Consecutively Admitted(연속 합격)란 무엇입니까?
Consecutively Admitted 연속 합격 - MethodsThis retrospective analysis investigated adults (age ≥20 years) with cervical spinal cord injury who were consecutively admitted to a convalescent rehabilitation ward between 2006 and 2015. [1] The patients were consecutively admitted to a specialized somatic nutrition unit between 2015 and 2016. [2] Methods: We examined 161 patients with acute middle cerebral artery stroke, consecutively admitted to emergency department. [3] Methods: Children (aged 0–15 years; n= 65) consecutively admitted in a single trauma center over a 3-year period, who survived severe non-inflicted TBI, were included in a prospective longitudinal study. [4] MATERIAL AND METHODS From 2002, patients were consecutively admitted for treatment at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Heidelberg. [5] A prospective cohort of all patients aged 18–65 years consecutively admitted to the Emergency Department for syncope was enrolled. [6] MethodsUsing a prospective and longitudinal design, we recruited 421 patients with first-ever acute ischemic stroke who were consecutively admitted to the Acute Stroke Unit between November 2012 and January 2014. [7] Methods A retrospective review was performed on 51 patients with anterior clinoid meningioma who were consecutively admitted to Department of Neurosurgery, the Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from January 2012 to April 2018. [8] PATIENTS A total of 10,598 patients (29 d to 18 yr old) were consecutively admitted between September 1, 2016, and August 31, 2017. [9] METHODS Nine children (aged 4-14 years) dependent on nasogastric and gastrostomy tubes were consecutively admitted into a home-based behavioral treatment program. [10] METHODSThe authors retrospectively analyzed the records of 497 adult patients who had been consecutively admitted after suffering a severe or moderate closed TBI. [11] PARTICIPANTS Hip fracture patients (N=200) who were consecutively admitted to 3 acute hospitals because of falling. [12] METHOD 782 MS patients were consecutively admitted. [13] All patients aged ≥65 years, consecutively admitted in three Italian hospitals with a diagnosis of fragility hip fracture were included. [14] METHODS All cirrhotic patients with AUGIB who were consecutively admitted to our hospital from January 2010 to June 2014 were considered in this retrospective study. [15] We evaluated the impact of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) on epidemiology and outcome in acute leukemia (AL), analyzing all acute myeloid (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) consecutively admitted to our Institution during a 5-year period of observation. [16] To investigate the association of pulmonary hypertension induced by hyperthyroid heart disease and autoantibody, one hundred and one cases with hyperthyroid heart disease who were consecutively admitted to the inpatient department of endocrinology and metabolism of the Shandong Provincial Hospital between November 2014 and April 2018 were collected and analyzed statistically. [17] One-hundred eight individuals with a primary diagnosis of AUD were consecutively admitted. [18] MethodsThis was a retrospective study involving the review of 1072 ischemic stroke patients who had been consecutively admitted to the hospital within 72 h of symptom onset. [19] All children with SCD (all sickle genotypes) consecutively admitted from November 2013 to December 2016 for painful VOEs and no evidence of ACS were included. [20] 7%) consecutively admitted into IIPT. [21] 6% women) consecutively admitted to a tertiary care center between 2011 and 2015. [22] FindingsThe sample was composed of 58 Italian adolescents who were consecutively admitted to an adolescent psychiatry unit in Rome, Italy. [23] Methodology: This was a prospective study of all adolescents aged 10 to 19 years consecutively admitted into the Children Medical Emergency Ward of a Nigerian tertiary hospital, over a 2 year period. [24] MATERIALS AND METHODS In this retrospective analysis we used Registry data on patients with ACS and concomitant AF, consecutively admitted to cardiological departments of the S. [25] Methods Eighteen patients with CVST associated with IDA, consecutively admitted to our hospital from January 2006 to June 2018, were chosen in our study. [26] 8 years who were consecutively admitted to a children’s hospital with mild (n = 26), moderate (n = 3), or severe (n = 7) TBI. [27] Patients (N = 216) in VS (N = 159) or in MCS (N = 57) consecutively admitted to a neurorehabilitation unit within 1–3 months after severe