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Butterfly Species sentence examples within Related Butterfly Species

Conservation and flexibility in the gene regulatory landscape of heliconiine butterfly wings

A morphometric analysis of environmental dependences between ultraviolet patches and wing venation patterns in Gonepteryx butterflies (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Three Butterfly Species

On the occurrence of three new Lycaenid butterflies (Lepidoptera) from Jammu and Kashmir, India

Diversity of pollinators and their role in the pollination biology of chickpea, Cicer arietinum L. (Fabaceae)

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Heliconiu Butterfly Species

Haplotype tagging reveals parallel formation of hybrid races in two butterfly species

Multiple mechanisms of photoreceptor spectral tuning following loss of UV color vision in Heliconius butterflies

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Specialist Butterfly Species

Effects of prescribed fire timing on vigor of the invasive forb sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), total forage biomass accumulation, plant-community composition, and native fauna on tallgrass prairie in the Kansas Flint Hills

Grassland Bird and Butterfly Responses to Sericea Lespedeza Control via Late-Season Grazing Pressure

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Two Butterfly Species

Pollinator Community of Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) and its Role in Crop Reproductive Success

Impacts of fire on butterfly genetic diversity and connectivity.

Butterfly Species sentence examples within European Butterfly Species

High resolution DNA barcode library for European butterflies reveals continental patterns of mitochondrial genetic diversity

Climate predicts both visible and near-infrared reflectance in butterflies.

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Threatened Butterfly Species

New additions to the larval food plants of Sri Lankan butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)

New Geographical Records for the Critically Endangered Butterfly Parides panthonus castilhoi (Papilionidae: Troidini)

Butterfly Species sentence examples within New Butterfly Species

A New Species of Dynamine Hübner, [1919] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Biblidinae) from the Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil.

Increased Suitability of Poleward Climate for a Tropical Butterfly (Euripus nyctelius) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Accompanies its Successful Range Expansion

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Classified Butterfly Species

Mitochondrial Barcodes of Three Malaysian Butterflies Originating from Taman Negara Endau Rompin Johor, Malaysia

Agricultural intensification drives butterfly decline

Butterfly Species sentence examples within 41 Butterfly Species

Sampling and selection of butterfly indicators for general surveillance of genetically modified maize in north-east Spain

Butterfly diversity along the urbanization gradient in a densely-built Mediterranean city: Land cover is more decisive than resources in structuring communities

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Recorded Butterfly Species

Diversity of Hesperiidae, Pieridae and Papilionidae Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) in the mountain massif Shkoza in Kosovo

Notes on new distribution records of Euaspa motokii Koiwaya, 2002 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae) from Bhutan

Butterfly Species sentence examples within Endangered Butterfly Species

Strong isolation by distance among local populations of an endangered butterfly species (Euphydryas aurinia)

Conservation of a strongly declining butterfly species depends on traditionally managed grasslands

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species richnes

Restoring a butterfly hot spot by large ungulates refaunation: the case of the Milovice military training range, Czech Republic

Butterfly Diversity and Abundance in the Middle Afromontane Area of Northwestern Ethiopia

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species belonging

Resources and Fauna of Butterflies in Jigongshan Mountain of Henan

On the occurrence of three new Lycaenid butterflies (Lepidoptera) from Jammu and Kashmir, India

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species recorded

Preliminary Assessment of Lepidoptera Biodiversity on Isla Guadalupe, Mexico, a Critically Threatened Ecosystem Currently Recovering from Extensive Habitat Degradation

Preliminary checklist of butterfly (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) species around Haringhata dairy farm, Nadia district, West Bengal including range extension of Prosotas bhutea (de Niceville, [1884]) for southern West Bengal, India

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species may

Use of microhabitats affects butterfly assemblages in a rural landscape

Correspondence of butterfly and host plant diversity: foundation for habitat restoration and conservation

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species interbreeding

Influence of the large–Z effect during contact between butterfly sister species

Influence of the large‐Z effect during contact between butterfly sister species

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species composition

Diversidad de mariposas diurnas (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en bosques y cultivos de cacao en un área de bosque amazónico basimontano en Bolivia

Differences in Response of Butterfly Diversity and Species Composition in Urban Parks to Land Cover and Local Habitat Variables

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species acros

Effects of prescribed fire timing on vigor of the invasive forb sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), total forage biomass accumulation, plant-community composition, and native fauna on tallgrass prairie in the Kansas Flint Hills

Microevolution of Pieris butterfly genes involved in host-plant adaptation along a host-plant community cline

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species along

Composition and diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) along an atmospheric pollution gradient in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, Mexico

Morphological and behavioural differences facilitate tropical butterfly persistence in variable environments.

Butterfly Species sentence examples within butterfly species diversity

Local Habitat Characteristics Determine Butterfly Diversity and Community Structure in a Threatened Kihansi Gorge Forest, Southern Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

Butterfly diversity of Putalibazar Municipality, Syangja District, Gandaki Province, Nepal

Habitat change has greater effects than climate change on butterfly occurrence in South Korea

The relationship of mean temperature and 9 collected butterfly species’ wingspan as the response of global warming

More Butterfly Species 나비 종 sentence examples

Does the size of the butterfly enhance detection? Factors influencing butterfly detection in species inventory surveys

Butterfly diversity in the three selected areas in Dhaka city, Bangladesh

Extensively managed or abandoned urban green spaces and their habitat potential for butterflies

Struktur Komunitas Kupu-Kupu Superfamili Papilionoidae (Lepidoptera) di Kawasan DAS Budi Kecamatan Sungai Betung Kabupaten Bengkayang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

More Butterfly Species 나비 종 sentence examples

Status, abundance, and seasonality of butterfly fauna at Kuvempu University Campus, Karnataka, India

Specialized androconial scales conceal species-specific semiochemicals of sympatric sulphur butterflies (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Coliadinae)

Butterfly distribution and habitat conservation status at A Rocha Dakatcha Nature Reserve, Kilifi County, Kenya

Development and Verification of an Interspecific Hybridization Protocol for Asclepias

Hoverflies use a time-compensated sun compass to orientate during autumn migration

Does the Change in Land Cover Alters Birds and Butterflies Diversity?

Diversity and Community Pattern of Butterflies on Degraded Heath Forest in East Kalimantan

Distribution of Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in Estonia: Results of a Systematic Mapping Project Reveal Long-Term Trends

Absorption spectra and electric field distributions of butterfly wing scale models coated with a metal film studied by finite-difference time-domain method

Protrusion of the Androconial Organs of Lycorea halia atergatis Doubleday [1847] (Nymphalidae) from a Cloud Forest at Veracruz State, México

Transparency reduces predator detection in mimetic clearwing butterflies

Ecological-economic modelling to compare the impact of organic and conventional farming on endangered grassland bird and butterfly species

A digestive tract expressing α-amylase influences the adult lifespan of Pteromalus puparum revealed through RNAi and rescue analyses.

Effects of organic farming on plant and butterfly functional diversity in mosaic landscapes

Firebreaks as a barrier to movement: the case of a butterfly in a Mediterranean landscape