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Career Adaptability sentence examples within career construction theory

Cultivating Proactive Career Behavior: The Role of Career Adaptability and Job Embeddedness

Facilitating a successful school-to-work transition: Comparing compact career-adaptation interventions

Career Adaptability sentence examples within career decision making

“Be Perfect in Every Respect”: The Relationship Between Perfectionism, Career Adaptability and Career Decision-Making Difficulties of College Students

Career Decision-Making Difficulties and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Career-Related Parental Behaviors and Career Adaptability

Career Adaptability sentence examples within concern control curiosity

Role of Career Adaptability and Its Resources in Predicting Vocational Attitudes of Indian IT Professionals

A Longitudinal Study of Relations Among Adolescents’ Self-Esteem, General Self-Efficacy, Career Adaptability, and Life Satisfaction:

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Career Adaptability sentence examples within search self efficacy

The Role of Self-Monitoring and Academic Effort in Students’ Career Adaptability and Job Search Self-Efficacy

Hubungan Job Search Self-Efficacy dengan Career Adaptability

Career Adaptability sentence examples within Student Career Adaptability

Profile of Culture-Based Career Adaptability of Students

Transforming doctoral education: preparing multidimensional and adaptive scholars

Career Adaptability sentence examples within career adaptability skill

Using career counselling with group life design principles to improve the employability of disadvantaged young adults

In Search of Addressing People’s Career Adaptability and Career Identity Needs: Constructing the Shaping Career Voices Intervention

Career Adaptability sentence examples within career adaptability influence

Career adaptability and job outcomes: a moderated mediation model of proactivity and job content plateau in educational sector

Career adaptability and citizenship outcomes: a moderated mediation model

Career Adaptability sentence examples within career adaptability scale

Adaptivity, adaptability, adapting response, and adaptation result: testing with structural equation modelling on pre-service teachers

Values and career behaviours of entrepreneurs and employees

Career Adaptability sentence examples within career adaptability dan

Pengaruh Career Adaptability dan Psychological Capital terhadap Self-Perceived Employability pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Airlangga

Career Adaptability dan Job Hopping Intention: Peran Career Satisfaction di Pekerja Generasi Y

Üniversiteden İş Hayatına Geçiş: Kariyer Uyumu ve İyimserliği

Career Adaptability, Hope, and Life Satisfaction: an Analysis of Adults with and Without Substance Use Disorder

Career Adaptability: The Key to Tackling Workplace Trauma at Scale

Effect of Career Adaptability on Subjective Well-Being of Middle-Aged and Older Employees

Leaving the military to work in civilian society: career adaptability by South Korean short- and mid-term veterans

The relationship between career adaptability, hope, resilience, and life satisfaction for hospitality students in times of Covid-19

Courage, Career Adaptability, and Readiness as Resources to Improve Well-Being during the University-to-Work Transition in Italy

Determinants of Career Success: A Case Study of Male Teachers in Secondary Schools

The Concepts of Work and Decent Work in Relationship With Self-Efficacy and Career Adaptability: Research With Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Adolescence

Research on the Impact of Developmental HRM Practices to Employee Innovation Behavior Based on Mplus 8.0 and SPSS 21.0

A Career Construction Course for High School Students: Development and Field Test

In the same boat? An online group career counseling with a group of young adults in the time of COVID-19

The criterion validity of career adapt–abilities scale with cooperation among Chinese workers

Gender Perception, Career Optimism and Career Adaptability Among University Students: The Mediating Role of Personal Growth Initiative

Strengthening career adaptation among school teachers in Pakistan: Test of strengths-based career intervention imparted through emotionalized learning experiences

Do adaptable employees always display high performance? Dual roles of proactive behavior and self-construal

Going full circle: Integrating research on career adaptation and proactivity

Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Adversitas dengan Adaptabilitas Karier pada Karyawan BNI Cabang Rengat

Examining Classism and Critical Consciousness Within Psychology of Working Theory

Proactive Personality as a Predictor of Career Adaptability and Career Growth Potential: A View From Conservation of Resources Theory

Turning the Page: A Career Construction Counseling Group Design for Mid-to-Late Career Unemployed Adults

“Drive Your Career”: Strategi Meningkatkan Adaptabilitas Karier Melalui Pelatihan Karier

A Scoping Review of Life Design Intervention Research: Implications for Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice

The role of career adaptability and future orientation on future goals in refugees

The relationship between employability skills and career adaptability: a case of undergraduate students of the United Arab Emirates

Career Adaptability Profiles and Their Relations With Emotional and Decision-Making Correlates Among Belgian Undergraduate Students

