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Color Algebras sentence examples within Lie Color Algebras

Generalized Lie Triple Derivations of Lie Color Algebras and Their Subalgebras

On the structure of split involutive Hom-Lie color algebras

Color Algebras sentence examples within Poisson Color Algebras

On split regular BiHom-Poisson color algebras

The structure of split regular Hom-Leibniz–Poisson color algebras

Generalized Lie Triple Derivations of Lie Color Algebras and Their Subalgebras

Cohomology and deformations of Hom-Lie-Yamaguti color algebras

On split regular BiHom-Poisson color algebras

The structure of split regular Hom-Leibniz–Poisson color algebras

On the structure of split involutive Hom-Lie color algebras

Constructing Hom-Poisson color algebras

On radicals of graded ring constructions

Learn more from Color Algebras 색 대수학

Color Algebras 색 대수학

Color Algebras 색 대수학
Encyclopedia 백과사전