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Concave Surfaces sentence examples within Small Concave Surfaces

Ultra-precision grinding machine design and application in grinding the thin-walled complex component with small ball-end diamond wheel

Configuration design and accuracy analysis of special grinding machine for thin-walled small concave surfaces

Growth and survival performance of the West African mangrove oyster, Crassostrea tulipa cultivated by suspension and bottom culture methods in the Densu Estuary, Ghana

Curved Surface Minijet Impingement Phenomena Analysed with ζ-f Turbulence Model

Enhanced γ-phase crystallinity of Al2O3 frameworks at the concave surface of PS-b-PEO templated spherical pores.

Torsional fracture of viscoelastic liquid bridges

Accurate near-field millimeter-wave imaging of concave objects using circular polarizations.

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Investigation of Görtler vortices in high-speed boundary layers via an efficient numerical solution to the non-linear boundary region equations

Epitope-dependent thermodynamic signature of single-domain antibodies against hen egg lysozyme.

Effects of surface curvature on residual stress field of 316L stainless steel subjected to laser shock peening


Assessment of speech intelligibility in university lecture rooms of different sizes using objective and subjective methods

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The effects of thermal boundary conditions on the heat transfer characteristics of laminar flow in milli-scale confined impinging slot jets

Structural adaption of the nasal conchae of Eurasian common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus chloropus, Linnaeus, 1758)—Histomorphological study

Study of the ultrasonic creeping wave propagation over a concave metal surface

Mechano-ferroelectric coupling: stabilization enhancement and polarization switching in bent AgBiP2Se6 monolayers.

Deposition of Aluminum Coatings by HVOF Process on Complex Geometries

3D printing of hierarchical porous biomimetic hydroxyapatite scaffolds: adding concavities to the convex filaments.

Investigation on Feasibility of Polishing Concave Surfaces Using Magnetic Compound Fluid Slurry

Influence of Pressure on the Frequency Spectrum of Micro and Nanoresonators on Hinged Supports

Strength of the individual glasses of curved, annealed and laminated glass used in automotive windscreens

Film cooling characteristics of serrated trenched-hole on curved surfaces

Controlled synthesis of MOF-derived quadruple-shelled CoS2 hollow dodecahedrons as enhanced electrodes for supercapacitors

Fabrication of Ag-Pd concave nanocrystals through facet-selective oxidation of Ag atoms.

Acoustically Driven Micromixing: Effect of Transducer Geometry

Adaptive null interferometric test using spatial light modulator for free-form surfaces.

Influence of Metallic Particles on Flashover Characteristics of Basin-type Insulator Under DC Voltage in GIS/GIL

Water movement on the convex surfaces of porous media under microgravity

A least-squares method for a Monge-Ampère equation with non-quadratic cost function applied to optical design

Influence of structure on the linear response rheology of colloidal gels

Effect of Wall Transpiration and Heat Transfer on Görtler Vortices in High-Speed Flows

Posterior subtalar arthroscopy

Distributed fiber-optic pressure sensor based on Bourdon tubes metered by optical frequency-domain reflectometry

Why do myofibroblasts preferentially accumulate on the convex surface of the remodeling lung after pneumonectomy?

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The effect and correction of concave surfaces on heat transfer in the transient TLC technique

Ulnolunate Distance and Lunate Height: Reliability Testing.

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Experimental investigation of flow dynamics of sweeping jets impinging upon confined concave surfaces

Optimising a radiotherapy optical surface monitoring system to account for the effects of patient skin contour and skin colour

Computational geometry analysis of dendritic spines by structured illumination microscopy

Magnetorheological finishing of an irregular-shaped small-bore complex component using a small ball-end permanent-magnet polishing head

On the Static Performance of Concave Aerostatic Pads

Structural basis of HEAT‐kleisin interactions in the human condensin I subcomplex

Investigation of electrophoretic deposition as a method for coating complex shaped steel parts in solid oxide cell stacks

The Efficiency of Heat Transfer in Heat-Transfer Apparatuses with Interacting Swirled and Transit Flows

Assessing the Effect of Dome Shape and Location on The Acoustical Performance of a Mosque by Using Computer Simulation

Turbulence structures and statistics of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer subjected to concave surface curvature

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Concave Surfaces 오목한 표면

Concave Surfaces 오목한 표면
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