Strengthening Civil Servants’ Entrepreneurial Behaviour: An Integrated Framework

The mediating role of career decision self-efficacy on the relationship of career emotional intelligence and self-esteem with career adaptability among university students

Anticipatory emotions at the prospect of the transition to higher education: A latent transition analysis

A multivariate discriminant analysis of university students’ career decisions based on career adaptability, social support, academic major relevance, and university life satisfaction

Career adaptability, future time perspective, and career anxiety among undergraduate students: A cross-national comparison


Investigation of Career Adaptability According to Conflict Activity Styles

Career Exploration and College Students’ Career Adaptability: The Mediating Role of Future Work Self-Salience and Moderating Role of Perceived Teacher Support

Transitioning into TVET schools: An exploration of second career teachers’ entry profiles

Stay or Leave? The Role of Career Adaptability and Organizational Embeddedness for Turnover Intentions

How does role accumulation enhance career adaptability? A dual mediation analysis


Hope, adaptability, and job-search intensity among individuals living with serious mental illness

The Career adaptability among Young Adulthood : A Systematic Literature Review

The youth online training and employment system: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an online vocational intervention for young people with mental ill health.

Network analysis of the variables involved in Career Development


Career Adaptability of People with a Refugee Background: The Role of Social Capital

Effect of College Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention: Career Adaptability as a Mediating Variable

Pengaruh Dukungan Organisasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Adaptabilitas Karier Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Dosen Di Jabodetabek [The Influence of Organizational Support to Work Satisfaction with Career Adaptability as Mediating Variable in Lecturers in Jabodetabek]

Core Self-Evaluation and Work Engagement: Moderated Mediation Model of Career Adaptability and Job Insecurity

Examining Predictors and Outcomes of Decent Work Perception with Chinese Nursing College Students

The Effect of New Nurses’ Clinical Competence on Career Adaptation

At-home international education in Vietnamese universities: impact on graduates’ employability and career prospects

A life design-related career development intervention for working adults in the manufacturing, engineering and related sectors

Factors predicting career choice among Malaysian students in skills-based training institutions

Career adaptability and employee well-being over a two-year period: Investigating cross-lagged effects and their boundary conditions

Psychological Resilience and Self-Esteem Related Components on Career Adaptation and Career Optimism

Developing, validating, and testing improved measures within the Psychology of Working Theory

How proactive personality can decrease turnover intention: A moderated mediation model of justice perception and career adaptability in Taiwanese nurses

Adaptabilidade de carreira e autoeficácia ocupacional: relações com variáveis de carreira

The effect of career adaptability on career planning in reaction to automation technology


Decent Work and Well-Being Among Low-Income Turkish Employees: Testing the Psychology of Working Theory

Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Mediator Antara Dukungan Kontekstual Dan Adaptabilitas Karier

Life Design and People with Experience of Substance Abuse

Transformational Leadership, Career Adaptability, and Work Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Task Variety

Lise Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Uyumu ve Yaşam Doyumu İlişkisinde Gelecek Yöneliminin Aracı Rolü

대학생의 계획된 우연 기술이 진로적응성과 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향: 진로코칭 교육의 필요성에 대한 모색

Is the future still open? The mediating role of occupational future time perspective in the effects of career adaptability and aging experience on late career planning

Illustrating Instrumental Variable Regressions Using the Career Adaptability – Job Satisfaction Relationship

Career adaptability and the success of self-initiated expatriates in China

Innovating Career Counselling for Middle-Aged and Older Adults

Career Satisfaction of Professional Women: The Interplay between Career Adaptability and Psychosocial Career Preoccupations

Efficacy of a group career construction intervention with early adolescent youth

Adaptabilidad de la Carrera en estudiantes universitarios:Un estudio a través de entrevistas autobiográficas

Examining the impact of emotional intelligence on career adaptability: A two-wave cross-lagged study

Impact of teachers’ career adaptability and family on professional learning

Psychosocial resources, support, and career satisfaction among professional women: A South African study

French-Language Translation and Validation of the Protean and Boundaryless Career Attitudes Scales: Relationships to Proactive Personality, Career Adaptability, and Career Satisfaction

Students’ psychological hardiness in relation to career adaptability

The Mediating Influence of Fit Perceptions in the Relationship Between Career Adaptability and Job Content and Hierarchical Plateaus

More Career Adaptability 직업 적응력 sentence examples

The mediating effect of proactive personality on the relationship between achievement motivation and career adaptability in nursing undergraduates

Career Adaptability of Shipping Cadets: A Descriptive Study

The effect of a career development programme based on the Hope-Action Theory: Hope to Work for refugees in British Columbia

Personal Growth and Well-Being at Work: Contributions of Vocational Psychology

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Career Adaptability 직업 적응력

Career Adaptability 직업 적응력
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