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Censored Dependent sentence examples within censored dependent variable

Effect of households’ dietary knowledge on local (ofada) rice consumption in southwest Nigeria

Maximum likelihood estimation for bivariate SUR Tobit modeling in presence of two right-censored dependent variables

Censored Dependent sentence examples within censored dependent datum

Non-parametric estimation of reciprocal coordinate subtangent for right censored dependent scheme

A rate of consistency for nonparametric estimators of the distribution function based on censored dependent data

Non-parametric estimation of reciprocal coordinate subtangent for right censored dependent scheme

A rate of consistency for nonparametric estimators of the distribution function based on censored dependent data

Effect of households’ dietary knowledge on local (ofada) rice consumption in southwest Nigeria

Maximum likelihood estimation for bivariate SUR Tobit modeling in presence of two right-censored dependent variables

Censored quantile instrumental-variable estimation with Stata

Restricted maximum likelihood estimation of a censored random effects panel regression model

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Censored Dependent 검열된 종속

Censored Dependent 검열된 종속
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