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Gender Inequalities in the Japanese Workplace and Employment: Theories and Empirical Evidence

Disordered Eating Attitudes, Demographics, and Snack Patterns in Overweight and Obese US College Students

Effect of a Workplace Vocal Health Promotion Program and Working Conditions on Voice Functioning of College Professors.

Effect of pandemic based online education on teaching and learning system

Incivility Within The Professorship

Jelani M. Favors. Shelter in a Time of Storm: How Black Colleges Fostered Generations of Leadership and Activism Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019. 368 pp.

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Reforming Church and Nation

Causes and Effects of Gender Occupational Segregation: Overlooked Obstacles to Gender Equality

University life with ASD: Faculty knowledge and student needs

Estrategia para la evaluación orientada a la formación de la competencia trabajo virtual en equipo en docentes universitarios

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: New Wine in Old Wineskins?

The Ethical Professor

The Benefits of Providing Choice in Pre Service Teacher Education

Gender stereotypes: The case of in Mexico

Learning to Scribble with Benjamin Franklin

Exploring Latino/a college students’ transition experiences: An ethnography of social preparedness and familial support

What is English? Who decides? An interview with Lisa Scherff

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College Professors 대학 교수

College Professors 대학 교수
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