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The EMA assessment of encorafenib in combination with cetuximab for the treatment of adult patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma harbouring the BRAFV600E mutation who have received prior therapy.

Consensus molecular subgroups (CMS) of colorectal cancer (CRC) and first-line efficacy of FOLFIRI plus cetuximab or bevacizumab in the FIRE3 (AIO KRK-0306) trial

Cetuximab Versus sentence examples within cetuximab versus folfirus

Consensus molecular subgroups (CMS) of colorectal cancer (CRC) and first-line efficacy of FOLFIRI plus cetuximab or bevacizumab in the FIRE3 (AIO KRK-0306) trial

Consensus molecular subgroups (CMS) of colorectal cancer (CRC) and first-line efficacy of FOLFIRI plus cetuximab or bevacizumab in the FIRE3 (AIO KRK-0306) trial.

First-line treatment with chemotherapy plus cetuximab in Chinese patients with recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: Efficacy and safety results of the randomised, phase III CHANGE-2 trial.

First-Line Afatinib plus Cetuximab for EGFR-Mutant Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: Results from the Randomized Phase II IFCT-1503 ACE-Lung Study

Cost-minimization analysis of biweekly dosing of cetuximab and FOLFIRI compared with panitumumab and FOLFOX for first-line treatment of patients with KRAS wild type metastatic colorectal cancer in the United States.

Palbociclib and cetuximab compared with placebo and cetuximab in platinum-resistant, cetuximab-naïve, human papillomavirus-unrelated recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A double-blind, randomized, phase 2 trial.

The EMA assessment of encorafenib in combination with cetuximab for the treatment of adult patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma harbouring the BRAFV600E mutation who have received prior therapy.

Consensus molecular subgroups (CMS) of colorectal cancer (CRC) and first-line efficacy of FOLFIRI plus cetuximab or bevacizumab in the FIRE3 (AIO KRK-0306) trial

Combination treatment with cetuximab in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients: a meta-analysis

First-line cetuximab versus bevacizumab for RAS and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Consensus molecular subgroups (CMS) of colorectal cancer (CRC) and first-line efficacy of FOLFIRI plus cetuximab or bevacizumab in the FIRE3 (AIO KRK-0306) trial.

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Cetuximab Versus 세툭시맙 대

Cetuximab Versus 세툭시맙 대
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