anoxic (n = 71), vascular (n = 96), or traumatic (n = 49) brain injury. [28] Methods: This study enrolled 1460 patients who were consecutively admitted for elective coronary angiography. [29] Design A prospective cohort of 195 patients who had sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury from C1 to L1 and consecutively admitted to a single level 1 spinal cord injury–specialized trauma center between April 2010 and September 2016 was studied. [30] Methods The study prospectively enrolled 314 elderly patients (≥65 years) with heart failure in NYHA class IIIB (symptomatic with a recent history of dyspnoea at rest) consecutively admitted to cardiac rehabilitation between January 2010 and July 2011. [31] 5% male; median age, 50 years) consecutively admitted for alcohol detoxification in 2 tertiary hospitals in the Barcelona metropolitan area, Spain. [32]방법 이 후향적 분석은 2006년과 2015년 사이에 회복기 재활 병동에 연속적으로 입원한 경추 척수 손상을 가진 성인(20세 이상)을 조사했습니다. [1] 환자들은 2015년에서 2016년 사이에 전문 체세포 영양 병동에 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [2] 방법: 연속적으로 응급실에 입원한 급성 중뇌동맥 뇌졸중 환자 161명을 대상으로 하였다. [3] 방법: 단일 외상 센터에 3년 동안 연속적으로 입원한 소아(0-15세, n=65) 중 심각한 외상성 뇌손상에서 생존한 환자를 전향적 종단 연구에 포함했습니다. [4] 재료 및 방법 2002년부터 하이델베르그 대학 보철과에 환자들이 연속적으로 입원 치료를 받고 있다. [5] 실신으로 응급실에 연속적으로 입원한 18-65세의 모든 환자의 전향적 코호트가 등록되었습니다. [6] 방법전향적 및 종단적 설계를 사용하여 2012년 11월부터 2014년 1월까지 급성 뇌졸중 병동에 연속적으로 입원한 최초의 급성 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자 421명을 모집했습니다. [7] 행동 양식 2012년 1월부터 2018년 4월까지 중남대학교 Xiangya 병원 신경외과에 연속적으로 입원한 전방사상수막종 환자 51명을 대상으로 후향적 고찰을 시행하였다. [8] 환자 2016년 9월 1일부터 2017년 8월 31일까지 총 10,598명의 환자(29세 ~ 18세)가 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [9] 행동 양식 비위관 및 위루관에 의존하는 9명의 어린이(4-14 세)가 가정 기반 행동 치료 프로그램에 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [10] 방법 저자들은 중증 또는 중등도 폐쇄성 TBI를 겪은 후 연속적으로 입원한 497명의 성인 환자의 기록을 후향적으로 분석하였다. [11] 참가자들 낙상으로 인해 3개의 급성 병원에 연속적으로 입원한 고관절 골절 환자(N=200). [12] 방법 782명의 MS 환자가 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [13] 취약성 고관절 골절 진단을 받아 3개의 이탈리아 병원에 연속적으로 입원한 65세 이상의 모든 환자가 포함되었습니다. [14] 행동 양식 이 후향적 연구에서는 2010년 1월부터 2014년 6월까지 우리 병원에 연속적으로 입원한 모든 AUGIB 환자를 대상으로 하였다. [15] 우리는 5년의 관찰 기간 동안 우리 기관에 연속적으로 입원한 모든 급성 골수성(AML) 및 급성 림프모구 백혈병(ALL)을 분석하여 급성 백혈병(AL)의 역학 및 결과에 대한 침습성 폐 아스페르길루스증(IPA)의 영향을 평가했습니다. [16] 갑상선기능항진증 심장질환에 의한 폐고혈압과 자가항체와의 연관성을 알아보기 위해 2014년 11월부터 2018년 4월까지 산동성병원 내분비대사질환 입원환자 101명을 대상으로 갑상선기능항진증 심장질환 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 통계적으로 분석했다. [17] AUD의 1차 진단을 받은 188명이 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [18] 방법 본 연구는 증상 발현 후 72 시간 이내에 연속적으로 병원에 입원한 1072명의 허혈성 뇌졸중 환자를 대상으로 한 후향적 연구이다. [19] 2013년 11월부터 2016년 12월까지 고통스러운 VOE로 연속적으로 입원한 SCD(모든 겸상 유전자형)를 가진 모든 어린이와 ACS의 증거는 포함되지 않았습니다. [20] 7%) IIPT에 연속으로 합격했습니다. [21] 6% 여성) 2011년에서 2015년 사이에 연속적으로 3차 요양원에 입원했습니다. [22] 결과 표본은 이탈리아 로마의 청소년 정신과 병동에 연속적으로 입원한 58명의 이탈리아 청소년으로 구성되었습니다. [23] 방법론: 이것은 2년 동안 나이지리아의 3차 병원 어린이 응급실에 연속적으로 입원한 10세에서 19세 사이의 모든 청소년에 대한 전향적 연구였습니다. [24] 재료 및 방법 이 후향적 분석에서 우리는 ACS 및 동반 AF가 있는 환자에 대한 레지스트리 데이터를 사용했으며, S. [25] 행동 양식 2006년 1월부터 2018년 6월까지 연속적으로 우리 병원에 입원한 IDA와 관련된 CVST를 가진 18명의 환자가 우리 연구에서 선택되었습니다. [26] 경증(n = 26), 중등도(n = 3) 또는 중증(n = 7) TBI로 어린이 병원에 연속적으로 입원한 8세. [27] VS(N = 159) 또는 MCS(N = 57)의 환자(N = 216)가 심각한 무산소(n = 71), 혈관(n = 96) 또는 외상 후 1-3개월 이내에 신경 재활 병동에 연속적으로 입원했습니다. (n = 49) 뇌 손상. [28] 방법: 이 연구는 선택적 관상동맥 조영술을 위해 연속적으로 입원한 1460명의 환자를 등록했습니다. [29] 디자인 2010년 4월부터 2016년 9월까지 C1에서 L1까지 외상성 척수 손상을 입고 단일 레벨 1 척수 손상 전문 외상 센터에 연속적으로 입원한 195명의 전향적 코호트가 연구되었습니다. [30] 방법 이 연구는 2010년 1월과 2011년 7월 사이에 연속적으로 심장 재활에 입원한 NYHA class IIIB(최근 휴식 시 호흡곤란 병력이 있는 증상)에 있는 심부전이 있는 314명의 노인(65세 이상) 환자를 등록했습니다. [31] 5% 남성; 평균 연령 50세), 스페인 바르셀로나 수도권에 있는 2개의 3차 병원에서 알코올 해독 치료를 위해 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [32]
intensive care unit 중환자 실
Retrospective analysis was conducted for all newborns consecutively admitted at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Chongqing Health Center for Women and Children, who underwent PICC insertion between May 2011 and March 2018. [1] The aim of our prospective study was, therefore, to investigate the global coagulative profile of patients with complex coagulopathies—as is the case in sepsis—via a novel Rotation ThromboElastoMetry (ROTEM®—Tem International GmbH, München, Germany) index coined ThromboDynamic Index (TDI) in a group of patients consecutively admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Padua University Hospital with a diagnosis of severe sepsis [5]. [2] Methods: All patients aged over 65 years consecutively admitted to the two participating cardiology intensive care units were enrolled. [3] Method: The