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Career Prospects sentence examples within Future Career Prospects

Socioeconomic status and university students’ perceptions of English as a professional language

The Impact of COVID-19 on Plastic Surgery Training in the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia—A Cross-Sectional Study

Career Prospects sentence examples within Better Career Prospects

Stratification of Youth Employment and Departure Abroad with the Purpose of Work: Kazakhstan and Neighboring Countries

Doctoral Studies as part of an Innovative Training Network (ITN): Early Stage Researcher (ESR) experiences

Career Prospects sentence examples within Improve Career Prospects

Higher education medium of instruction and career prospects: an exploration of current and graduated Chinese students’ perceptions

Contemporary ACHD training and the reality of the field in the United States.

Career Prospects sentence examples within Term Career Prospects


Labor Market Chances of Whistleblowers - Potential Drivers of Discrimination

Career Prospects sentence examples within Uncertain Career Prospects

Challenges facing international faculty at Japanese universities: Main findings from the 2017 national survey

Contribution of the doctoral education environment to PhD candidates’ mental health problems: a scoping review

Career Prospects sentence examples within Poor Career Prospects

Forced abroad: why Italian researchers migrate

Strengthening health research capacity to address adolescent fertility in Northeast Brazil

Career Prospects sentence examples within Thu Career Prospects

[Career Prospects for Young Physicians in Infectious Diseases].

[Career Prospects for Young Physicians in Infectious Diseases].

Career Prospects sentence examples within Improving Career Prospects

Improving Female Researchers’ Careers through Gender Equality Plan actions: Experiences from a Slovenian Research Institution

Letter from the editors

Career Prospects sentence examples within Enhance Career Prospects

Internships and the graduate labour market: how upper-middle-class students ‘get ahead’

Return labour migration: an exploratory study of Polish migrant workers from the UK hospitality industry

Factors Affecting Parents Decision to Send Their Children Abroad for Studies: A Case Study of Parents in Ho Chi Minh City

Perception of Hong Kong Teenagers and Young Adults on Esports Participation: A Qualitative Study Using Theory of Planned Behavior

Can you tell me more about your postdoctoral experience? A personal narrative review of the postdoctoral position in the social sciences

Risk factors of role stress and professional burnout among nurse anesthetists: A multicenter cross-sectional study.

Career Awareness in the Study of Malay Language Program

Exploring the Career Motivations, Strengths, and Challenges of Autistic and Non-autistic University Students: Insights From a Participatory Study

Job Quality and Work—Life Balance of Teleworkers

The Career Intentions of Gifted English as a Foreign Language High School Students in Vietnam

An investigation of the intention and reasons of senior high school students in China to choose medical school

Radiographers in ultrasound: Motivation and role expansion. A survey of European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS).

Global snapshot of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the research activities of materials scientists between Spring and Autumn 2020

Exploring How Postmillennial Pharmacy Students Balance Life Priorities and Avoid Situations Known to Deplete Resilience

Motivating employees through career paths

Altered gray matter development in pre-reading children with a family history of reading disorder.

More Career Prospects 직업 전망 sentence examples


More Career Prospects 직업 전망 sentence examples


Career Guidance of Disabled People in Sustainable Education Content: Research Experience and Development Prospects

Personal and Work-Life Perceptions of Sri Lankan Prison Correctional and Rehabilitation Officers

How does reciprocal rent-seeking between politicians and auditors influence audit quality? - Evidence from China

More Career Prospects 직업 전망 sentence examples

Higher Education in Russia: The Rise of Economic Dominance

Impact of Covid-19 on University Final Year Internship Students

Young hospital pharmacists’ job stress and career prospects amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in China

Dispatches from the bleeding edge: memoirs by two outstanding international journalists during an era of disruption

Awareness of Career Prospects in Librarianship and Students’ Preparedness in Library Schools in South-East Nigeria

Higher Education as a Bridge between China and Nepal: Mapping Education as Soft Power in Chinese Foreign Policy

The motives, academic performance, and career prospects of Gazan medical students abroad: a cross-sectional study

Migration Behavior of Students in a Northern Russia City

Leveraging Virtual Boot Camp to Alleviate First Year Dermatology Resident Anxiety.

[Cooperation protocol and advanced practice, an evolutionary perspective for the French radiation therapist].

How About the Psychological Pandemic? Perceptions of COVID-19 and Work–Life of Private Sector Employees—A Qualitative Study

School leadership and Black and minority ethnic career prospects in England: The choice between being a group prototype or deviant head teacher

Richard Lacey: microbiologist who came under fire for claiming a link between mad cow disease and variant CJD in humans

The first Autumn School on Proteostasis: from molecular mechanisms to organismal consequences

The importance of the individual predictors and the psychosocial working conditions in assessing the Work Ability Index of people with low vision.

“Doctors ready to be posted are jobless on the street…” the deployment process and shortage of doctors in Tanzania

At-home international education in Vietnamese universities: impact on graduates’ employability and career prospects

Une éthique éditoriale et une intégrité scientifique au service du Sud

Experiences of self‐stigmatization and parenting in Chinese mothers with severe mental illness

Career adaptability and employee well-being over a two-year period: Investigating cross-lagged effects and their boundary conditions

Postdoc X-ray in Europe 2017 Work conditions, productivity, institutional support and career outlooks


Comparing Job Satisfaction between the Genders in Saudi Telecom Sector: Optimizing Employee Input

Getting Stuck on the Corporate Ladder: The Effect of Disability on Career Progress

Current Turnaround Leadership Challenges and Emerging Best Practices in Global Education and Social Development: A Critical Appraisal

The International Branch Campus and and Institutional Social Capital

The perceived value of work placements and part-time work and its diminution with time

EAGER: Barriers to Participation in Intensive Professional Development Opportunities

100 Gender differences in experiences of discrimination, sexual harassment and barriers to career advancement among cardiologists in the UK

More Career Prospects 직업 전망 sentence examples

Аналіз нормативно-правового забезпечення професіоналізації державних службовців

The labour market benefits of adult education from a global perspective

Investigating the role of the faculty advisor in doctoral students’ career trajectories

Attitudes toward artificial intelligence in radiology with learner needs assessment within radiology residency programmes: a national multi-programme survey.

Staying active and focused? The effect of parliamentary performance on candidate renomination and promotion

More Career Prospects 직업 전망 sentence examples

Perspectivas de carreira dos estudantes de administração da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso: comparativo entre os estudantes das gerações X e Y

[Career prospects of graduate Bachelor nursing degree programs - Results of a nationwide study in Germany].

Assessing Job Quality in Canada: A Multidimensional Approach

The Relationship Between Work Environment Satisfaction and Retention Intention Among Nursing Administrators in Taiwan

Who is Happy at Doctoral Programs: The Connection between Employment and Learning Outcomes of PhD Students

Integration of the first physician assistants into Israeli emergency departments – the physician assistants’ perspective

Motivating Employees Through Career Paths

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Career Prospects 직업 전망

Career Prospects 직업 전망
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