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Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within minimally conscious state

Minimally conscious state “plus”: diagnostic criteria and relation to functional recovery

Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Simultaneous Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in a Patient With Minimally Conscious State

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Provide Behavioral Evidence

Spatial allocation without spatial recruitment in bumblebees

Sensitivity enhancement and selection are shared mechanisms for spatial and feature-based attention

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Direct Behavioral Evidence

Cochlear neural degeneration disrupts hearing in background noise by increasing auditory cortex internal noise

Reward-driven attention alters perceived salience

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Found Behavioral Evidence

The Audiomaze: An EEG and motion capture study of human spatial navigation in sparse augmented reality.

Compositional Neural Representations in the Hippocampal Formation and Prefrontal Cortex Underlie Visual Construction and Planning

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within First Behavioral Evidence

True UV color vision in a female butterfly with two UV opsins.

Remote hand: Hand-centered peripersonal space transfers to a disconnected hand avatar.

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Provided Behavioral Evidence

Nostalgia makes people eat healthier

Neural coding of formant‐exaggerated speech and nonspeech in children with and without autism spectrum disorders

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Compelling Behavioral Evidence

A Putative Mechanism for Magnetoreception by Electromagnetic Induction in the Pigeon Inner Ear

Evaluation of an Accessible, Real-Time, and Infrastructure-Free Indoor Navigation System by Users Who Are Blind in the Mall of America

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Growing Behavioral Evidence

The attention schema theory in a neural network agent: Controlling visuospatial attention using a descriptive model of attention

The neural representation of facial-emotion categories reflects conceptual structure

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within While Behavioral Evidence

Volitional learning promotes theta phase coding in the human hippocampus

Neural correlates of theory of mind in typically-developing youth: Influence of sex, age and callous-unemotional traits

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within Recent Behavioral Evidence

Signed Reward Prediction Errors in the Ventral Striatum Drive Episodic Memory

Incorporating human factors in emergency evacuation – An overview of behavioral factors and models

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within behavioral evidence suggest

Affective Neural Mechanisms of a Parenting-Focused Mindfulness Intervention

Selective directed forgetting is mediated by the lateral prefrontal cortex: Preliminary evidence with transcranial direct current stimulation.

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within behavioral evidence indicate

Fast A-type currents shape a rapidly adapting form of delayed short latency firing of excitatory superficial dorsal horn neurons that express the NPY Y1 receptor

Assessing combinatorial effects of HIV infection and former cocaine dependence on cognitive control processes: A high-density electrical mapping study of response inhibition

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within behavioral evidence supporting

Sensitivity enhancement and selection are shared mechanisms for spatial and feature-based attention

Effects of Waiting Room and Feline Facial Pheromone Experience on Blood Pressure in Cats

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within behavioral evidence show

Volitional learning promotes theta phase coding in the human hippocampus

Early Auditory Event-Related Potentials Are Modulated by Alphabetic Literacy Skills in Logographic Chinese Readers

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within behavioral evidence showed

Neural Representations of Death in the Cortical Midline Structures Promote Temporal Discounting

Negative emotional state slows down movement speed: behavioral and neural evidence

Behavioral Evidence sentence examples within behavioral evidence showing

Neural circuits in the mouse retina support color vision in the upper visual field

Intraspecific variation in colony founding behavior and social organization in the honey ant Myrmecocystus mendax

Do Relative Disadvantages in College Hinder Female Leadership?

Experience replay is associated with efficient nonlocal learning

Diary Study on Japanese University Students’ Suspicions of Being Deceived in Everyday Life

Electrophysiological Evidence of Dissociation Between Explicit Encoding and Fast Mapping of Novel Spoken Words

Doing it Wrong: A Systematic Review on Electrocortical and Behavioral Correlates of Error Monitoring in Patients with Neurological Disorders

The development of attentional control mechanisms in multisensory environments

Behavioral evidence for the origin of Chinese Kunming dog

Attenuation of Sensory Transmission Through the Rat Trigeminal Ganglion by GABA Receptor Activation

Behavioral effects of continuous theta-burst stimulation in macaque parietal cortex

Comment on “Nonadjacent dependency processing in monkeys, apes, and humans”

Electrophysiological assessment and pharmacological treatment of blast-induced tinnitus

High income men have high value as long-term mates in the U.S.: personal income and the probability of marriage, divorce, and childbearing in the U.S.

STING-ing Pain: How Can Pro-inflammatory Signaling Attenuate Pain?

What noise matters? Experimental evidence for stochastic deviations in social norms

Distinct dose‐dependent effects of methamphetamine on real‐time dopamine transmission in the rat nucleus accumbens and behaviors

Manipulative Shallow Processing Induced by Presuppositions and Topics: Theoretical Perspectives and Experimental Evidence

Neurobehavioral Effects of LSVT® LOUD on Auditory-Vocal Integration in Parkinson’s Disease: A Preliminary Study

Youngism: The content, causes, and consequences of prejudices toward younger adults.

11791 Gray matter volume differences in bilingual compared to monolingual children

Mini review: Promotion of substance abuse in HIV patients: Biological mediation by HIV-1 Tat protein

Understanding Dyslexia: A Review of Contemporary Neuropsychological Theories and Cognitive-Behavioral Evidence

Audiovisual Interactions Among Near-Threshold Oscillating Stimuli in the Far Periphery Are Phase-Dependent

Seeding of breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231LUC+) to the mandible induces overexpression of substance P and CGRP throughout the trigeminal ganglion and widespread peripheral sensory neuropathy throughout all three of its divisions

Differing effects of familiarity/kinship in the social transmission of fear associations and food preferences in rats

A competitive drive? Same‐sex attentional preferences in capuchins

NADPH oxidase 2 derived ROS contributes to LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn and persistent mirror-image pain following high frequency stimulus of the sciatic nerve.

A Bayesian framework for the development of belief-desire reasoning: Estimating inhibitory power

Involvement of CB2 Receptors in the Neurobehavioral Effects of Catha Edulis (Vahl) Endl. (Khat) in Mice

The crayfish model (Orconectes rusticus), epigenetics and drug addiction research

Molecular sensor of nicotine in taste of Drosophila melanogaster.

Confirmation Bias Estimation from Electroencephalography with Machine Learning

Sound Localization in Preweanling Mice Was More Severely Affected by Deleting the Kcna1 Gene Compared to Deleting Kcna2, and a Curious Inverted-U Course of Development That Appeared to Exceed Adult Performance Was Observed in All Groups