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Coil Structure sentence examples within wireless power transfer

A Z-Class LCC-P Compensated IPT System with a Reverse Coupled Compensation Inductor

Novel Output Regulation Method for Three-phase Three-level Wireless EV Charging System

Coil Structure sentence examples within β sheet structure

Changes of aggregation and structural properties of heat-denatured gluten proteins in fast-frozen steamed bread during frozen storage.

Effect of microbial transglutaminase on the structural and rheological characteristics and in vitro digestion of rice glutelin-casein blends.

Coil Structure sentence examples within α helix structure

Influence of Manothermosonication on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Ferritin as a Nanocarrier of Iron or Bioactive Compounds.

Investigation on the binding interaction between rice glutelin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate using spectroscopic and molecular docking simulation.

Coil Structure sentence examples within provides two symmetrical

Molecular Recognition of M1-Linked Ubiquitin Chains by Native and Phosphorylated UBAN Domains.

Molecular Recognition of M1-Linked Ubiquitin Chains by Native and Phosphorylated UBAN Domains.

Coil Structure sentence examples within Random Coil Structure

Changes of aggregation and structural properties of heat-denatured gluten proteins in fast-frozen steamed bread during frozen storage.

A potential type-II L-asparaginase from marine isolate Bacillus australimaris NJB19: Statistical optimization, in silico analysis and structural modeling.

Coil Structure sentence examples within Coiled Coil Structure

Bio-inspired conducting peptide nanowires

Structural basis for the coiled-coil architecture of human CtIP

Coil Structure sentence examples within Different Coil Structure

Energy loss analysis of the storage tank coil heating process in a dynamic thermal environment

Analysis, Optimization, and Demonstration of a Vehicular Detection System Intended for Dynamic Wireless Charging Applications

Coil Structure sentence examples within Carbon Coil Structure

A Novel TiO 2 Nanoparticle-Decorated Helical Carbon Nanofiber Composite as an Anode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Mechanical properties and microstructure characterization of natural rubber reinforced by helical carbon nanofibers

Coil Structure sentence examples within Resonant Coil Structure

Cross Interference Free Dual Frequency Wireless Power Transfer Using Frequency Bifurcation for Dynamic Biomedical Implants

A coreless hybrid coil design for the wireless power charging system

Coil Structure sentence examples within New Coil Structure

A new coil structure for implantable wireless charging system

A Rotation-Free Wireless Power Transfer System With Stable Output Power and Efficiency for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Coil Structure sentence examples within Appropriate Coil Structure

Design Considerations for Enhanced Coupling Coefficient and Misalignment tolerance Using Asymmetrical Circular Coils for WPT System

A Study on the Heating Method and Implementation of a Shrink-Fit Tool Holder

Coil Structure sentence examples within Gradient Coil Structure

Modulation of the plasma uniformity by coil and dielectric window structures in an inductively coupled plasma

A Preliminary Study on the Solution of Linear Systems Appeared in Gradient Coil Optimization

Coil Structure sentence examples within Spiral Coil Structure

A MEMS-based Double-layer Spiral Planar Inductor using Patterned Permalloy filled with Ferrite/Polyimide Composite Materials as Magnetic Layers

Performance analysis of planar microcoils for biomedical wireless power transfer links

Coil Structure sentence examples within Variou Coil Structure

Modeling and Analysis of Polarized Couplers under Misalignment for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging Systems

Design of Misalignment Tolerant WPT System for Deep Brain Stimulator

Coil Structure sentence examples within Specific Coil Structure

Design of inorganic coils for high temperature electrical machines

HF model of High Temperature machine coils

Coil Structure sentence examples within Optimized Coil Structure

A Spherical Harmonics Decomposition Method (SHDM) for irregular Matrix Coils design.

Uniform Power IPT System With Three-Phase Transmitter and Bipolar Receiver for Dynamic Charging

Coil Structure sentence examples within Helical Coil Structure

3-D printed soft magnetic helical coil actuators of iron oxide embedded polydimethylsiloxane

On the curl and spring behaviour of CNC turned beryllium copper chips using computational image/video analysis

Coil Structure sentence examples within Compact Coil Structure

Novel Output Regulation Method for Three-phase Three-level Wireless EV Charging System

A wireless charging method with lightweight pick-up structure for UAVs

Coil Structure sentence examples within Integrated Coil Structure

An LCL-Based SS Compensated WPT Converter With Wide ZVS Range and Integrated Coil Structure

An S-CLC Compensated Load-Independent Inductive Power Relay System With Constant Voltage Outputs

Coil Structure sentence examples within coil structure increased

A novel method to prepare protein-polysaccharide conjugates with high grafting and low browning: Application in encapsulating curcumin

Investigation on the binding interaction between rice glutelin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate using spectroscopic and molecular docking simulation.

Coil Structure sentence examples within coil structure design

A Novel Planar Differential Koch Fractal Eddy Current Probe with Parallel Wound Topological Structure

Wireless Power Transmission System via Magnetic Resonance Coupling Platform

Development of pulsed field magnetometer with flexible structure

Control of the Serine Integrase Reaction: Roles of the Coiled-Coil and Helix E Regions in DNA Site Synapsis and Recombination

Research on Coil Identification Algorithm of Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Magnetic Field Features

Mutual Inductance Calculation of Circular Coils for an Arbitrary Position With Electromagnetic Shielding in Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Design of microstrip transmission line array for magnetic resonance imaging at 300 MHz for spinal cord examination

Modular Four-Channel 50 kW WPT System With Decoupled Coil Design for Fast EV Charging

A Novel Truncating Mutation in HOMER2 Causes Nonsyndromic Progressive DFNA68 Hearing Loss in a Spanish Family

Numerical Evaluation on Electromagnetic and Thermal Stresses in Non-Circular REBCO Pancake Coils of Multi-Coil System For Skeleton Cyclotron

Formation of Novel Octuplex DNA Molecules from Guanine Quadruplexes.

More Coil Structure 코일 구조 sentence examples

Procedures for Identifying Mutual Inductance of Three-Coil Structure for Wireless Power Transfer in Electric Vehicles

Polyaniline-coated cotton knitted fabric for body motion monitoring

Rotor Position Detection Based on Magnetically Coupled Resonant Principle and Its Implementation

Investigation on the induction brazing of copper–steel tubes with different coil structures

YhcB (DUF1043), a novel cell division protein conserved across gamma-proteobacteria

Equivalent Capacitance Model of Segmented Induction Coil in Electromagnetic Exploration System for Deep Resources

A Multi-Method Approach for Analyzing FapC Fibrillation and Determining Mass per Length.

Quantification of Crustacean Tropomyosin in Foods using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) method.

Multiobjective Optimization of Inductive Power Transfer Double-D Pads for Electric Vehicles

Design of Highly Uniform Magnetic Field Coils With Wolf Pack Algorithm

Molecular and allergenic characterization of recombinant tropomyosin from mud crab Scylla olivacea.

The Myosin II Coiled-Coil Domain Atomic Structure in its Native Environment