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Butterfly Algorithm sentence examples within Monarch Butterfly Algorithm

Modified added activation function based exponential robust random vector functional link network with expanded version for nonlinear system identification

Monarch Butterfly Optimization-Based Computational Methodology for Unit Commitment Problem

Hybrid Matrix-Decomposition-Based Fast Direct Solver of Integral Equations

A Novel Pipelined Algorithm and Modular Architecture for Non-Square Matrix Transposition

Optical image encryption using different twiddle factors in the butterfly algorithm of fast Fourier transform

A multi-objective home energy management system based on internet of things and optimization algorithms

Sparse Approximate Multifrontal Factorization with Butterfly Compression for High Frequency Wave Equations

Multilevel adaptive cross approximation for efficient modeling of 3D arbitrary shaped eddy current NDE problems

A High Accurate and Stable Legendre Transform Based on Block Partitioning and Butterfly Algorithm for NWP

MoM Based MLACA to Accelerate Solving Eddy Current Problems

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Butterfly Algorithm 나비 알고리즘

Butterfly Algorithm 나비 알고리즘
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