study sample was selected among never depressed patients who were consecutively admitted to the Coronary Intensive Care Unit, from January 2009 to March 2012, for the first ACS. [4] Method We conducted a retrospective review of the medical records of 413 children consecutively admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU) in one year at a single center. [5] We enrolled 80 sepsis patients consecutively admitted to an intensive care unit through the emergency department and 80 healthy control patients who received routine health check-ups from August 2018 to January 2019. [6] MethodsA prospective observational cohort study that included all adult patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) due to an ischemic stroke in the anterior cerebral circulation and following an IAMT intervention, between 2010 and 2015. [7] The study included 313 patients aged ≥18 years with severe sepsis and septic shock consecutively admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the University Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. [8] We analyzed 670 patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care unit of an academic tertiary-care hospital. [9] We conducted a retrospective evaluation of consecutively admitted adult patients who had an intensive care unit stay ≥8 days after ≥20% total body surface area burns. [10] Materials and Methods: This prospective cohort study included 31 non-cardiac patients who were consecutively admitted to the intensive care units of Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital, Tehran, Iran, in 2016. [11] Method: A retrospective analysis was conducted using the medical records of 89 infants born to Syrian immigrants and 89 infants born to native Turkish mothers who were consecutively admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of our hospital between 2015 and 2019. [12]2011년 5월에서 2018년 3월 사이에 PICC 삽입을 받은 Chongqing Health Center for Women and Children의 신생아 집중 치료실(NICU)에 연속적으로 입원한 모든 신생아를 대상으로 후향적 분석을 수행했습니다. [1] 따라서 우리의 전향적 연구의 목적은 새로운 Rotation ThromboElastoMetry(ROTEM®—Tem International GmbH, München, Germany) 지수로 만들어진 ThromboDynamic Index를 통해 패혈증의 경우와 같이 복합 응고병증이 있는 환자의 전반적인 응고 프로파일을 조사하는 것이었습니다. (TDI) 중증 패혈증 진단을 받아 파도바 대학 병원 중환자실(ICU)에 연속적으로 입원한 환자 그룹 [5]. [2] nan [3] nan [4] 방법 우리는 단일 센터에서 1년 동안 소아심장중환자실(Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, PCICU)에 연속적으로 입원한 413명의 소아의 의무기록을 후향적으로 검토하였다. [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12]
prospective observational study 전향적 관찰 연구
METHODS This is a prospective observational study of near-term infants who were consecutively admitted with sudden unexpected postnatal collapse in two neonatal intensive care units during a nine-year period. [1] MethodsThis is a prospective observational study of all aneurysmal SAH patients consecutively admitted to a single center between January 2016 and February 2017. [2] Methods It is a multicenter, prospective observational study, enrolling patients aged over 40, suffering from at least two chronic diseases and consecutively admitted to Internal Medicine departments. [3] A total of 200 older individuals, who were consecutively admitted to a geriatric acute care ward, participated in this prospective observational study. [4] Design A prospective observational study was carried out in 18 patients consecutively admitted to the ICU after out-of-hospital non-recovered cardiac arrest (CA). [5]행동 양식 이것은 9년 동안 2개의 신생아 중환자실에 갑작스런 산후 허탈로 연속적으로 입원한 가까운 만삭아에 대한 전향적 관찰 연구입니다. [1] 방법이것은 2016년 1월과 2017년 2월 사이에 단일 센터에 연속적으로 입원한 모든 동맥류 SAH 환자에 대한 전향적 관찰 연구입니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5]
cross sectional study 횡단면 연구
Methods A total of 55 patients who were consecutively admitted to West China Hospital of Sichuan University from 2016 to 2019 and subsequently diagnosed with probable MSA were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. [1] v2 criteria to a subset of 100 consecutively admitted geriatric patients selected from our original cross-sectional study of 302 patients. [2] Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted including all patients consecutively admitted with stroke symptoms to Burgos University Hospital (Burgos, Spain). [3] Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study was carried out in Gandaki Medical College Teaching Hospital and Fewa City Hospital from Jan 1, 2016 to Dec 31, 2018 on consecutively admitted patients with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis with study variables as demography, Alvarado score, radiological/laboratory investigations, surgical management, histopathology, and clinical outcome. [4]방법 2016년부터 2019년까지 쓰촨대학교 중국서병원에 연속적으로 입원한 후 MSA 가능성이 있는 진단을 받은 총 55명의 환자가 이 횡단면 연구에 등록되었습니다. [1] v2 기준을 302명의 환자에 대한 최초의 단면 연구에서 선택한 100명의 연속 입원한 노인 환자의 하위 집합에 적용했습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4]
