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Spatio-temporal Modeling for Large-scale Vehicular Networks Using Graph Convolutional Networks

Edge Caching for Content Sharing in Vehicular Networks: Technical Challenges, Existing Approaches, and Future Directions

Connected Vehicular sentence examples within connected vehicular system

Connected Cruise Control Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming Considering Inertial Delay

Secure estimation for intelligent connected vehicle systems against sensor attacks

Connected Vehicular sentence examples within connected vehicular platoon

Event-Driven Connected Vehicular Platoon Control With Mixed Time-Varying Delay

Control design and stability analysis of homogeneous traffic flow under time delay: A new spacing policy

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Connected Vehicular sentence examples within connected vehicular ad

Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: A Performance Evaluation

Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Based Road Condition Monitoring With Source Authentication in VANETs

Optimal Distribution of Workloads in Cloud-Fog Architecture in Intelligent Vehicular Networks

Spatio-temporal Modeling for Large-scale Vehicular Networks Using Graph Convolutional Networks

Edge Caching for Content Sharing in Vehicular Networks: Technical Challenges, Existing Approaches, and Future Directions

434 MHz Environmentally Safe Monitoring Schema for Vehicular Network by AI-ML-IoT Technologies

Methodology for Hazard Identification and Mitigation Strategies Applied to an Overtaking Assistant ADAS

A scalable blockchain based trust management in VANET routing protocol

Event-Driven Connected Vehicular Platoon Control With Mixed Time-Varying Delay

R-DRA: a replication-based distributed randomized algorithm for data dissemination in connected vehicular networks

Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: A Performance Evaluation

Proof-of-Concept of a SDN Based mmWave V2X Network for Safe Automated Driving

Connected Cruise Control Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming Considering Inertial Delay

Secure estimation for intelligent connected vehicle systems against sensor attacks

Congestion control vs. link failure: TCP behavior in mmWave connected vehicular networks

A Blockchain-Based Architecture for Traffic Signal Control Systems

Collaborative Localization for Occluded Objects in Connected Vehicular Platform

The Emergence of Mobility Inequality in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia : A Socio-Spatial Analysis of Path Dependencies in Transport-Land Use Policies

Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Based Road Condition Monitoring With Source Authentication in VANETs

Guest Editorial: Soft Computing Applications for Novel and Upcoming Distributed and Parallel Systems From Cloud Computing and Beyond

Network Driven Performance Analysis in Connected Vehicular Networks

UAV-Assisted Data Dissemination with Proactive Caching and File Sharing in V2X Networks

TrustVote: Privacy-Preserving Node Ranking in Vehicular Networks

Control design and stability analysis of homogeneous traffic flow under time delay: A new spacing policy

A geographical segment architecture for connected vehicle networks

A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles

Application Level Performance Measurements of Multi-Connectivity Options in Cellular Networks for Vehicular Scenarios

An Efficient Handover Trigger Scheme for Vehicular Networks Using Recurrent Neural Networks

Fog-Enabled Cooperative Offloading for Intermittently Connected Vehicular Networks

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Connected Vehicular 커넥티드 차량

Connected Vehicular 커넥티드 차량
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