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Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Full-Duplex Relay-Assisted D2D Communications

Precoding Designs for Full-Duplex Multi-User MIMO Cognitive Networks with Imperfect CSI

Concave Functions sentence examples within Logarithmically Concave Functions

Functional Löwner Ellipsoids

Rogers-Shepard Type Inequalities for Sections.

On well-structured convex–concave saddle point problems and variational inequalities with monotone operators

Blaschke–Santaló Inequalities for Minkowski and Asplund Endomorphisms

A Dual-Dimer Method for Training Physics-Constrained Neural Networks with Minimax Architecture

Creating new problems on proving inequalities, finding maximum and minimum values based on the critical properties and tangent inequalities of convex and concave functions

Some generalizations of the Hermite–Hadamard integral inequality


Fractional Integral Inequalities via Atangana-Baleanu Operators for Convex and Concave Functions

Translating Economic Essence of the Independence Axiom into a General Equilibrium Mathematical Condition

The envelope theorem, Euler and Bellman equations, without differentiability

Prediction of multiple origin overpressure in deep fold-thrust belt: A case study of Kuqa subbasin, Tarim Basin, northwestern China

Concavity, Core-concavity, Quasiconcavity: A Generalizing Framework for Entropy Measures

Time-Independent Plasticity Formulated by Inelastic Differential of Free Energy Function

New generalization of midpoint type inequalities for fractional integral

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Device-to-Device Communications

Saddle Flow Dynamics: Observable Certificates and Separable Regularization

Clarkson inequalities related to convex and concave functions

Modeling the effects of dynamic range compression on signals in noise

A New Approach to Concavity Fuzzification

On shrinkage estimation of a spherically symmetric distribution for balanced loss functions

A geometric branch and bound method for robust maximization of convex functions

The Family of Alpha,[a,b] Stochastic Orders: Risk vs. Expected Value

Optimizing Spares in a Multiple Location Facility with Periodic Review

Calibration-free beam hardening reduction in x-ray CBCT using the epipolar consistency condition and physical constraints.

Sampling can be faster than optimization

Subadditive inequalities for operators.

Spectral-Energy Efficiency Pareto Front in Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Framework

End-to-End Distributed Flow Control for Networks with Nonconcave Utilities

One-parameter monotone functionals connected with Stieltjes integrals

Sharp bounds of Jensen type for the generalized Sugeno integral

On a generalization of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality and applications in convex geometry

Provable Non-Convex Optimization and Algorithm Validation via Submodularity

Downlink Resource Allocation for Dynamic TDMA-Based VLC Systems

Achievable Ergodic Secrecy Rate in Bursty Interference Channels With Opportunistic User Scheduling

Valuations on Concave Functions and Log-Concave Functions

Some New Methods for Generating Convex Functions

A stochastic Prekopa-Leindler inequality for log-concave functions

Hölder Type Inequalities for Sugeno Integrals under Usual Multiplication Operations

One-Bit Compressive Sensing via Schur-Concave Function Minimization

A simplified proof of CLT for convex bodies

Generalized Convex Function and Associated Petrovic’s Inequality

Valid inequalities for concave piecewise linear regression

The Sugeno fuzzy integral of concave functions

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Concave Functions 오목 함수

Concave Functions 오목 함수
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