retrospective cohort study 후향적 코호트 연구
Methods: This retrospective cohort study evaluated patients consecutively admitted to the Medical-Surgical ICU at the Medical University of South Carolina between October 2017 and June 2018. [1] METHODS retrospective cohort study examining acutely ill older adults aged +60 years and consecutively admitted to the geriatric ward of a tertiary university hospital from 2010 to 2016. [2] 0396), we performed a retrospective cohort study of ischemic stroke patients consecutively admitted to our hospital in the years 2013-14 and 2017-18 (n = 1479). [3]방법: 이 후향적 코호트 연구는 2017년 10월부터 2018년 6월까지 사우스캐롤라이나 의과대학 의료-외과 중환자실에 연속적으로 입원한 환자를 평가했습니다. [1] 행동 양식 2010년부터 2016년까지 60세 이상 급성 질환을 앓고 있는 중등노인을 대상으로 한 대학병원 노인병동에 연속적으로 입원한 후향적 코호트 연구. [2] nan [3]
retrospective observational study 후향적 관찰 연구
Methods This was a retrospective observational study of 292 advanced cancer patients consecutively admitted at Carpi Hospital in Modena, Italy, between 2014 and 2017. [1] This retrospective observational study was performed on acute poisoning patients who visited to the emergency department (ED) and were consecutively admitted in intensive care units over 18-month period. [2] METHODS Our retrospective observational study included 101 adults supported on VV ECMO from 2009 to 2016, consecutively admitted at our ECMO referral Center in Florence (Italy). [3]방법 본 연구는 2014년에서 2017년 사이에 이탈리아 모데나에 있는 Carpi 병원에 연속적으로 입원한 292명의 진행성 암 환자를 대상으로 한 후향적 관찰 연구입니다. [1] 이 후향적 관찰 연구는 응급실(ED)을 방문하고 18개월 동안 중환자실에 연속적으로 입원한 급성 중독 환자에 대해 수행되었습니다. [2] nan [3]
Patient Consecutively Admitted 환자 연속 입원
METHODS A total of 138 alcoholic patients consecutively admitted to hospital underwent a panel of allergy tests that included serum total IgE, a multiallergen IgE test (UniCAP Phadiatop), and skin prick tests to relevant aeroallergens in the area, which were considered the standard reference for atopy. [1] Methods A prospective longitudinal observational study was conducted on patients consecutively admitted to the Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Units of “San Gennaro dei Poveri” Hospital in Naples, Italy. [2] MethodsUsing a cross-sectional design, patients consecutively admitted with a CHD to one of the four main hospitals in Nablus, Palestine, were interviewed using a structured questionnaire with validated instruments. [3] All adult patients consecutively admitted to the ICU with an expected stay longer than 24 hours were included, for whom clinical examination was conducted and cardiac function was estimated. [4] The aim of our prospective study was, therefore, to investigate the global coagulative profile of patients with complex coagulopathies—as is the case in sepsis—via a novel Rotation ThromboElastoMetry (ROTEM®—Tem International GmbH, München, Germany) index coined ThromboDynamic Index (TDI) in a group of patients consecutively admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Padua University Hospital with a diagnosis of severe sepsis [5]. [5] Prospective study involving adult patients consecutively admitted at medical wards for CAP and tested for VRTIs by real-time PCR on pharyngeal swab. [6] A sample of 2,190 patients consecutively admitted (from July to December 2014) in four inpatient units (two medical, two surgical) of a 1,547-bed university hospital were enrolled for the study. [7] Methods The clinical charts of RA patients consecutively admitted to 4 Italian centres for their 1st visit from November 1, 2000, to December 31, 2015, and followed up till December 2016 were retrospectively investigated for the incidence of CV events. [8] MethodA cohort of 1405 patients consecutively admitted to a Swedish detoxification unit for substance use disorders in 1970–1995 was followed-up for 42 years. [9] Patients: Severe respiratory failure patients consecutively admitted and supported with veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation between January 2010 and December 2015. [10] In 94 chest pain patients consecutively admitted to Parma University Hospital, we tested the diagnostic performance of flow-cytometric detection of PKCepsilon expressing platelets in discriminating AMI vs. [11] We retrospectively analyzed data of patients consecutively admitted to our Stroke Unit along 1 year (2017, November 1st–2018, October 31st). [12] Methods: This retrospective cohort study evaluated patients consecutively