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The 1st International Workshop on Machine Reasoning: International Machine Reasoning Conference (MRC 2021)

CSR 2021: The 1st International Workshop on Causality in Search and Recommendation

Broader Community sentence examples within broader community context

Use of Arts-based Research to Uncover Racism

Medico-Legal Outlooks in Preventing Traffic Violations and Accidents by Enforcing the Structure and Function of the Police Unit

Broader Community sentence examples within broader community support

Challenging sustainability in school-based intervention in Nicaragua

It’s All Over: Romantic Relationships, Endurance and Loyalty in the Songs of Northern Irish Politically-Motivated Prisoners

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Broader Community sentence examples within broader community development

Use of health impact assessments in the housing sector to promote health in the United States, 2002–2016

Exploring the relationships between local agrifood system resilience, multiple measures of development, and health in the Southern United States

Broader Community sentence examples within broader community effort

Identification of dominant hydrological mechanisms using Bayesian inference, multiple statistical hypothesis testing and flexible models

Identification of Dominant Hydrological Mechanisms Using Bayesian Inference, Multiple Statistical Hypothesis Testing, and Flexible Models

Modeling the impact of harm reduction for opioid use disorder on infectious disease prevention

Artistic Citizenship and the Crafting of Mutual Musical Care

Cultural Rights as Human Rights and the Impact on the Expression of Arts Practices

It’s time to (climate) change the way we teach

The vicarious effects of hate: inter-ethnic hate crime in the neighborhood and its consequences for exclusion and anticipated rejection

De novo crystal structure determination of double stranded RNA binding domain using only the sulfur anomalous diffraction in SAD phasing

The development and realization of a research-through-design knowledge translation approach in a palliative care context

Virtual Training of Endurance Cycling – A Summary of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

Stakeholder mapping in animal health surveillance: A comparative assessment of networks in intensive dairy cattle and extensive sheep production in Australia.


Convolutional Neural Network for Skin Lesion Classification: Understanding the Fundamentals Through Hands-On Learning

Peace of Mind project: an integrated model to improve the end-of-life journey for patients with dementia


Limited within-host diversity and tight transmission bottlenecks limit SARS-CoV-2 evolution in acutely infected individuals

Is Originalism A Fandom?

ANEER, Community-Based Preschool in Remote Morocco

Astronomy Socialization in The Car Free Day Event in Palembang

An open-source semi-automated robotics pipeline for embryo immunohistochemistry

Developing a Scaffolded, Structured Approach to Road Safety Education in Schools

Encouraging College Student Democratic Engagement Through a Collaborative Voter

Continuing the discussion about ecological futures for the lower Murray River (Australia) in the Anthropocene

Introducing the new Regional Community Earth System Model, R-CESM

Connecting Community and Citizen Science to Stewardship Action Planning Through Scenarios Storytelling

Perception and Experience of Health Extension Workers on Facilitators and Barriers to Maternal and Newborn Health Service Utilization in Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study

How to get your feet wet in public engagement: Perspectives from freshwater scientists

Co-creating an assistive technology peer-support community: learnings from AT Chat.

An attempt for ensuring sustainable tourism by examining the landscape and water supply: A case in Gunung Padang

Art Conservation for the Classical Masks at Sonobudoyo Museum, Yogyakarta


Patient perspectives on the helpfulness of a community health worker program for HIV care engagement in Tanzania.

The Quality of Integrating, Rationale & Approach Participation (IRA) Teaching Model Based on Environmental Education: A Research & Development

Delusions of Certainty: Commercial Vessel COVID-19 Risk Stratification

Integrated Place Based Hubs - The Yarrabilba Family and Community Place - a proof of concept hub utilizing cross-sector partnerships to enable a shared focus on improving health, development and wellbeing outcomes of children and families living in a spe

Loss of Obstetric Services in Rural Appalachia: A Qualitative Study of Community Perceptions

The suitability of dual language education for diverse students

Street Children Phenomenon in Makassar City : A Criminological Analysis

Understanding uptake of community groundwater monitoring in rural Brazil

piRNAdb: A piwi-interacting RNA database

Indirect Impacts of COVID-19: A Case Study of Evidence, Advice and Representation From Consumer and Community Members in New South Wales Australia

The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Police Officer Stress, Mental Health, and Salivary Cortisol Levels

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Broader Community 더 넓은 커뮤니티

Broader Community 더 넓은 커뮤니티
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