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Concave Boundary sentence examples within concave boundary layer

The amplification of large-scale motion in a supersonic concave turbulent boundary layer and its impact on the mean and statistical properties

Turbulence structures and statistics of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer subjected to concave surface curvature

Solution of Darcy─Brinkman─Forchheimer Equation for Irregular Flow Channel by Finite Elements Approach

Propagation characteristics of rotating detonation wave in plane–radial structure with different pressure conditions

The amplification of large-scale motion in a supersonic concave turbulent boundary layer and its impact on the mean and statistical properties

Turbulence structures and statistics of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer subjected to concave surface curvature

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Concave Boundary 오목한 경계

Concave Boundary 오목한 경계
Encyclopedia 백과사전