admitted to the Medical-Surgical ICU at the Medical University of South Carolina between October 2017 and June 2018. [13] The authors tested whether selected EKG changes (namely, peaked T waves, T wave maximum amplitude, T wave-to-R wave maximum amplitude ratio) predicted potassium levels and hyperkalemia in a retrospective cohort of 149 patients consecutively admitted for AKI to a renal ICU. [14] Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of patients consecutively admitted to a tertiary care centre between 2013 and 2015 due to IS or transient ischaemic attack with permanent AFl or permanent or persistent AF was performed. [15] MethodsThis cross-sectional hospital-based study was conducted on patients consecutively admitted with a new or existing cardiac diagnosis to one of the four main hospitals in Nablus, Palestine over an eight-month period. [16] Patients consecutively admitted for clinically indicated elective 24-hour invasive intracranial pressure monitoring had ophthalmic review including infrared video recording of their spontaneous venous pulsation. [17] METHODS Our series consisted of 576 older patients consecutively admitted to seven geriatric and internal medicine acute care wards in the context of a prospective multicenter observational study. [18] We prospectively included patients consecutively admitted for LT in a one-year follow-up study. [19] Participants (N = 239) were patients consecutively admitted into a psychodynamic group-psychotherapy day treatment program for people with personality disorders. [20] We enrolled 80 sepsis patients consecutively admitted to an intensive care unit through the emergency department and 80 healthy control patients who received routine health check-ups from August 2018 to January 2019. [21] Three hundred fifty-one patients consecutively admitted to the Department of Neurology were asked to complete the “Questionnaire of Lifestyle” (part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition project). [22] MethodsA prospective observational cohort study that included all adult patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) due to an ischemic stroke in the anterior cerebral circulation and following an IAMT intervention, between 2010 and 2015. [23] Methods We reviewed the clinical, laboratory features and outcomes of all adult patients consecutively admitted in our center between 08/2011 and 08/2017 presenting with liver histology showing sinusoidal hemophagocytosis and of critically ill patients presenting with severe liver disease in whom hemophagocytosis was histologically confirmed. [24] Methods This was a retrospective observational study of 292 advanced cancer patients consecutively admitted at Carpi Hospital in Modena, Italy, between 2014 and 2017. [25] MethodsRetrospective study in 31 adult patients consecutively admitted to the BMTU. [26] Algorithms were externally validated in an independent cohort of 200 patients consecutively admitted in a Swiss hospital for CAP suspicion. [27] Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out in adult patients consecutively admitted to the Stroke Unit of University Hospital Tuebingen, between July 2017 and December 2018. [28] Patients and methods We retrospectively studied the impact of a predocumented psychiatric diagnosis (PDPD) on stroke severity, short-term functional outcome, and psychiatric complications in a sample of 798 patients consecutively admitted for acute ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke by performing a chart review. [29] Electronic medical records of 400 patients consecutively admitted to Abarbanel Mental Health Center from 2012 to 2014 for psychosis, and remained hospitalized for at least 2 weeks were evaluated. [30] We analyzed 670 patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care unit of an academic tertiary-care hospital. [31] PARTICIPANTS 121 patients consecutively admitted to an internal medicine and geriatrics department for AE-COPD. [32] MethodsThis is a prospective observational study of all aneurysmal SAH patients consecutively admitted to a single center between January 2016 and February 2017. [33] METHODS We retrospectively evaluated all patients consecutively admitted to the IRU from August 2012 to December 2016. [34] OBJECTIVES To evaluate a noninvasive hemoglobin measurement device in an orthopaedic trauma population DESIGN:: Prospective SETTING:: Level 1 trauma centerPatients/Participants: 105 patients consecutively admitted to the orthopaedic trauma service after surgical treatment of fracture INTERVENTION:: Transcutaneous hemoglobin (TcHgb) monitoring using the Masimo Pronto