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Coil Current sentence examples within mutual inductance gradient

Design, Simulation, and Parameter Optimization of a MultiStage Induction Coilgun System

Study on the Best Trigger Position of Multistage Induction Coil Launcher

Coil Current sentence examples within Control Coil Current

Drift orbit islands of energetic particles due to 3D fields in ITER

Efficient and robust evaluation of fast particle losses in non-axisymmetric tokamak plasmas

Coil Current sentence examples within Rmp Coil Current

The impact of ELM mitigation on tungsten source in the EAST divertor

Modeling of q95 windows for the suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbations in the KSTAR tokamak

Coil Current sentence examples within Field Coil Current

Development of a thin high-frequency and high-precision magnetic probe array in Sino-United Spherical Tokamak.

Calculation of Coil Currents for Equilibria with Reversed Plasma Current Density in J-Text Tokamak

Coil Current sentence examples within Rogowski Coil Current

An Edge-Intelligent, Clip-on Rogowski Current Sensor With Wide Dynamic Range

Experimental Study on Current Measurement of Rogowski Coil in a Cryogenic Environment

Coil Current sentence examples within Primary Coil Current

Analysis and Control of Inductive Contactless Power Transfer System with Secondary Regulator

A Coupling-Insensitive X-Type IPT System for High Position Tolerance

Coil Current sentence examples within Two Coil Current

Numerical study of nanoparticle formation in two-coil tandem-type modulated induction thermal plasmas with simultaneous modulation of upper- and lower-coil currents

Numerical study of temperature and gas flow fields in Ar–O2 tandem-type inductively coupled thermal plasma with Ti feedstock powder injection

Coil Current sentence examples within Wpt Coil Current

EMI in a Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) by the Wireless Powering of a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)

Wireless Charging in Electric Vehicles: EMI/EMC Risk Mitigation in Pacemakers by Active Coils

Coil Current sentence examples within Electromagnet Coil Current

State Observer with Relaxed Excitation Conditions with Application to MagLev System

Magnetostrictive cold spray sensor for harsh environment and long-term condition monitoring

Coil Current sentence examples within Dc Coil Current

Hybrid excited electric machine with axial flux bridges

Utilization and Optimization of Superconducting Coil Parameters in Electromagnetic Launcher Systems

Coil Current sentence examples within Closing Coil Current

Research on the Difference Mechanism of High Voltage Circuit Breaker’s Opening/Closing Coil Current

Mechanical Condition Assessment of High Voltage Circuit Breakers Based on Improved Dempster-Shafer Theory

Coil Current sentence examples within Rx Coil Current

Individually Regulated Dual-Output IPT System Based on Current-Mode Switching Cells

Analysis and Design of a 3-Coil Wireless Power Transmission System for Biomedical Applications

Coil Current sentence examples within Secondary Coil Current

Evaluation of losses in a secondary-side controlled wireless battery charging system

Wireless Battery Charger based on Sensorless Control for E-bike Station

Coil Current sentence examples within Different Coil Current

Effect of Auxiliary Enhanced Magnetic Field on Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviors of Multilayered CrN/AlCrN Films

Quench Measurements in a YBCO Pancake Coil at 77 K and 4.2 K in Magnetic Fields up to 10 Tesla

Coil Current sentence examples within Peak Coil Current

Miniaturization design of closing electromagnet for fast contact mechanism of DC circuit breaker in power grid

Electrical field measurements and simulations of the H7 and D-B80 coils: Non-equivalence of the TMS coils for obsessive compulsive disorder

Coil Current sentence examples within Large Coil Current

Structure and Performance Analysis of a Novel Bottom-excitation Eddy Current Retarder

Potential Reduction of Peripheral Local SAR for a Birdcage Body Coil at 3 Tesla Using a Magnetic Shield

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current waveform

Influence of current modulation waveform on polycrystalline diamond film deposition using modulated induction thermal plasmas—numerical and experimental studies

Experimental Study on Electro-Impulse De-Icing of Wind Turbine Blades

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current sensor

An Edge-Intelligent, Clip-on Rogowski Current Sensor With Wide Dynamic Range

Experimental Study on Current Measurement of Rogowski Coil in a Cryogenic Environment

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current density

Conceptual Design of High Field Central Solenoid for Fusion Nuclear Science Facility

Varistors: A Useful Tool for Superconducting Magnet Quench Protection

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current phase

Efficient and robust evaluation of fast particle losses in non-axisymmetric tokamak plasmas

Efficient and robust evaluation of fast particle losses in non-axisymmetric tokamak plasmas

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current control

Implementation of Non-Linear Controller for Contemporary DC-DC Converter

Modeling and Development of a Load Cell Control System with Electromagnetic Force Compensation

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current signal

Semi-Active Pulse-Switching SSDC Vibration Suppression using Magnetostrictive Materials

An Approach for HVCB Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Based on a Deep Belief Network and a Transfer Learning Strategy

Coil Current sentence examples within coil current transformer

Research on Short Time Withstand Current Electrodynamic Analysis and Inspection Technology of Mine High Voltage Distribution Device

Error Analysis of Air-Core Coil Current Transformer Based on Stacking Model Fusion

Influence of Design Parameters on Static Bifurcation Behavior of Magnetic Liquid Double Suspension Bearing

A Sliding Mode Control of an Electromagnetic Actuator Used in Aircraft Systems

A Magnetically-Steerable Stenting Catheter for Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Interventions

Mechanism analysis and experimental verification of electromagnetic sail, a new solar propulsion system without propellent

Design and Analysis of a High Thrust Linear Voice Coil Motor using for the Stiffness Test of Linear Motor Servo System

Identification of critical moving characteristics in high speed on/off valve based on time derivative of the coil current

Measurement of Plasma Potential, Ion Saturation Current and Mach number using Retarding Field Energy Analyzer

More Coil Current 코일 전류 sentence examples

Электрические характеристики высокочастотного индуктора индукционного разряда низкого давления в замкнутых бесферритных трубках

Pulse width dependence of magnetic field generation using laser-powered capacitor coils

Dynamics of laser-generated magnetic fields using long laser pulses.

Multi-objective optimization of heating system for rapid thermal cycling molding mold with internal induction heating

More Coil Current 코일 전류 sentence examples

Electrical Characteristics of the High-frequency Induction Coil for Low Pressure Discharge in Ferrite-free Closed-loop Tubes

Study on Sustainable Current-Limiting Capability of a Saturation-Based dc I-SFCL Prototype

DC Bias Characteristics Analysis of CSR of TCT Type in the Thyristor Abnormal Operation State

EMI Reduction Via Resonator Coils in Glassless Integrated Domestic Induction Systems

Dynamic electromagnetic force variation mechanism and energy loss of a non-contact loading device for a water-lubricated bearing

More Coil Current 코일 전류 sentence examples