Carbide Inserts(카바이드 인서트)란 무엇입니까?
Carbide Inserts 카바이드 인서트 - The turning process is done with carbide inserts and varying flow rates. [1] Due to the excessive and repetitive forces acted on the height-increased rippers, breakages of the carbide inserts at the two sides of the cutter top dominated and the damaged cutters suffered substantial wear. [2] A CNC machine is used to turn the mild steel parts with the help of carbide inserts (TNMG 160408CQ). [3] Additionally, a high cutting temperature causes rapid wear in the carbide inserts due to the low thermal conductivity of titanium alloys. [4] Cut-off tools equipped with carbide inserts are commonly used in turning operations. [5] This study plans to present an experimental analysis of wear characterization of polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and carbide inserts during high-speed milling of Ti-MMCs. [6] The potential of various varieties of hard outer surface coats of carbide inserts on surface roughness, material removal rate (MRR) and flank wear, are scrutinized based on an experimental study using standard orthogonal array L 16 (4^3 × 2^1). [7] The nanolayer silicon nitride coating offers the finest wear resistance in machining and hence responsible for the extended life with carbide inserts. [8] pl – Pratt & Whitney Kalisz, Polska Research concerns the evaluation of the cutting insert condition on the microstructure of the surface layer after longitudinal turning of Inconel 718 alloy using carbide inserts. [9] 3D finite element simulations are performed to determine residual stress in turning of Ti–6Al–4V using carbide inserts. [10] TiCxN1−x coatings improved the mechanical properties of carbide inserts. [11] The results of experimental studies of chip formation peculiarities and wear resistance of carbide inserts with a multi-layer wear-resistant coating obtained by chemical vapor-phase deposition when turning 08X18H10T corrosion-resistant heat-resistant steel are presented. [12] The physical experiments were conducted on M200 TS material on a DMC 635 V DMG ECOLINE, Deckel Maho Germany, Siemens 810D, 3-Axis, CNC vertical milling machine using carbide inserts and the surface roughness was measured using the Mitutoyo SJ–201, surface roughness Machine. [13] This modification involves providing micro textures on the surface of the rake face of carbide inserts. [14] Experiments were conducted on the proposed metal using carbide inserts at three levels of spindle speeds, depth of cuts and feed rates and experimental results were collected. [15] Turning cutters with carbide inserts were used. [16] Cutting tests were conducted in turning steel C45 with carbide inserts with the coatings under study at various cutting speeds (vc = 250, 300 and 350 m/min). [17] The captured images of carbide inserts are processed, and the segmented tool wear zone has been obtained by image processing. [18] The physical experiments were conducted on a M200 TS material using a DMC 635 V DMG ECOLINE, Deckel Maho Germany, Siemens 810D, 3- Axis, CNC vertical milling machine and carbide inserts. [19]선삭 공정은 카바이드 인서트와 다양한 유속으로 수행됩니다. [1] 증가된 리퍼에 과도하고 반복적인 힘이 작용하여 커터 상단 양쪽의 카바이드 인서트 파손이 지배적이었고 손상된 커터는 상당한 마모를 겪었습니다. [2] CNC 기계는 카바이드 인서트(TNMG 160408CQ)를 사용하여 연강 부품을 선삭하는 데 사용됩니다. [3] 또한 높은 절삭 온도는 티타늄 합금의 낮은 열 전도성으로 인해 초경 인서트의 빠른 마모를 유발합니다. [4] 초경 인서트가 장착된 절단 공구는 일반적으로 선삭 작업에 사용됩니다. [5] 이 연구는 Ti-MMC의 고속 밀링 중 다결정 다이아몬드(PCD) 및 초경 인서트의 마모 특성에 대한 실험적 분석을 제시할 계획입니다. [6] 표면 거칠기, 재료 제거율(MRR) 및 측면 마모에 대한 다양한 종류의 초경 인서트 외부 표면 코팅의 가능성은 표준 직교 배열 L 16(4^3x2^1)을 사용한 실험 연구를 기반으로 자세히 조사되었습니다. [7] 나노층 실리콘 질화물 코팅은 가공 시 최고의 내마모성을 제공하므로 카바이드 인서트의 수명 연장에 기여합니다. [8] pl – Pratt & Whitney Kalisz, Polska Research는 초경 인서트를 사용하여 Inconel 718 합금을 세로 방향 선삭 가공한 후 표면층의 미세 구조에 대한 절삭 인서트 상태의 평가에 관한 것입니다. [9] 초경 인서트를 사용하여 Ti-6Al-4V 선삭에서 잔류 응력을 결정하기 위해 3D 유한 요소 시뮬레이션이 수행됩니다. [10] TiCxN1-x 코팅은 카바이드 인서트의 기계적 특성을 개선했습니다. [11] 08X18H10T 내부식성 내열강을 선삭할 때 화학 기상 증착에 의해 얻은 다층 내마모성 코팅이 적용된 카바이드 인서트의 칩 형성 특성 및 내마모성에 대한 실험적 연구 결과가 제시됩니다. [12] 물리적 실험은 초경 인서트를 사용하여 DMC 635 V DMG ECOLINE, Deckel Maho Germany, Siemens 810D, 3축 CNC 수직 밀링 머신에서 M200 TS 재료에 대해 수행되었으며 Mitutoyo SJ-201, 표면 거칠기를 사용하여 표면 거칠기를 측정했습니다. 