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Butterfly Effect sentence examples within Quantum Butterfly Effect

Six-point functions and collisions in the black hole interior

Semiclassical echo dynamics in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model

The existence of butterfly effect and its impact on the dentinal microhardness and crack formation after root canal instrumentation.

Macrophages in heterotopic ossification: from mechanisms to therapy

Constrained Dual-Level Bandit for Personalized Impression Regulation in Online Ranking Systems

The Valdez Oil Spill, Environmental Impact and Corporate Liability

A Chronicle of Event Postponement and Reorganization Coming Back Stronger (Danai Varveri and Vassilios Ziakas)

Analogous Hawking radiation in butterfly effect

Analysis of chaotic behavior of three-dimensional dynamical systems by a B-spline differential quadrature algorithm

Butterflies, Elephants and Gravity to Model Human-Earth Interactions

A Chaotic FHSS based Power Line Communication Method in Parallel Buck Converters

An Experimental Study on the Influence of Drastically Varying Discharge Ratios on Bed Topography and Flow Structure at Urban Channel Confluences

Carotenemia induced by iron deficiency

The butterfly effect in clinical supervision

Entanglement of local operators and the butterfly effect

The Little Things Sometimes Count

Ripple effects: Can information about the collective impact of individual actions boost perceived efficacy about climate change?

Visualizing the Invisible: Performing Chaos Theory

Low-Abundant Microorganisms: The Human Microbiome’s Dark Matter, a Scoping Review

Control and synchronization for two Chua systems based on intuitionistic fuzzy control scheme: A comparative study

Nanoreactor of “butterfly effect” inciting a triple interlocked combination of starvation/chemo/metal ion therapy by remodeling tumor microenvironment

Unifying scrambling, thermalization and entanglement through measurement of fidelity out-of-time-order correlators in the Dicke model

If All You Have Is a Hammer: TRIZ and Complexity

Design and Synchronization of Large-scale Random Number Generators

Middle Class, WhatsApp, and Political Orientation: The Election of North Sumatera Governor, 2018

Parameter Identification of Chaotic Systems Using a Modified Cost Function Including Static and Dynamic Information of Attractors in the State Space

Conceptualising European Security Post-Brexit: Turbulence, Complexity and Interdependence

Cooperative Adaptive Driving for Platooning Autonomous Self Driving Based on Edge Computing

Engineered fibre enables targeted activation of butyrate producing microbiota in the distal gut

New Opportunities for Innovation Breakthroughs for Developing Countries and Emerging Economies: 19th International TRIZ Future Conference, TFC 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco, October 9–11, 2019, Proceedings

Analog-to-Digital Converters Employing Chaotic Internal Circuits to Maximize Resolution-Bandwidth Product - Turbo ADC

Pharmacy research in the emergency medicine environment

The operational butterfly effect: How IoT data + AI help deliver on the promise of 4IR

Complexity and the Future

A 2-week weather forecast may be as good as it gets.

Using Role-Play Game for Active Learning to Solve Water Inequity

Integrable Many-Body Quantum Floquet-Thouless Pumps.

Complex Seriality: Genetic Science As Narrative Device

초기 이스라엘, 블레셋, 기후변화와 이주 -지중해 배경에서 히브리 성서 읽기의 사례-

Chaotic regimes and synchronization in Tm 3+ -doped fiber laser with pump modulation

Altered Nucleoprotein Binding to Influenza Virus RNA Impacts Packaging Efficiency and Replication

The Butterfly Effect in Boilerplate Contract Interpretation

Formation and Modeling of Nanosized Levels of the Self-organized Structures in the Non-crystalline Thin Films of Ge-As-Te(S, Se) Systems

Boilerplate No Contest Clauses

Pre-emptive Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Theoretical Foundations and Clinical Translation

Pharmacy services in the emergency department: not a butterfly effect

How Did Solar Cells Get So Cheap

Cost function based on hidden Markov models for parameter estimation of chaotic systems

Schizo Times in Cinematic Thought

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Butterfly Effect 나비 효과

Butterfly Effect 나비 효과
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