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Cost-efficient improvement of coking wastewater biodegradability by multi-stages flow through peroxi-coagulation under low current load.

Simultaneous Cr(VI) removal and bisphenol A degradation in a solar-driven photocatalytic fuel cell with dopamine modified carbon felt cathode

Nanorod β-Ga2O3 semiconductor modified activated carbon as catalyst for improving power generation of microbial fuel cell

Using rhodium as a cathode catalyst for enhancing performance of microbial fuel cell

Evaluation of ciprofloxacin destruction between ordered mesoporous and bulk NiMn2O4/CF cathode: efficient mineralization in a heterogeneous electro-Fenton-like process

Enhanced electricity generation and water pressure tolerance using carbon black-based sintered filtration air-cathodes in microbial fuel cells

More Cathode Modified 음극 수정 sentence examples

Electrochemical disinfection using a modified reticulated vitreous carbon cathode for drinking water treatment.

A New Class of Molecular-Based Photoelectrochemical Cell for Solar Hydrogen Production Consisting of Two Mesoporous TiO2 Electrodes

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Cathode Modified 음극 수정

Cathode Modified 음극 수정
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