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Building Within sentence examples within 11 storey building

Emotional and behavioural responses to the 19 September 2017 earthquake: the case of the occupants of three multi-storey buildings

Building Within sentence examples within Capacity Building Within

In memoriam: Professor James Gita Hakim (1954 to 2021)

Measuring the Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Adolescents in Kenya, Indonesia, and Vietnam: Study Protocol for the National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys

Building Within sentence examples within Consensu Building Within

Editors-in-chief perceptions of patients as (co) authors on publications and the acceptability of ICMJE authorship criteria: a cross-sectional survey

Are We Speaking the Same Language? Recommendations for a Definition and Categorization Framework for Plastic Debris.

Building Within sentence examples within Relationship Building Within

Exploring How Community College Presidents Make Human Resources Decisions for Financial Aid Departments in an Era of Uncertainty

Community-Based Participatory Research: Incorporating the Integral Voice of Community in Study Design

Building Within sentence examples within Demolished Building Within

Resurrecting the Ruins

Integrated reflection seismics, 3D-GPR, leveling, DInSAR to detect and characterize high-risk sinkholes in urban cover evaporite karst. A NE Italian case study.

Building Within sentence examples within Community Building Within

Creating Community in EdD Programs during COVID-19: Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities

Shifting Horizons: A Literature Review of Research Data Management Train-the-Trainer Models for Library and Campus-Wide Research Support Staff in Canadian Institutions

Building Within sentence examples within building within several

Phonics and Spelling: Learning the Structure of Language at the Word Level

Behavioural Support in Australia

Reconfiguring the prevention of underage alcohol and drug use on California Indian reservations: Pandemic responses

Mental health problems, family functioning and social support among children survivors of Colombia’s armed conflict

A TensorFlow Approach to Data Analysis for Time Series Forecasting in the Energy-Efficiency Realm

Actin Cytoskeleton Role in the Maintenance of Neuronal Morphology and Long-Term Memory

Reimagining community relationships for organizational learning: a scoping review with implications for a learning health system

Developing 21st-Century Skills through Restorative Practices

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BALTO: A BIM-Integrated Mobile Robot Manipulator for Precise and Autonomous Disinfection in Buildings against COVID-19

Developing resilience to climate change impacts in Antarctica: An evaluation of Antarctic Treaty System protected area policy

Understanding identity and positioning for responsive critical literacies

Meeting the challenge of human-induced climate change: reshaping social work education

The Role of Indigenous Resurgence in Marine Conservation

Optimal Dispatch for a Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Microgrid Considering Building Virtual Energy Storage

Flood Resilience Measures in Buildings on the Flood-plains of Ogbaru, Anambra State, Nigeria

More Building Within 건물 내 sentence examples

Outdoor measurement of wall pressure on cubical scale model affected by atmospheric turbulent flow

Estimation of Energy Activity and Flexibility Range in Smart Active Residential Building

Influence of underground geotechnical operation on surface buildings through the shield method

Fuzzy logic smart electric manager for building energy efficiency

Los sustratos del pavimento musivo de las habitaciones meridionales en la Iglesia Oriental de Khirbet et-Tireh, Ramala (Palestina)

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Building Within 건물 내

Building Within 건물 내
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