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Republished: Real-time MRI guidance for intra-arterial drug delivery in a patient with a brain tumor: technical note

Real-time MRI guidance for intra-arterial drug delivery in a patient with a brain tumor: technical note

Butterfly Glioblastoma sentence examples within butterfly glioblastoma enrolled

Republished: Real-time MRI guidance for intra-arterial drug delivery in a patient with a brain tumor: technical note

Real-time MRI guidance for intra-arterial drug delivery in a patient with a brain tumor: technical note

Follow-up of intra-arterial delivery of bevacizumab for treatment of butterfly glioblastoma in patient with first-in-human, real-time MRI-guided intra-arterial neurointervention

Improved outcomes associated with maximal extent of resection for butterfly glioblastoma: insights from institutional and national data

Impact of surgical resection of butterfly glioblastoma on survival: a meta-analysis based on comparative studies

Learn more from Butterfly Glioblastoma 나비 교모세포종

Butterfly Glioblastoma 나비 교모세포종

Butterfly Glioblastoma 나비 교모세포종
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