기계. [13] 이 수정은 초경 인서트의 경사면 표면에 미세 질감을 제공하는 것을 포함합니다. [14] 제안된 금속에 대해 스핀들 속도, 절삭 깊이 및 이송 속도의 세 가지 수준에서 초경 인서트를 사용하여 실험을 수행하고 실험 결과를 수집했습니다. [15] 초경 인서트가 있는 터닝 커터가 사용되었습니다. [16] 다양한 절삭 속도(vc = 250, 300 및 350 m/min)에서 연구 중인 코팅이 있는 카바이드 인서트가 있는 선삭 강 C45에서 절삭 테스트가 수행되었습니다. [17] 초경 인서트의 캡처된 이미지가 처리되고 분할된 도구 마모 영역이 이미지 처리에 의해 획득되었습니다. [18] 물리적 실험은 DMC 635 V DMG ECOLINE, Deckel Maho Germany, Siemens 810D, 3축, CNC 수직 밀링 머신 및 초경 인서트를 사용하여 M200 TS 재료에 대해 수행되었습니다. [19]
physical vapour deposition 물리적 증착
In this work, the principle center is around enhancing the cutting conditions and the surface nature of workpiece material while machining aluminium alloy AA6063 utilizing physical vapour deposition (PVD) carbide inserts and uncoated carbide inserts. [1] This study has attempted to optimize the machining parameters, when conducting the dry-turning operation of Inconel 825 work piece by utilizing two types of coated carbide inserts, such as physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD). [2] The experiments were conducted on Inconel 825 material using carbide inserts, with physical vapour deposition and TiAlN coating. [3] In this study, the comparative performance evaluation of PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) coated TiCN, TiAlN and uncoated cemented carbide inserts are investigated in machining of Custom450 stainless steel as the workpiece material. [4] This study consists of the turning operation of Ni-based super alloy Inconel 625 without coolant, carried out by physical vapour deposition (PVD) coated carbide inserts. [5] Physical vapour deposition technique was used to deposit TiAlCrN coatings on the YT15 tungsten carbide inserts. [6]이 작업에서 기본 중심은 물리적 기상 증착(PVD) 카바이드 인서트와 코팅되지 않은 카바이드 인서트를 사용하여 알루미늄 합금 AA6063을 가공하는 동안 가공물 재료의 절삭 조건과 표면 특성을 향상시키는 것입니다. [1] 본 연구에서는 PVD(Physical Vapor Deposition) 및 CVD(Chemical Vapor Deposition)와 같은 두 가지 유형의 코팅 카바이드 인서트를 사용하여 Inconel 825 공작물의 건식 선삭 작업을 수행할 때 가공 매개변수를 최적화하려고 시도했습니다. [2] 실험은 물리적 기상 증착 및 TiAlN 코팅과 함께 카바이드 인서트를 사용하여 Inconel 825 재료에 대해 수행되었습니다. [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6]
Coated Carbide Inserts 코팅 카바이드 인서트
This research paper presents the influence of parameter setting and comparative benefits on machining of waspaloy using two coated carbide inserts. [1] Coated carbide inserts have been analyzed using several techniques including scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and 3D scanning. [2] The performance of NFMQL was compared with dry, MQL environments during milling of difficult-to-cut Inconel 718 superalloy with PVD coated carbide inserts. [3] Dry (Without coolant), wet (With coolant) and cryogenic (With liquid LN2) machining using coated carbide inserts. [4] This novel study combines evaluations of the performance of low-impact cooling strategies, such as dry milling or minimum quantity lubrication (MQL), in the manufacture of an industrially important pressure vessel carbon steel (SA516) using coated carbide inserts. [5] 1% CNT by turning process using uncoated and diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated carbide inserts. [6] In this study finish hard turning was performed on the AISI 420 stainless steel using ceramic and coated carbide inserts under dry cutting conditions. [7] The experimental investigation using coated carbide inserts is carried out during the dry hard milling process in a sustainable environment. [8] This study has attempted to optimize the machining parameters, when conducting the dry-turning operation of Inconel 825 work piece by utilizing two types of coated carbide inserts, such as physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD). [9] A study has been conducted to investigate the influence of machining parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and nose radius) on the cutting force during hard turning of AISI 52100 using multilayer coated carbide inserts. [10] Nine experimental tests based on L9 orthogonal network of the Taguchi method have been carried out using Titanium aluminium nitride (TiAlN) coated carbide inserts under a dry environment. [11] This paper presents a comparative analysis of force, roughness and tool wear during the dry machining Nimonic 263 alloy using coated carbide inserts. [12] The study reveals that a better performance of coated carbide inserts is observed by using MQL with Al2O3 and MoS2 nanofluids. [13] Further, wear on the tool of PVD-titanium-aluminum-nitrogen/titanium-nitrogen–coated carbide inserts used for milling was observed for the given input cutting speeds of 30, 45, 60, and 75 m/min and feed rates of 0. [14] The present work focuses on the performance of vegetable oil based nanocutting fluids in turning AISI 1040 steel using coated carbide inserts. [15] This paper presents the investigation results of flank wear and crater wear developed in the Uncoated and Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) coated carbide inserts during the dry turning of three hybrid composites, viz (i) Al7075%-10%SiC-0. [16] Experimental is carried out using L9 orthogonal array and turned with PVD (AlTiN) coated carbide inserts. [17] The statistical data of surface roughness (Ra, Rz) associated with the machining parameters (cutting speed, tool nose radius, depth of cut and feed) during turning of AISI 52100 steel using multilayer coated carbide inserts was experimentally modelled in this study. [18] The work pieces are machined on CNC lathes using Ti+Al2O3+TiN coated carbide inserts. [19] The present experiment accomplished that TiAlN-coated carbide inserts result in better surface quality as compared with uncoated carbide inserts. [20] Turning operation has been executed by means of coated carbide inserts with a constant spindle speed of 371 RPM and depth of cut of 0. [21] This study consists of the turning operation of Ni-based super alloy Inconel 625 without coolant, carried out by physical vapour deposition (PVD) coated carbide inserts. [22] This study attempts to compare tool wear of coated carbide inserts during face milling of Inconel-625 and SS-304 under dry, flooded and NMQL conditions. [23] PVD-coated carbide inserts are used for the turning operation, and the coating material was AlTiN. [24] The present study is to investigate the role of cryogenic cooling using liquid nitrogen as coolant on the tool wear and surface roughness in turning of Inconel 625 with PVD-TiAlN-coated carbide inserts. [25] This work was completed in a FANUC arrangement CNC vertical machining centre (VMC) with three TiN coated carbide inserts of 0. [26]이 연구 보고서는 두 개의 코팅된 초경 인서트를 사용하여 waspaloy의 가공에 대한 매개변수 설정 및 비교 이점의 영향을 제시합니다. [1] 코팅 카바이드 인서트는 주사 전자 현미경, 에너지 분산 X선 분광법 및 3D 스캐닝을 포함한 여러 기술을 사용하여 분석되었습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] 본 연구에서는 PVD(Physical Vapor Deposition) 및 CVD(Chemical Vapor Deposition)와 같은 두 가지 유형의 코팅 카바이드 인서트를 사용하여 Inconel 825 공작물의 건식 선삭 작업을 수행할 때 가공 매개변수를 최적화하려고 시도했습니다. [9] 다층 코팅 초경 인서트를 사용하는 AISI 52100의 경질 선삭 중 절삭 부하에 대한 가공 매개변수(절삭 속도, 이송 속도, 절삭 깊이 및 노즈 반경)의 영향을 조사하기 위한 연구가 수행되었습니다. [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21] nan [22] nan [23] nan [24] nan [25] nan [26]
Tungsten Carbide Inserts 텅스텐 카바이드 인서트
