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Consumer Activism sentence examples within Contemporary Consumer Activism

Consumer movements, brand activism, and the participatory politics of media: A conversation

YouTube utopianism: Social media profanation and the clicktivism of capitalist critique

Filipino BIGBANG fandom: a textual analysis of online fandom community activities

Why Do Boycotts Sometimes Increase Sales? Consumer Activism in the Age of Political Polarization

Constituency building: Determining consumers’ willingness to participate in corporate political activities

Practicing social change during COVID-19:Ethical food consumption and activism pre- and post-outbreak

Talking Politics and Engaging in Activism: The Influence of Publics’ Social Networks on Corporations in the Public Sphere

The Role of Individual- and Contextual-Level Social Capital in Product Boycotting: A Multilevel Analysis

Instituting the Self-Regulating Consumer: Fake Fighters, Netizens, and Rights’ Defenders in China

Engaging Patients and Other Non-Researchers in Health Research: Defining Research Engagement

Consumer Activism for Social Change.

Persuasion and Dissuasion via Social Networking Sites: The Influence of Word-of-Mouth on Consumer Activism


Modest Body Politics: The Commercial and Ideological Intersect of Fat, Black, and Muslim in the Modest Fashion Market and Media

Unseen suffering: slow violence and the phenomenological structure of social problems

Pioneers’ Insights into Governing Social Innovation for Sustainable Anti-Consumption

Consumer (co-)ownership of renewable energy sources in the Netherlands

Cell-cultured meat: Lessons from GMO adoption and resistance

The state–consumer relationship and the instituting of consumer protection in East Asian societies

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Consumer Activism 소비자 행동주의

Consumer Activism 소비자 행동주의
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