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Butterfly Wings sentence examples within Morpho Butterfly Wings

Impedance Mismatch-Based Enhancement of Broadband Reflectance of Tungsten with Bio-Inspired Multilayers

Cardiomyocytes-Actuated Morpho Butterfly Wings.

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Retraction dynamics of a water droplet impacting onto a microgrooved hydrophobic surface at different velocities and surface temperatures

Additive and subtractive modification of butterfly wing structural colors

Enhancement of infrared emissivity by the hierarchical microstructures from the wing scales of butterfly Rapala dioetas

The Fractal Geometry of the Nymphalid Groundplan: Self-Similar Configuration of Color Pattern Symmetry Systems in Butterfly Wings

Directional anchoring patterned liquid-infused superamphiphobic surfaces for high-throughput droplet manipulation.

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Interplay between order and disorder in natural photonic structures

Bio-inspired structurally colored materials

Analysis of color shift on butterfly wings by Fourier transform of images from atomic force microscopy

Photonic nanoarchitectonics with stimuli-responsive 2D materials

On the dynamics of fractional maps with power-law, exponential decay and Mittag–Leffler memory

Synthetic Butterfly Scale Surfaces with Compliance-Tailored Anisotropic Drop Adhesion.

Identification and quantification of isoguanosine in humans and mice

Transparency reduces predator detection in mimetic clearwing butterflies

Directed self-assembly of a helical nanofilament liquid crystal phase for use as structural color reflectors

JEZB and the future of developmental evolution.

Fabrication of superwetting surfaces by ultrafast lasers and mechanical durability of superhydrophobic surfaces

Electrochemical immunosensor based on an antibody-hierarchical mesoporous SiO2 for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus

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Fundamentals of superhydrophobic surfaces

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On the fractal basins of convergence of the libration points in the axisymmetric five-body problem: The convex configuration

Guided cellular orientation concurrently with cell density gradient on butterfly wings

Co3O4 nanoparticles on porous bio-carbon substrate as catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction

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Methods and fabrication techniques of superhydrophobic surfaces

Probing the coupling of butterfly wing photonic crystals to plasmon resonances with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Vapor detection through dynamic process of molecule desorption from butterfly wings

Hemoglobinopathy and Systemic Lupus: A Rare Association

Butterfly-wing hierarchical metallic glassy nanostructure for surface enhanced Raman scattering

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Biological design of materials

Spatially variant microstructured adhesive with one-way friction

Observation of Hofstadter butterfly and topological edge states in reconfigurable quasi-periodic acoustic crystals

The relationship between flux emergence and subsurface toroidal magnetic flux.

A coupled damage model and a semi-analytical contact solver to simulate butterfly wing formation around nonmetallic inclusions

Optical Properties of Greta oto Butterfly Wings: Relation of Iridescence with Photonic Properties.

Large-Area 3D Hierarchical Superstructures Assembled from Colloidal Nanoparticles.

Effects of natural wing damage on flight performance in Morpho butterflies: what can it tell us about wing shape evolution?

Features of Spatiotemporal Clustering in a Maunder Butterfly Diagram

Degenerating the butterfly attractor in a plasma perturbation model using nonlinear controllers

Light‐Activated Liquid Crystalline Hierarchical Architecture Toward Photonics

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Butterfly Wings 나비 날개

Butterfly Wings 나비 날개
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