From the obtained results, it could be observed that cermet cutting inserts used in milling process led to higher compressive residual stresses and lower roughness values in the substrate in comparison to cemented tungsten carbide inserts, increasing the critical load required for coating failure. [1] This work focuses on developing the mathematical model of surface roughness (Ra) in the turning of Inconel 625 superalloy with cryogenically treated tungsten carbide inserts. [2] The upper limit of drill bit turn angle between impacts at the maximum drilling capacity and minimum energy content of fracture and wear of tungsten carbide inserts is found. [3] Hence this study investigate the effects of the machining parameters and the different machining environments on the machinablity aspects namely surface roughness, tool wear, tool - chip contact length, net cutting specific energy, chip morphology and the chip thickness ratio while machining austenitic stainless steel AISI 304 by TiAlN coated tungsten carbide inserts of the different tool geometry. [4] After sintering, cemented tungsten carbide inserts are ground in order to improve their surface integrity, which can be controlled by an adequate choice of the grinding tool. [5] This study proposes an efficient adhesion area quantification method using image processing of discrete gray intensities on backscatter images of uncoated tungsten carbide inserts, revealed by scanning inserts through an electron microscope. [6] This project deals with the optimization of performance characteristics of turning EN-08, EN-36, mild steel using tungsten carbide inserts by taguchi’s approach. [7] Experimental investigation has been carried out by using scientific composite factorial design on precision lathe machine with tungsten carbide inserts. [8] Experimental work was carried out in turning steel alloy by using tungsten carbide inserts. [9] This work aims to present the capability and performance of a new strategy of life improvement in the tungsten carbide inserts by creating micro-textured grooves on their surface. [10] In this comparative experimental study is organized to evaluate the effects of 24 hours deep cryogenic treated (CT) and untreated (UT) tungsten carbide inserts in turning of AISI 1040 (EN 8) steel. [11] The machining of nickel based alloy has been carried out using the AlTiN coated tungsten carbide inserts of different nose radii. [12] The contribution of the present work resides in depicting the procedure for laser texturing the cutting edge chamfer of uncoated tungsten carbide inserts aiming at weakening the stability of the seizure region. [13] In this work, to study the machining behavior of a super duplex stainless steel, PVD- and CVD-coated tungsten carbide inserts with different coatings were used in order to identify the wear mechanisms that affect each of the coatings and the workpiece’s surface quality, evaluated through different roughness parameters. [14] In this study, an effort has been taken to model the machinability evaluation of 17–4 PH stainless steel using Cryo-Treated textured tungsten carbide inserts via Response Surface Methodology (RSM). [15] The purpose of this study is to investigate solid lubricant-assisted cutting fluids applied through minimum quantity lubrication technique (MQL) for nano-finishing of AISI 4340 steel using TiCN/Al2O3/TiN chemical vapor deposition coated tungsten carbide inserts during flat end milling process. [16] Cryogenic treatment has developed as a technique to improve the life of the cutting tool, especially tungsten carbide inserts. [17] This study provides investigations on micro-grooves fabricated on the rake face of tungsten carbide inserts (WC/Co) that were used in turning titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V under dry conditions. [18] ABSTRACT This present exploration detailed the machining performance characteristics of stir-casted aluminum metal matrix composites during CNC turning process with Tungsten Carbide inserts. [19] A significant improvement in tool life was observed in milling with the scCO2+MQL using multilayer coated tungsten carbide inserts. [20] Physical vapour deposition technique was used to deposit TiAlCrN