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Confined Fusion sentence examples within Magnetically Confined Fusion

Overview of C-2W: high temperature, steady-state beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasmas

Fiber-optic silicon Fabry-Perot interferometric bolometer with improved detection limit for magnetic confinement fusion.

Confined Fusion sentence examples within Inertial Confined Fusion

A novel algorithm to improve image reconstruction quality for 2D streak camera

Theoretical study of boundary instability due to internal medium perturbations

Confined Fusion sentence examples within Magnetic Confined Fusion

Study of the Design and Assembly of a High Harmonic Fast Wave Antenna for an LAPD

Surface production of negative ions from pulse-biased nitrogen doped diamond within a low-pressure deuterium plasma

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Confined Fusion sentence examples within confined fusion device

A next generation ultra short pulse reflectometry (USPR) diagnostic.

Study of the Design and Assembly of a High Harmonic Fast Wave Antenna for an LAPD

Confined Fusion sentence examples within confined fusion plasma

Trapped upper hybrid waves as eigenmodes of non-monotonic background density profiles

Properties of the 90° cylindrical energy analyzer with internal deceleration of the beam in real conditions of operation

Confined Fusion sentence examples within confined fusion research

On-line micro GC testing of protium analysis in DT fuels from TCAP products

Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Rare-Earth Elements in LHD Plasmas

Confined Fusion sentence examples within confined fusion problem

A K–L model with improved realizability for turbulent mixing

Application of the extreme scaling computing pattern on multiscale fusion plasma modelling

Overview of C-2W: high temperature, steady-state beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasmas

Fiber-optic silicon Fabry-Perot interferometric bolometer with improved detection limit for magnetic confinement fusion.

Trapped upper hybrid waves as eigenmodes of non-monotonic background density profiles

A next generation ultra short pulse reflectometry (USPR) diagnostic.

A novel algorithm to improve image reconstruction quality for 2D streak camera

Properties of the 90° cylindrical energy analyzer with internal deceleration of the beam in real conditions of operation

Characterization of signals for a Divertor Tokamak Test facility interferometer/polarimeter system.

Theoretical study of boundary instability due to internal medium perturbations

Study of the Design and Assembly of a High Harmonic Fast Wave Antenna for an LAPD

In situ study of short-term retention of deuterium in tungsten during and after plasma exposure in PSI-2

Multichannel Fiber-Optic Silicon Fabry–Pérot Interferometric Bolometer System for Plasma Radiation Measurements

Suppression of first-wall interaction in negative triangularity plasmas on TCV

Neutron radiation hardness of aluminum gallium nitride UV LEDs at various wavelengths.

Experimental study on tritium breeding in water-cooled ceramic breeder blanket mock-up under D–T neutron irradiation conditions

Polarization of Lyman-α Line Due to the Anisotropy of Electron Collisions in a Plasma

A K–L model with improved realizability for turbulent mixing

Symmetry breaking driving spontaneous plasma rotation in tokamak fusion devices

Robust analysis of space-, time-, and energy-resolved soft x-ray measurements of magnetically confined fusion plasmas (invited).

Surface production of negative ions from pulse-biased nitrogen doped diamond within a low-pressure deuterium plasma

RF wave propagation simulation for ICRF antenna in EAST

GITR: An accelerated global scale particle tracking code for wall material erosion and redistribution in fusion relevant plasma-material interactions

Design of NbN Based Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Polarimetric Plasma Diagnostics

On Ohm’s law in reduced plasma fluid models

Importance of gyrokinetic exact Fokker-Planck collisions in fusion plasma turbulence.

On-line micro GC testing of protium analysis in DT fuels from TCAP products

Electron temperature optimization for efficient water-window soft x-ray emission from discharge-produced highly charged zirconium ions

Design and development of the ITER CTS diagnostic

Measuring the plasma composition in tokamaks with metallic plasma-facing components

First Implementation of Gyrokinetic Exact Linearized Landau Collision Operator and Comparison with Models

Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Rare-Earth Elements in LHD Plasmas

Assessment of ECH stray radiation levels at the W7-X Michelson Interferometer and Profile Reflectometer

Polarization Stark spectroscopy for spatially resolved measurements of electric fields in the sheaths of ICRF antenna.

Ion cyclotron emission driven by axis-encircling energetic ions

Thomson scattering near the high-fluence target surface of the Magnum-PSI linear plasma generator

Synthetic conventional reflectometry probing of edge and scrape-off layer plasma turbulence

Efficient high-order singular quadrature schemes in magnetic fusion

Technical upgrade and first tests of the experimental device for quasi-2D turbulent electrolyte flow experiment

Application of the extreme scaling computing pattern on multiscale fusion plasma modelling

Facile fabrication of hollow nanoporous gold tubes using a near-net shaping method

Millimeter-wave beam scattering by edge-plasma density fluctuations in TCV

Propagation of circularly polarized laser in strongly magnetized over-dense collisional plasma

Advances in experimental research towards high confinement and steady state operation on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak

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Confined Fusion 제한된 융합

Confined Fusion 제한된 융합
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