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Randomized study of the effects of cocoa-rich chocolate on the ventricle-arterial coupling and vascular function of young, healthy adults.

Effects of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Apples Enriched-Dark Chocolate on Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial

Oleuropein-enriched chocolate by extra virgin olive oil blunts hyperglycaemia in diabetic patients: Results from a one-time 2-hour post-prandial cross over study.

Do children with a high level of eating motivation consume less when foods are partitioned?

Higher Chocolate Candy Intake Is Associated with Longer Telomere Length Among Adolescents (P01-018-19).

Chocolate and risk of chronic disease: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

Association between chocolate consumption frequency and heart rate variability indices.

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Chocolate Intake 초콜릿 섭취

Chocolate Intake 초콜릿 섭취
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