coatings on the YT15 tungsten carbide inserts. [21] All the three composite coatings showed improved mechanical characteristics and stable microstructure over uncoated tungsten carbide inserts, with Ni–TiC–TiN coating showing maximum microhardness, and Ni–TiN coating showing maximum adhesion among the three types. [22] Micro-groove patterns perpendicular to the cutting edge are fabricated with micro-electrical discharge machining (µ-EDM) along the rake faces of the tungsten carbide inserts with varying micro-texture pattern parameters including micro-groove width (50 µm, 100 µm), micro-groove depth (10 µm, 20 µm, 30 µm), and spacing between micro-grooves ranging between 50 µm and 200 µm. [23]얻어진 결과로부터 밀링 공정에 사용된 서멧 절삭 인서트는 초경합금 인서트에 비해 압축 잔류 응력이 더 높고 모재의 거칠기 값이 낮아 코팅 실패에 필요한 임계 하중이 증가함을 관찰할 수 있었습니다. [1] 이 작업은 극저온 처리된 텅스텐 카바이드 인서트로 Inconel 625 초합금을 선삭할 때 표면 거칠기(Ra)의 수학적 모델을 개발하는 데 중점을 둡니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] 이 비교 실험 연구에서는 AISI 1040(EN 8) 강 선삭에서 24시간 극저온 처리(CT) 및 미처리(UT) 텅스텐 카바이드 인서트의 효과를 평가하기 위해 구성되었습니다. [11] 니켈 기반 합금의 가공은 다양한 노즈 반경의 AlTiN 코팅 텅스텐 카바이드 인서트를 사용하여 수행되었습니다. [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21] nan [22] nan [23]
Cemented Carbide Inserts 초경합금 인서트
Cemented carbide inserts were used as tools to scratch the test samples. [1] In the milling process of water chamber head, the service life of cemented carbide inserts is low, and inserts are prone to premature breakage and impact fracture. [2] The cyclic utilization of coated cemented carbide inserts for turning of Inconel 718 was presented, which could be described as that the worn inserts should be given priority to repair rather than to reclaim the resources of W and Co. [3] The present article deals with the prediction of the cutting forces during the face milling of AISI 4140 with coated cemented carbide inserts under dry cutting conditions. [4] In the first step, a 10 µm thick Ti1−xAlxN coating was deposited on steel foil and on cemented carbide inserts by CVD. [5] In view of the lack of chipbreakers in ceramic turning inserts, something unthinkable in nowadays-cemented carbide inserts, this works is intended to open a gate to a new generation of cutting tools. [6] Micro-crystalline diamond (MCD) coatings were deposited on cemented carbide inserts at different temperatures using hot filament chemical vapor deposition technique. [7] The present study investigates the machining performance of AlCrN and AlTiN coated cemented carbide inserts during end milling of MDN 250 maraging steel. [8] In the present work, the mechanisms behind the crater and flank wear of uncoated cemented carbide inserts in the turning of Ti6Al4V are characterized using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and high-resolution Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). [9] In this study, the comparative performance evaluation of PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) coated TiCN, TiAlN and uncoated cemented carbide inserts are investigated in machining of Custom450 stainless steel as the workpiece material. [10] An experimental investigation was conducted to study the machined surface integrity characteristics in face milling 2A97 with cemented carbide inserts on the basis of Taguchi orthogonal method. [11] dry, wet and cryogenic (LN2) using cemented carbide inserts. [12] The tests were carried out for cemented carbide inserts with varying cutting parameters. [13] The biggest source of variation in rough turning tests of titanium with commercially available cemented carbide inserts proves to be the cutting edge micro-geometry. [14] The current study demonstrates the effect of minimum quantity cooling lubrication (MQCL) using MoS2 emulsion-based nanofluid on hard milling of SKD tool steel (52-60 HRC) with coated cemented carbide inserts. [15]초경합금 인서트는 테스트 샘플을 긁는 도구로 사용되었습니다. [1] 수조 헤드의 밀링 공정에서 초경합금 인서트의 수명이 짧고 인서트가 조기 파손 및 충격 파단되기 쉽습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] 미세 결정질 다이아몬드(MCD) 코팅은 고온 필라멘트 화학 기상 증착 기술을 사용하여 다양한 온도에서 초경합금 인서트에 증착되었습니다. [7] 현재의 연구는 MDN 250 마레이징 강의 엔드 밀링 중 AlCrN 및 AlTiN 코팅 초경 인서트의 가공 성능을 조사합니다. [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15]
