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Tips and Resources for Medication Reconciliation

Radical transformation or technological intervention? Two paths for universal basic income

Rasizmus v rozvoji a v rozvojovej spolupráci

A Theory of Moral Rights

Ghost and Bone by Andrew Prentice (review)

Adherence: A challenge for all

When support becomes pressure.

It’s All Greek to Me

The Quest for Beneficial AI

What’s in a Pronoun?: The Ungovernability and Misgendering of Trans Native Kids in Juvenile Justice in Washington State

72 ‘Evidence based medicine’ – a ‘trojan horse’!!

Demonstration projects in sustainable technology : The road to fulfillment of project goals

Employing Technology to Make Care Transitions Safer

Concepts of Normativity Shape Youth Identity and Impact Resilience: a Critical Analysis

“Yes! We Have a Home‐Based Palliative Care Program!”

Validity and reliability of the (adjusted) Impact on Participation and Autonomy questionnaire for social-support populations

El compromiso por la vida auténtica en Ortega y Gasset

What’s in a Name? A Synthesis of “Allyship” Elements from Academic and Activist Literature

Unreformed nutritional epidemiology: a lamp post in the dark forest

Rights to Land: a guide to tenure upgrading and restitution in South Africa by William Beinart, Peter Delius and Michelle Hay (review)

Euvolemia—A critical target in the management of acute kidney injury

Learning to be a group facilitator in outdoor education: using self-awareness to overcome fears and be fully present

Procrastination of Travel: The Effect of Crowdedness

Collaboration and Delegation Between Humans and AI: An Experimental Investigation of the Future of Work

Maintaining Research and Publication Integrity.

Matters of welfare and matters of law

The Secular Duty: Latin Americanism as Criollo Humanism

Evidence for harms of high tidal volumes from systematic reviews and meta‐analysis – a reply

Current issues in plant cryopreservation and importance for ex situ conservation of threatened Australian native species

Considerations and Factors Influencing the Success of Beekeeping Programs in Developing Countries

Reducing overuse by recognising the unintended harms of good intentions.

Methodologies for Assessing Risks of Accidents in Chemical Process Industries

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Best Intentions 최고의 의도

Best Intentions 최고의 의도
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