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Community Toward sentence examples within Scientific Community Toward

Desmoplakin cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: two distinct forms of cardiomyopathy?

A magnetoencephalography dataset for motor and cognitive imagery-based brain-computer interface

Community Toward sentence examples within Microbial Community Toward

The Terrestrial Plastisphere: Diversity and Polymer-Colonizing Potential of Plastic-Associated Microbial Communities in Soil

Fertilization effects on microbial community composition and aggregate formation in saline‐alkaline soil

Community Toward sentence examples within Research Community Toward

Powder Bed Fusion of nickel-based superalloys: A review

Review on persistent challenges of perovskite solar cells’ stability

Community Toward sentence examples within Local Community Toward

Measuring residents’ attitude toward sustainable tourism development: a case study of the Gradac River gorge, Valjevo (Serbia)

Conservation Of Urban Forest In Tanzania: Community Attitudes Towards Njiro Forest, Arusha

Community Toward sentence examples within International Community Toward

Education, the Dream that is Materializing

Contributions of the International Community in Combating the Phenomenon of Illegal Immigration

Community Toward sentence examples within Village Community Toward

Peran Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) Kecamatan Siman dalam Pembentukan Keluarga Sakinah Perspektif Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2009 Studi Kasus Di Desa Ngabar Kecamatan Siman Kabupaten Ponorogo

Peningkatan Pemahaman dan Kepedulian Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Lingkungan Mangrove Di Pantai Muara Indah Kabupaten Deli Serdang

Community Toward sentence examples within Bacterial Community Toward

Soil microbes and oxygen influence the changes in bacterial community composition during swine carcass decomposition

Prevalence of obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria in the mudbank along the southwest coast of India

Community Toward sentence examples within Health Community Toward

Sinophobic Stigma Going Viral: Addressing the Social Impact of COVID-19 in a Globalized World.

Hepatitis E should be a global public health priority: recommendations for improving surveillance and prevention

Community Toward sentence examples within Wider Community Toward

Kajian Pariwisata Berkelanjutan pada Kampung Adat Banceuy Desa Sanca Kecamatan Ciater Kabupaten Subang

Democratization of Legislative Prospective Candidate Selection: Urgency and Its Parameters

Community Toward sentence examples within Academic Community Toward

Многоликость правого популизма. Рецензия на книгу «Правый популизм: глобальный тренд и региональные особенности» под редакцией Л.С. Окуневой и А.И. Тэвдой-Бурмули

Researching the Usage of Blockchain in Higher Education

Community Toward sentence examples within Student Community Toward

S.F.Mariyam Farzana1 , M.S.PawanKumar2 , D.Malarvizhi3

Political Ideas Presented by Leaders of the “New Generation” Charismatic Movement Regarding the Formation of Postsecular Trends in Ukraine

Community Toward sentence examples within Fungal Community Toward

Localized reshaping of the fungal community in response to a forest fungal pathogen reveals resilience of Mediterranean mycobiota.

Strong priming of soil organic matter induced by frequent input of labile carbon

Community Toward sentence examples within community toward local

Key factors to facilitate locally driven family planning programming: a qualitative analysis of urban stakeholder perspectives in Africa and Asia

Knowledge of rural women regarding activities of accredited social health activist in three different villages of District Amritsar: A cross-sectional study

Knowledge, attitude, and practices related to antibiotic use and resistance among the general public of coastal south Karnataka, India – A cross-sectional survey


The myths and legends of king Satoshi and the knights of blockchain

The Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Community Knowledge, Perceptions, Attitudes, and Practices towards COVID-19 Prevention Protocols : A Scoping Review

Low-cost Cu-based inorganic hole transporting materials in perovskite solar cells: Recent progress and state-of-art developments

Awareness on Risk Factor for Obstetric Fistula and Associated Factors Among Reproductive Age Women in South Eastern Zone of Tigray,Ethiopia,2020.Cross Sectional Study

Local community’s perception on the existing home stay program in Terai and Hilly districts of Nepal


What Predicts the Sport Event Volunteer Experience? Examining Motivation, Satisfaction, Commitment, and Sense of Community

Sikap dan Kepedulian Masyarakat Terhadap Objek Wisata dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Bali

Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Knowledge among ASHA Workers Regarding HPV Infection in a Selected Rural Community of Mangaluru, India

Standards for the artificial intelligence community

The Impact of the Disease Model of Substance Use Disorder on Evidence Based Practice Adoption and Stigmatizing Attitudes: A Comparative Analysis.

Sustainable and Reliable Information and Communication Technology for Resilient Smart Cities

Awareness on presentation of obstetric fistula and associated factors among reproductive age women in south eastern zone of tigray,ethiopia,2020.cross sectional study

Traditional Architecture in Romanian Philately (II): the Case Study Regarding Households from Chiojdu Mic, Curteni and Curtișoara

The Attitude of the Community in the Preservation of the Samarinda City Forest

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Community Toward 커뮤니티를 향해

Community Toward 커뮤니티를 향해
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