Its Anti-immigrationism

The Role of Media and Culture in Violating the Right to a Healthy Environment from the Perspective of Critical Integrative Criminology (Studying the Model of Neoliberal Societies)

Political Identity, Popular Culture, and Ideological Coercion: The Discourses of Feminist Movement in the Report of Ummi Magazine

Colonial Ruins as Intervened Sites: La Zona, the US Occupation, and Dominican Racialised Sovereignty (1870–1924)

Cognitive Code: Post-Anthropocentric Intelligence and the Infrastructural Brain

From Product Placement to Boundary Work: Further Steps towards an Integrated Sociology of Literary Communication

Hélène Landemore: Open Democracy: Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. xviii, 243.)

The intermingling of meanings in marketing: semiology and phenomenology in consumer culture theory

An Analysis of The Great Gatsby on Consumption Concept in Jazz Age


Sociolinguists and Rapport

The Buddhist Style in Consumer Culture: From Aesthetics to Emotional Patterns