Uncoated Carbide Inserts 코팅되지 않은 카바이드 인서트
In this study, machining performance a series of commercially available uncoated carbide inserts with different depth of cut investigated during plunging of aluminum alloy (LM-13) and NI-alloy (MPL-251) of heavy-duty piston. [1] Machined surface images acquired during turning operation performed on mild steel components under dry condition by uncoated carbide inserts as cutting tool are used as input data to the CNN model for predicting the tool condition. [2] TiAlN/TiCN coated carbide tool has obtained improved machinability, when compared to TiCN/TiAlN coated carbide and uncoated carbide inserts. [3] In this work, the principle center is around enhancing the cutting conditions and the surface nature of workpiece material while machining aluminium alloy AA6063 utilizing physical vapour deposition (PVD) carbide inserts and uncoated carbide inserts. [4] The current study was carried out to improve the machining performance along with heat transfer rate during turning of AISI 316 SS using uncoated carbide inserts under bio-oil based NSIC environment. [5] Thus, this research work focusses to experimentally investigate the effect of air cooling during turning of Inconel 718 using uncoated carbide inserts. [6] Machining is carried out by uncoated carbide inserts at two cutting speeds (66, 188 m/min), two feed rates (0. [7] The input parameters such as depth of cut, feed rate, cutting speed, water pressure and air pressure were considered for the spray assisted turning with uncoated carbide inserts. [8]이 연구에서는 고강도 피스톤의 알루미늄 합금(LM-13)과 NI 합금(MPL-251)을 플런징하는 동안 절삭 깊이가 다른 일련의 상용 비코팅 초경 인서트 가공 성능을 조사했습니다. [1] 절삭 공구로 코팅되지 않은 초경 인서트를 사용하여 건조한 상태의 연강 부품에 대해 선삭 작업을 수행하는 동안 획득한 가공된 표면 이미지는 공구 상태를 예측하기 위한 CNN 모델에 대한 입력 데이터로 사용됩니다. [2] nan [3] 이 작업에서 기본 중심은 물리적 기상 증착(PVD) 카바이드 인서트와 코팅되지 않은 카바이드 인서트를 사용하여 알루미늄 합금 AA6063을 가공하는 동안 가공물 재료의 절삭 조건과 표면 특성을 향상시키는 것입니다. [4] 본 연구는 바이오 오일 기반의 NSIC 환경에서 코팅되지 않은 초경 인서트를 사용하여 AISI 316 SS의 선삭 가공 시 열전달율과 함께 가공 성능을 향상시키기 위해 수행되었습니다. [5] 따라서 이 연구 작업은 코팅되지 않은 초경 인서트를 사용하여 Inconel 718을 선삭하는 동안 공기 냉각 효과를 실험적으로 조사하는 데 중점을 둡니다. [6] nan [7] nan [8]
Indexable Carbide Inserts
High-temperature (t = 800 ° С ) ion nitriding of T15K6 indexable carbide inserts was carried out with regard to the structure formation, phase composition, surface coating thickness ensuring an increase in their durability during the cutting test. [1] A tool with T15K6 indexable carbide inserts is exposed to laser treatment by heating the working surface with continuous laser emission using an LK 3015ls07 industrial laser according to the KV_OSN program along the insert contours with a distance from the cutting edge of ~2 mm. [2]T15K6 인덱서블 초경 인서트의 고온(t = 800 ° С) 이온 질화는 구조 형성, 상 구성, 절삭 테스트 중 내구성 증가를 보장하는 표면 코팅 두께와 관련하여 수행되었습니다. [1] T15K6 인덱서블 초경 인서트가 있는 공구는 KV_OSN 프로그램에 따라 절삭날에서 ~2mm의 거리를 두고 인서트 윤곽을 따라 LK 3015ls07 산업용 레이저를 사용하여 연속 레이저 방출로 작업 표면을 가열함으로써 레이저 처리에 노출됩니다. [2]
Face Carbide Inserts 페이스 카바이드 인서트
In this study, the influence of cutting parameters and machining time on the tool wear and surface roughness was investigated in high-speed milling process of Al6061 using face carbide inserts. [1] The experiments were carried out for orthogonal cutting of austenitic steel AISI 321 with flat rake face carbide inserts that were made of tungsten carbide H10F, both uncoated and coated, with coatings of varied arrangement. [2]이 연구에서는 평면 초경 인서트를 사용하는 Al6061의 고속 밀링 공정에서 절삭 매개변수와 가공 시간이 공구 마모 및 표면 거칠기에 미치는 영향을 조사했습니다. [1] 다양한 배열의 코팅과 함께 비코팅 및 코팅된 텅스텐 카바이드 H10F로 만들어진 평평한 경사면 카바이드 인서트가 있는 오스테나이트 강 AISI 321의 직교 절단에 대한 실험이 수행되었습니다. [2]