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Coil Wire sentence examples within power transfer system

Investigation on power optimization principles for series-configured resonant coupled wireless power transfer systems

Reconfigurable Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Distance Adaptation

Coil Wire sentence examples within Locked Coil Wire

Experimental research on the bending performance of locked coil wire rope and Galfan strand

Finite element study of behaviour and interface force conditions of locked coil wire rope under axial loading

Coil Wire sentence examples within coil wire diameter


Study on Optimal Parameters of Wireless Power Transfer via Magnetic Resonance Coupling

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Coil Wire sentence examples within coil wire rope

Experimental research on the bending performance of locked coil wire rope and Galfan strand

Finite element study of behaviour and interface force conditions of locked coil wire rope under axial loading

Design and Experimentation of a Novel Five Coil Asymmetric Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer System

Highly Efficient Single-Switch-Regulated Resonant Wireless Power Receiver With Hybrid Modulation

Transmission Distance Improvement of a Two-Coil Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transmission System Using Transformers

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Электрические характеристики высокочастотного индуктора индукционного разряда низкого давления в замкнутых бесферритных трубках

Efficiency analysis and optimization of a three-coil wireless power transfer system based on an active rectifier using optimal current ratio control

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Maximum Efficiency Point Tracking Method for Multi-Coil Wireless Power Transfer Systems

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Electrical Characteristics of the High-frequency Induction Coil for Low Pressure Discharge in Ferrite-free Closed-loop Tubes

Surface resonator for wireless power transmission systems with stable working frequency and high quality factor

A Special Magnetic Coupler Structure for Three-Coil Wireless Power Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Experimental Verification

Experimental Study of The Augmentation of Convection Heat Transfer in Horizontal Circular Tube Using Tripping Wires Inserts.(Dept.M)

Maximizing Transfer Efficiency with an Adaptive Wireless Power Transfer System for Variable Load Applications

A Novel S–S–LCLCC Compensation for Three-Coil WPT to Improve Misalignment and Energy Efficiency Stiffness of Wireless Charging System

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Analysis and Evaluation of Air-core Two-coil Wireless Power Transfer System Configurations

Design Method of Three-Coil WPT System Based on Critical Coupling Conditions

A Simple Method to Determine the Performance of Two-Coil Wireless Power Transfer Systems without Direct Output Measurement

Modified Inductive Multicoil Wireless Power Transfer Approach Based on Z-Source Network

Effect of Electrode Geometry on Selectivity and Activity in CO2 Electroreduction

Transmission Line Model of 3-coil WPT Systems

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A Practical Design Approach for Single-Inductor Multiple-Output (SIMO) DC-AC Inverter

Comparative Analysis of Two- and Three-Coil WPT Systems Based on Transmission Efficiency

Idle power loss suppression and spacing optimization in multi-coil wireless power transfer systems

Optimization Analysis of Wireless Charging System for Monitoring Sensors Overhead the HVPLs Based on Impedance Matching

Coil valve syndrome: a rare complication of percutaneous transhepatic obliteration successfully treated by argon plasma coagulation and double-balloon endoscopy.

Study of the Frequency Characteristic for a Magnetically Coupled Resonant Wireless Power Transmission System with Changes of the Capacitance

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A High-Power Wireless Charging System Based on Fano Resonance

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Study on optimal thickness of copper layer of REBCO-coated wire for quench protection

Design of Dual-Purpose Non-Overlapping Coil Sets Applied to Resonant Magnetic Coupling Wireless Charging System

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Evaluation of the Efficiency of Wireless Power Transfer System using the Support Vector Machine

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Coil Wire 코일 와이어

Coil Wire 코일 와이어
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