Pulse CO-Oximeter® model with Rainbow® SET® Technology for spot TcHgb measurement MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS:: TcHgb measurements and standard venipuncture hemoglobin (vHgb) were obtained. [35] Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted including all patients consecutively admitted with stroke symptoms to Burgos University Hospital (Burgos, Spain). [36] Methods Of ischemic stroke patients consecutively admitted in the Department of Neurology, West China Hospital between January 2010 and December 2017, we included patients with anterior circulation stroke, early signs of brain edema on computed tomography within 24 h of onset, and admission National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score ≥ 8. [37] RESULTS Data from patients consecutively admitted to a weaning unit were prospectively collected between 2005 and 2018. [38] METHODS We retrospectively reviewed data for patients consecutively admitted with a diagnosis of CPPD in the rheumatology department of Lariboisière hospital in Paris, France over 5 years by using a standardized protocol and electronic case report forms. [39] Methods: Cirrhotic patients consecutively admitted between January 2010 and June 2014 were considered in a retrospective study. [40] Since systematic data from real clinical environments are scarce, a few months ago we started a psychological screening on the patients consecutively admitted in a cardiologic hospital in the north of Italy. [41] In a prospective study on 600 older patients consecutively admitted with ACS to a tertiary centre, the authors found that 29% had cognitive impairment already present on admission, of whom 153 (25. [42] We prospectively collected data on surgical patients consecutively admitted to the ICU during the study period. [43] Material and methods We included ≥80 years’ old patients consecutively admitted from March to July 2018 in an Acute Geriatric Unit (81 beds) of a University Hospital. [44] Material and methods Cross-sectional observational study of over 75 years’ old patients consecutively admitted to an acute geriatric unit in a third-level hospital. [45] Methods Our series consisted of 795 older patients consecutively admitted to 7 geriatric and internal medicine acute care wards. [46] ResultsWhen tested on 1,266 acutely ill patients consecutively admitted to a low-resource Ugandan hospital there was no statistical difference in the performance of any of the EWS tested. [47] 0396), we performed a retrospective cohort study of ischemic stroke patients consecutively admitted to our hospital in the years 2013-14 and 2017-18 (n = 1479). [48] Material and methods Cross-sectional observational study of over 75 years’ old patients consecutively admitted to an Acute Geriatric Unit in a third-level hospital. [49] All adult CNCP patients consecutively admitted to their first consultation were recruited. [50]행동 양식 연속적으로 입원한 총 138명의 알코올 중독 환자를 대상으로 혈청 총 IgE, 다알레르겐 IgE 검사(UniCAP Phadiatop) 및 아토피의 표준 기준으로 간주되는 해당 지역의 관련 공기 알레르기 항원에 대한 피부단자 검사를 포함한 알레르기 검사 패널을 받았습니다. . [1] 방법 이탈리아 나폴리에 있는 "San Gennaro dei Poveri" 병원의 심장 및 심장 재활 병동에 연속적으로 입원한 환자를 대상으로 전향적 종단 관찰 연구를 수행했습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] 따라서 우리의 전향적 연구의 목적은 새로운 Rotation ThromboElastoMetry(ROTEM®—Tem International GmbH, München, Germany) 지수로 만들어진 ThromboDynamic Index를 통해 패혈증의 경우와 같이 복합 응고병증이 있는 환자의 전반적인 응고 프로파일을 조사하는 것이었습니다. (TDI) 중증 패혈증 진단을 받아 파도바 대학 병원 중환자실(ICU)에 연속적으로 입원한 환자 그룹 [5]. [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] 방법: 이 후향적 코호트 연구는 2017년 10월부터 2018년 6월까지 사우스캐롤라이나 의과대학 의료-외과 중환자실에 연속적으로 입원한 환자를 평가했습니다. [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21] nan [22] nan [23] nan [24] 방법 본 연구는 2014년에서 2017년 사이에 이탈리아 모데나에 있는 Carpi 병원에 연속적으로 입원한 292명의 진행성 암 환자를 대상으로 한 후향적 관찰 연구입니다. [25] nan [26] nan [27] nan [28] nan [29] nan [30] nan [31] nan [32] 방법이것은 2016년 1월과 2017년 2월 사이에 단일 센터에 연속적으로 입원한 모든 동맥류 SAH 환자에 대한 전향적 관찰 연구입니다. [33] nan [34] nan [35] nan [36] nan [37] nan [38] nan [39] nan [40] nan [41] nan [42] nan [43] nan [44] nan [45] nan [46] nan [47] nan [48] nan [49] nan [50]
Child Consecutively Admitted 연속입학 아동
Method We conducted a retrospective review of the medical records of 413 children consecutively admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU) in one year at a single center. [1] Patients Children consecutively admitted to study PICUs. [2] We retrospectively included children consecutively admitted to a physical medicine and rehabilitation department between 1992 and 2015 following childhood stroke (age at stroke 1 month to15 years). [3]방법 우리는 단일 센터에서 1년 동안 소아심장중환자실(Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, PCICU)에 연속적으로 입원한 413명의 소아의 의무기록을 후향적으로 검토하였다. [1] 환자 PICU 연구에 연속적으로 입원한 어린이. [2] nan [3]
