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Why clinical training in China should improve: a cross-sectional study of MD graduates

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Promovendo equidade de gênero nas especialidades cirúrgicas: experiência de programa de mentoria na América Latina

Attainment of Professional Certificates in Hospitality and Tourism Graduates’ Career Perspectives in Taiwan

General practitioner trainees’ career perspectives after COVID-19: a qualitative study in China

I Want to Teach in the Regional Areas: A Qualitative Study about Teachers’ Career Experiences and Decisions in Regional Australia

Women Authors in Nuclear Medicine Journals: a Survey from 2014 to 2020.

Education and public engagement using an active research project: lessons and recipes from the SEA-SEIS North Atlantic Expedition’s programme for Irish schools

Procesos de Visualización en una Tarea de Generación y Representación de Cuerpos de Revolución

From indifference to internalisation: the definition of good doctors by CanMEDS Roles

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Perspectivas de carreira dos estudantes de administração da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso: comparativo entre os estudantes das gerações X e Y

The Perceived Impact of MBA Degree on Career and Skills Development: An Explanatory Research Comparing French and GCC Students

SC14 An innovative simulation-based course to incentivise and attract interest and recruitment to paediatrics

Attractiveness of jobs in academia: a cross-country perspective

Recommendations for Thematic Issue on Kinesiology Doctoral Students’ Perspectives

Recognizing our authors

Determining the Opinions of Pupils on Space Professions

[Structured Career Pathways in the University Medicine - From Promotion to Clinician Scientist Programs].

Strukturierte Karrierewege in der Universitätsmedizin

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