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A Pilot Study on Developing Quantitative Indices for Age-Related Changes in Maxillary Primary Molar Root Canal Morphology

Outcomes of pulpectomy in the primary dentition and age-related morphological changes in the root canal of primary molars: A retrospective study

Cbct Analysis sentence examples within Detailed Cbct Analysis

Management of a neurological lesion involving Canalis Sinuosus: A case report.

Management of 5 yrs old Midmandibular Soft Fluctuant Swelling Arising due to Buccal Cortical Perforation of Mandible Subsequent to Chronic Periapical Periodontitis of Carious Lower Central Incisors by a Combination of Surgical and Conventional Endodontic Approach with 20 Months Follow-Up

Cbct Analysis sentence examples within cbct analysis showed

CBCT Comparison of Dentoskeletal Effects of Haas-Type and Hyrax-Type Expanders Using Deciduous Teeth as Anchorage: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Osteotome Sinus Floor Elevation Without Grafting: A 10-Year Study of Cone Beam Computerized Tomography vs Periapical Radiography.

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Socket preservation and reconstruction: A case report with follow up of 9 months

A Reliable Surgical Procedure for Sinus Floor Augmentation with Antral Pseudocysts

Effects of Induced Malocclusion on Vertebral Alignment in Rats: A Controlled Study by CBCTs

Alveolar Preservation with Albumin and Gentamycin-Coated Allograft after Third Molar Tooth Removal: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Anatomical and Morphological Assessment of Nasopalatine Canal in Pediatric and Adolescent Population via Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Evaluation of Morinda citrifolia (noni) fruit extract as a bone regenerative material in the treatment of periodontal intrabony osseous defects: Clinical and cone-beam computed tomography assessment

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1 Year CBCT Follow up Using Laser Biostimulation and Bone Graft In Treatment of Periapical Lesion

Diagnosis of transverse problems

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The influence of buccal partial root on socket alteration: an animal study

Evaluation of clinical efficacy and volumetric changes in pulpectomized primary molars: An invitro study

Correlation Between Volume of Root Canal, Cultivable Bacteria, Bacterial Complexes and Endotoxins in Primary Infection.

Comparison of Marginal Bone Loss Around Axial and Tilted Implants: A Retrospective CBCT Analysis of Up to 24 Months.

Analysis of root canal system of maxillary first and second molars and their correlations by cone beam computed tomography.

Small molecule inhibitor of TGF-β signaling enables robust osteogenesis of autologous GMSCs to successfully repair minipig severe maxillofacial bone defects

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