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Chestnut Starch sentence examples within Water Chestnut Starch

Development of starch nanoparticles based composite films from non-conventional source - Water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa).

Effect of NaCl on physicochemical properties of xanthan gum - Water chestnut starch complexes.

Production of hydrogels with different mechanical properties by starch roasting: A valorization of industrial chestnut by-products

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Effect of microwave irradiation-retrogradation treatment on the digestive and physicochemical properties of starches with different crystallinity.

Physicochemical and retrogradation properties of modified chestnut starches

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Morphological and physicochemical characterization of starches isolated from chestnuts cultivated in different regions of China.

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Effects of enzymatically modified chestnut starch on the gut microbiome, microbial metabolome, and transcriptome of diet-induced obese mice.

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Chestnut Starch 밤 전분

Chestnut Starch 밤 전분
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