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Investigation of Mixed Micro-Compressor Casing Treatment Using Non-Matching Mesh Interface

Noblella thiuni sp. n., a new (singleton) species of minute terrestrial-breeding frog (Amphibia, Anura, Strabomantidae) from the montane forest of the Amazonian Andes of Puno, Peru

Tribological properties of surface microtexture friction pairs under different lubrication conditions

Anatomical and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse)

Numerical investigation on the design of circumferential groove casing treatments in a radial compressor

Electromagnetic Testing of Rod Cluster Control Assemblies in Pressured-Water Reactor Power Plants

Effect of part sweep on axial flow compressor performance in the presence of circumferential casing grooves

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Circumferential Groove 원주방향 홈

Circumferential Groove 원주방향 홈
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