Subject Consecutively Admitted 과목 연속 인정
Methods: This is a retrospective study, including 237 subjects consecutively admitted to an acute care geriatric unit, with available data of 25(OH)D serum concentrations. [1] We studied 70 functionally independent subjects consecutively admitted to our institution after a first episode of IS. [2] Methods We enrolled 195 PD subjects consecutively admitted to a university geriatric day hospital. [3]방법: 이것은 25(OH)D 혈청 농도의 사용 가능한 데이터와 함께 급성기 노인병동에 연속적으로 입원한 237명의 피험자를 포함하는 후향적 연구입니다. [1] 우리는 IS의 첫 번째 에피소드 이후에 우리 기관에 연속적으로 입학한 70개의 기능적으로 독립적인 주제를 연구했습니다. [2] nan [3]
Fracture Consecutively Admitted 골절 연속 인정
One hundred ninety-one patients with acute hip fracture consecutively admitted to an orthopaedic hospital have been selected. [1] One hundred ninety-one patients with acute hip fracture consecutively admitted to an orthopaedic hospital have been selected. [2]급성 고관절 골절로 정형 외과 병원에 연속적으로 입원 한 191 명의 환자가 선택되었습니다. [1] 급성 고관절 골절로 정형 외과 병원에 연속적으로 입원 한 191 명의 환자가 선택되었습니다. [2]
100 Consecutively Admitted 100 연속 합격
Results The study included 100 consecutively admitted patients (40 female) with mean age 59. [1] v2 criteria to a subset of 100 consecutively admitted geriatric patients selected from our original cross-sectional study of 302 patients. [2]결과 이 연구에는 평균 연령이 59세인 연속 입원 환자 100명(여성 40명)이 포함되었습니다. [1] v2 기준을 302명의 환자에 대한 최초의 단면 연구에서 선택한 100명의 연속 입원한 노인 환자의 하위 집합에 적용했습니다. [2]
Injury Consecutively Admitted 부상 연속 인정
Postoperative patients with brain injury consecutively admitted to ICU from November 1st, 2015 through February 28th, 2017, who had received invasive mechanical ventilation more than 48 h were screened, those who received NIV or tracheotomy procedure, meanwhile with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score between 8 and 13 points before using NIV or undergoing tracheotomy, were retrospectively included in this study. [1] POPULATION Seventy-two subjects with upper-limb peripheral nerve injury consecutively admitted for outpatient assessment and rehabilitation. [2]2015년 11월 1일부터 2017년 2월 28일까지 중환자실에 연속적으로 입원한 뇌 손상 수술 후 환자 중 48시간 이상 침습적 기계 환기를 받은 환자 중 NIV 또는 기관절개술을 받은 환자를 대상으로 Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS) 점수를 적용했습니다. NIV를 사용하거나 기관절개술을 받기 전의 8~13점을 이 연구에 후향적으로 포함했습니다. [1] 인구 상지 말초 신경 손상이 있는 72명의 대상자가 외래 평가 및 재활을 위해 연속적으로 입원했습니다. [2]
Pain Consecutively Admitted 고통을 연속적으로 인정
Adults with chronic pain consecutively admitted to an outpatient pain rehabilitation program were recruited for study participation (N = 298). [1] Adults with chronic pain consecutively admitted to an outpatient pain rehabilitation program who met inclusion criteria and were receiving daily opioid therapy were recruited for study participation (N = 142). [2]외래 환자 통증 재활 프로그램에 연속적으로 입원한 만성 통증이 있는 성인이 연구 참여를 위해 모집되었습니다(N = 298). [1] 포함 기준을 충족하고 매일 아편유사제 치료를 받고 있는 외래 환자 통증 재활 프로그램에 연속적으로 입원한 만성 통증이 있는 성인이 연구 참여를 위해 모집되었습니다(N = 142). [2]
Stroke Consecutively Admitted 뇌졸중 연속 인정
Patients with a cerebral stroke consecutively admitted in 2010–2018 to our stroke center, general hospitalbased and operating as a comprehensive stroke unit, were included in the study. [1] METHODS We used data from 2223 patients with acute stroke consecutively admitted to an Italian Stroke Unit (SU) between 2010 and 2015. [2]2010-2018년에 뇌졸중 센터에 연속적으로 입원한 뇌성 뇌졸중 환자가 연구에 포함되었습니다. [1] 행동 양식 우리는 2010년과 2015년 사이에 이탈리아 뇌졸중 병동(SU)에 연속적으로 입원한 급성 뇌졸중 환자 2223명의 데이터를 사용했습니다. [2]
consecutively admitted patient 연속 입원 환자
PATIENTS AND METHODS Current medications of consecutively admitted patients were analyzed, based on clinical judgment on the first palliative medicine specialists appointment. [1] The sample consisted of 65 consecutively admitted patients 60 years or older, experiencing PMD, and assessed by means of Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-4 (Patient Edition), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), and by a physical impairment rating scale. [2] Results The study included 100 consecutively admitted patients (40 female) with mean age 59. [3] Methods A retrospective study based on medical record analysis of consecutively admitted patients to 9 wards of The University Clinical Center in Katowice who were hospitalized during four consecutive years was performed. [4] PATIENTS A cohort of consecutively admitted patients meeting the following criteria for preventive isolation according to the "Zero Resistance" project: hospital length of stay>4 days in the last three months ("hospital"); antibiotherapy