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Sensor Design for Inductive Proximity and Moving Direction Sensing of Metal Targets

Study on the influence of coil configuration on electromagnetic characteristics of inductively coupled plasma superimposed frequency selective surface

Coil Configurations sentence examples within Several Coil Configurations

Influence of Coil Position on AC Losses of Stator Superconducting Windings of a Synchronous Machine for a 10 MW Wind Turbine

A Versatile Simulation-Assisted Layered Mesh Analysis for Generalized Litz Wire Performance

Analysis of different cylindrical magnet and coil configurations for electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters

Demonstration of topological wireless power transfer

Analysis and Evaluation of Air-core Two-coil Wireless Power Transfer System Configurations

Displacement current distribution on a high dielectric constant helmet and its effect on RF field at 10.5 T (447 MHz).

Design and simulation of a strong and uniform microwave antenna for a large volume of nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond

Numerical and experimental analysis of heat transfer in inductive conduction based wire metal deposition process

High-Resolution Surveying With Small-Loop Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Systems: Efficient Survey Design and Adaptive Processing

Optimal coil configuration for resonant coupled wireless powering of automobile position sensors

Enhancement of EM Pump Performance through Modeling and Testing

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Coil Configurations 코일 구성

Coil Configurations 코일 구성
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