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Preparation of Copper Oxide/TiO2 Composite Films by Mechanical Ball Milling and Investigated Photocatalytic Activity

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Ag@AgBr/graphene oxide/Ni composite film: A highly efficient and stable visible-light-induced plasma photocatalyst and catalytic mechanism

Mechanical Stability Is Key for Large-Scale Implementation of Photocatalytic Surface-Attached Film Technologies in Water Treatment

Mass transport-enhanced electrodeposition of Ni–S–P–O films on nickel foam for electrochemical water splitting

A selective methane gas sensor with printed catalytic films as active filters

Photocatalytic air purification: Effect of HNO3 accumulation on NOx and VOC removal

Self-optimizing iron phosphorus oxide for stable hydrogen evolution at high current

Reversible H2 Oxidation and Evolution by Hydrogenase Embedded in a Redox Polymer Film

Titania photonic crystal photocatalysts functionalized by graphene oxide nanocolloids

Solution-Processable Polymer Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution from Water

All-water-based solution processed Ag nanofilms for highly efficient electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO

Advances in plasma produced CoOx-based nanocatalysts for CO2 methanation

Enhanced photocatalytic activity of AgVO 3/TiO 2 nanorod array composite film under visible light irradiation

Exploring the synergistic interactions of TiO2, rGO, and g-C3N4 catalyst admixtures in a polystyrene nanocomposite photocatalytic film for wastewater treatment: Unary, binary and ternary systems

Cerium-doped TiO2 thin films: Assessment of radiation absorption properties and photocatalytic reaction efficiencies in a microreactor

Highly flexible and stable carbon nitride/cellulose acetate porous films with enhanced photocatalytic activity for contaminants removal from wastewater.

Electrocatalytic films of PEDOT incorporating transition metal phosphides as efficient counter electrodes for dye sensitized solar cells

Fabrication of vertical van der Waals gap array using single- and multi-layer graphene.

Obtaining stable suspensions for washcoating in microchannels: Study of the variables involved and their effects on the catalyst

High Defect Nanoscale ZnO Films with Polar Facets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance

Efficient photocatalysis of composite films based on plasmon-enhanced triplet-triplet annihilation.

Development and kinetic characterization of hierarchical bioelectrocatalytic system utilizing a redox mediator, functionalized carbon nanotubes and an enzyme for glucose oxidation

Advanced Photocatalysts Based on Reduced Nanographene Oxide–TiO2 Photonic Crystal Films

CdS branched TiO2: Rods-on-rods nanoarrays for efficient photoelectrochemical (PEC) and self-bias photocatalytic (PC) hydrogen production

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Catalytic Films 촉매 필름

Catalytic Films 촉매 필름
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