during one week in the last month ("antibiotic"); institutionalized patients or recurrent contact with healthcare ("institution or care"); MRM carrier in the last 6 months ("previous MRM"). [5] Results Among 731 consecutively admitted patients, 677 were eligible for treatment and were followed for a maximum 2 years. [6] Methods We collected blood samples from 600 consecutively admitted patients at our tertiary hospital and analysed the relationship between uric acid levels and functional prognosis (measured using the modified Rankin Scale [mRS]). [7] 1111 consecutively admitted patients with muscular side effects on statin monotherapy were included during a 4-year period. [8] RESULTS In 699 consecutively admitted patients AKI occurred in 13. [9] METHODS In a sample of 574 consecutively admitted patients, depression (64. [10] Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study was carried out in Gandaki Medical College Teaching Hospital and Fewa City Hospital from Jan 1, 2016 to Dec 31, 2018 on consecutively admitted patients with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis with study variables as demography, Alvarado score, radiological/laboratory investigations, surgical management, histopathology, and clinical outcome. [11] Patients: Consecutively admitted patients who developed stress hyperglycemia and survived to hospital discharge were eligible. [12]환자 및 방법 첫 번째 완화의학 전문의 임명에 대한 임상적 판단을 바탕으로 연속 입원 환자의 현재 약물을 분석하였다. [1] 샘플은 PMD를 경험하고 연속적으로 입원한 60세 이상의 환자 65명으로 구성되었으며 DSM-4(환자판), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Mini-Mental Status Examination(MMSE)에 대한 구조화된 임상 인터뷰를 통해 평가되었습니다. 신체 장애 등급 척도. [2] 결과 이 연구에는 평균 연령이 59세인 연속 입원 환자 100명(여성 40명)이 포함되었습니다. [3] 행동 양식 카토비체 소재 대학임상센터 9개 병동에 연속입원한 환자 중 4년 연속 입원한 환자를 대상으로 의무기록 분석을 기반으로 한 후향적 연구를 수행하였다. [4] 환자 "저항 제로" 프로젝트에 따른 예방적 격리에 대한 다음 기준을 충족하는 연속 입원 환자 집단: 병원 입원 기간 > 지난 3개월 동안 4일("병원"); 지난 달의 1주일 동안의 항생제("항생제"); 시설에 수용된 환자 또는 의료 기관과의 반복적인 접촉("기관 또는 치료"), 지난 6개월 동안의 MRM 이동통신사("이전 MRM"). [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] 환자: 스트레스 고혈당이 발생하고 병원 퇴원까지 살아남은 연속 입원 환자가 대상이었습니다. [12]
consecutively admitted adult 연속입원 성인
Within a single, urban academic medical center, consecutively admitted adult cardiac surgery patients were included in the pre- and postintervention groups; only those receiving elective procedures were included. [1] METHOD A total of 707 consecutively admitted adult patients with a broad spectrum of mental disorders (ICD-10: F2-F6, F8-F9, Z) experiencing crises that necessitated immediate admission to hospital, were randomly allocated to either a service model including a home treatment alternative to hospital care (experimental group) or a conventional service model that lacked a home treatment alternative to in-patient care (control group) (trial registration at ClinicalTrials. [2] We conducted a retrospective evaluation of consecutively admitted adult patients who had an intensive care unit stay ≥8 days after ≥20% total body surface area burns. [3]단일 도시 학술 의료 센터 내에서 연속적으로 입원한 성인 심장 수술 환자는 중재 전 및 후 그룹에 포함되었습니다. 선택 절차를 받는 사람들만 포함되었습니다. [1] 방법 광범위한 정신 장애(ICD-10: F2-F6, F8-F9, Z)로 연속 입원한 성인 환자 중 즉각적인 병원 입원이 필요한 위기를 겪고 있는 총 707명의 성인 환자가 가정을 포함한 서비스 모델 중 하나에 무작위로 할당되었습니다. 병원 치료에 대한 치료 대안(실험 그룹) 또는 입원 환자 치료에 대한 가정 치료 대안이 없는 기존 서비스 모델(대조군)(ClinicalTrials에서 시험 등록. [2] nan [3]
consecutively admitted critically 연속적으로 크리티컬 인정
MethodsThe sample included consecutively admitted critically ill adults, mechanically ventilated for at least 72 h and fed enterally for a minimum of 48 h. [1] Study Selection: Studies reporting on the prevalence of IAH in consecutively admitted critically ill patients using the World Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (WSACS) consensus guidelines for intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) measurement. [2]방법 샘플에는 연속적으로 입원한 위독한 성인이 포함되었으며, 최소 72 시간 동안 기계적으로 환기되고 최소 48시간 동안 경장영양을 받았습니다. [1] 연구 선택: 복강 내 압력(IAP) 측정에 대한 세계 복부 구획 증후군 학회(WSACS) 합의 지침을 사용하여 연속적으로 입원한 중환자에서 IAH의 유병률에 대해 보고하는 연구. [2]
consecutively admitted inpatient 연속입원
Consecutively admitted inpatients were assessed before discharge from the hospital using the Specific Loss of Interest and Pleasure Scale (SLIPS) and a battery of measures for clinical and psychosocial variables. [1] Within this naturalistic study, 5,481 consecutively admitted inpatients completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI‐II) at admission and at discharge. [2]연속적으로 입원한 입원 환자는 병원에서 퇴원하기 전에 SLIPS(특정 흥미 상실 척도)와 일련의 임상 및 심리사회적 변수를 사용하여 평가되었습니다. [1] 이 자연주의적 연구 내에서 연속적으로 입원한 5,481명의 입원 환자가 입원 및 퇴원 시 피츠버그 수면의 질 지수(PSQI)와 벡 우울증 목록(BDI-II)을 완료했습니다. [2]