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Consumer Attitude sentence examples within corporate social responsibility

Strategic Asset Management Planning

Consumer attitudes and marketing strategies: A corporate social responsibility perspective

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Influence Consumer Attitude

Attitudes toward aquaculture and seafood purchasing preferences: Evidence from a consumer survey of Atlantic States

Green Advertising for the Sustainable Luxury Market

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Positive Consumer Attitude

Algısal Homofili ve Marka-Fenomen Uyumu Perspektifinden Sosyal Medya Fenomenlerinin Marka Tutumuna Etkisi

How Association with Physical Waste Attenuates Consumer Preferences for Rescue-Based Food

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Affect Consumer Attitude

Cue the complaint: the visual cues of Facebook business pages and their influence on consumer complaint behaviour

Some Key Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intentions to Purchase Functional Foods: A Case Study of Functional Yogurts in Vietnam

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Examine Consumer Attitude

Gamifying OTT: a study on consumer attitudes toward game elements and OTT media service provider brands in gamification

Consumer Attitudes toward Consumption of Meat Products Containing Offal and Offal Extracts

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Influencing Consumer Attitude

Consumer Acceptance of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Online Shopping: Evidence From Hungary

Research on the factors of consumer satisfaction with the development of digital communications: expectations and reality

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Explore Consumer Attitude

Consumer Attitudes Towards Leftover Food Takeout Interventions: A Case Study of the Doggy Bag in Japan

Attitude towards Drone Food Delivery Services—Role of Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, and Green Image

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Understand Consumer Attitude

Technology Adoption

An Empirical Analysis of Consumers’ Perceptions of Privacy Protection

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Determine Consumer Attitude

Consumer risk perception towards pesticide stained tomatoes in Uganda

Promoting organic pigmented rice: A study to develop sustainable agroindustry in Indonesia

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Analyze Consumer Attitude


Consumer attitudes and behavior towards organic products: Evidence from the Lithuanian market

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Regarding Consumer Attitude

Who Should You Market to in a Crisis? Examining Plog’s Model during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Determinants of willingness to pay to stay at a green lodging facility

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Changing Consumer Attitude

Solutions to the Converter Slag Recycling Problem in Metallurgical Processing

Using Natural Language Processing to Investigate the Role of Syntactic Structure in Persuasive Marketing Communication

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Investigate Consumer Attitude

Gojek and Brand Popularity: A Study of the Mediating Effect of Gojek’s Merger with Competitor

Attitudes Towards Utilising Mobile Banking Applications Among Generation Z Consumers in South Africa

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Analyse Consumer Attitude

Digital humans in fashion: Will consumers interact?

Does everyone have a price? Understanding people’s attitude towards online and offline price discrimination

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Improve Consumer Attitude

Purchase intention for green brands among Pakistani millennials

Case study: Designing the taste of food waste

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Favorable Consumer Attitude

Effects of self-brand congruity and ad duration on online in-stream video advertising

“Are We All in This Together?”: Brand Opportunism in COVID-19 Cause Related Marketing and the Moderating Role of Consumer Skepticism

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Affecting Consumer Attitude

Evolving factors influencing consumers’ attitudes towards the use of eHealth applications: implications on the future of Neom

The conceptualization of novel organic food products: a case study of Polish young consumers

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Asses Consumer Attitude

How circular will you eat? The sustainability challenge in food and consumer reaction to either waste-to-value or yet underused novel ingredients in food

Modelling of Population Consumption in Conditions of Instability

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Shaping Consumer Attitude

A behavioural reasoning perspective on the consumption of local food. A study on REKO, a social media-based local food distribution system

Trends in the food and sports nutrition industry: A review

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Subsequent Consumer Attitude

Exploring Gender Differences in Online Consumer Purchase Decision Making: An Online Product Presentation Perspective

Consumer adoption of the Uber mobile application: Insights from diffusion of innovation theory and technology acceptance model

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Consciou Consumer Attitude

The Ecological Criteria of Circular Growth and the Rebound Risk of Closed Loops

Stop wasting water! : Water consumption in the Students’ Halls of Residence at Mátyásföld of Budapest Business School

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Examining Consumer Attitude

Consumption dynamics during recession and recovery: A learning journey

Price discounts as a goods promotion factor in Latvian retail trade

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Change Consumer Attitude

Investigating the Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Emotional Appeals Into the Link Between Organic Appeals Advertisement and Purchase Intention Toward Organic Milk

RSPH and IFH call for a clean-up of public understanding and attitudes to hygiene

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Measure Consumer Attitude

Research Approach and Methodology

Preference and willingness to pay for meat substitutes based on micro-algae

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Enhance Consumer Attitude

Instagram Stories versus Facebook Wall: an advertising effectiveness analysis

The Effect of Emoji Incongruency in Social Media: An Abstract

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Online Consumer Attitude

Application Analysis of Computer Technology in E-Commerce Network Consumption Interaction

Predicting How Trust on eWOM Influences Consumer Purchase Intentions toward Group Package Tours in Tourism Social Networks

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within While Consumer Attitude

Consumer acceptance of genetic-based personalized nutrition in Hungary

Preferences and Intentions of Seafood Consumers in Oman: An Empirical Analysis

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Examined Consumer Attitude

‘What goes where’? Characterizing Edmonton’s municipal clothing waste stream and consumer clothing disposal

Consumer Preferences for Attributes in Food and Beverages in Developed and Emerging Export Markets and their Impact on the European Union and New Zealand

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Drive Consumer Attitude

Stability or instability: the impact of brand concepts on logo design preferences

Understanding the psychological benefits in organic consumerism: An empirical exploration

Consumer Attitude sentence examples within Forming Consumer Attitude

An application of TAM model towards influencing online purchase intention during Covid-19 pandemic for fresh agricultural products: A preliminary findings