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A robust optimization approach for design of a General Purpose Heat Source

Cermet Surrogate Nuclear Fuels from Coated Powders

A robust optimization approach for design of a General Purpose Heat Source

Cermet Surrogate Nuclear Fuels from Coated Powders

Coupled Physics Simulation of Fracture in Nuclear Fuel Pellets Induced by Resistive Heating

Controlled current-rate AC flash sintering of uranium dioxide

Methods and results of determining the impurity gas amount in ceramic fuel

Computational study of the substitution of early actinides and Ce into zirconolite

Analysis of the impact of fuel microstructure on irradiation-enhanced densification using grand potential simulations

Isotopic Analysis of Irradiated Ceramic Fuel for Burnup and Microchemical Assessment Using Atom Probe Tomography.

Multiphysics phase-field modeling of quasi-static cracking in urania ceramic nuclear fuel

Influences of heating processes on properties and microstructure of porous CeO2 beads as a surrogate for nuclear fuels fabricated by a microfluidic sol-gel process

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Ceramic Nuclear 세라믹 핵

Ceramic Nuclear 세라믹 핵
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