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Bay Es sentence examples within Great Bay Es

The Seasonal Microbial Ecology of Plankton and Plankton-Associated Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Northeast United States

A baseline for microplastic particle occurrence and distribution in Great Bay Estuary.

Bay Es sentence examples within Chesapeake Bay Es

Complete genome sequences of Chesapeake Bay Synechococcus strains CBW1002 and CBW1006 isolated in winter.

Habitat Primarily Structures Seagrass Epifaunal Communities: a Regional-Scale Assessment in the Chesapeake Bay

Bay Es sentence examples within Juan Bay Es

Recent Carbon Storage and Burial Exceed Historic Rates in the San Juan Bay Estuary Peri-Urban Mangrove Forests (Puerto Rico, United States)

A case study of waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) control in Puerto Rico using glyphosate and hand removal

Bay Es sentence examples within Francisco Bay Es

Incorporation of uncertainty to improve projections of tidal wetland elevation and carbon accumulation with sea-level rise

Use of a hydrodynamic model to examine behavioral response of broadnose sevengill sharks (Notorynchus cepedianus) to estuarine tidal flow

Bay Es sentence examples within Tampa Bay Es

Evidence of Phosphate Mining and Agriculture Influence on Concentrations, Forms, and Ratios of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in a Florida River

Of marsh and mangrove: coupled biophysical and anthropogenic drivers of 20th century wetland conversion in Tampa Bay Estuary, Florida (USA)

Bay Es sentence examples within Pandan Bay Es

Structure and Dominance of Species in Mangrove Forest on Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Composition, Importance Value and Diversity of Mangrove Trees in Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan

Bay Es sentence examples within Quanzhou Bay Es

Dynamics of labile soil organic carbon during the development of mangrove and salt marsh ecosystems

[Dynamic evaluation and driving forces of ecosystem services in Quanzhou bay estuary wetland, China].

Bay Es sentence examples within Narragansett Bay Es

Seasonality of nitrogen sources, cycling, and loading in a New England river discerned from nitrate isotope ratios

Piscivory in age-0 summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus with a focus on predator-induced mortality of post-settlement winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus

Bay Es sentence examples within Vitorium Bay Es

Tracing pollution in estuarine benthic organisms and its impacts on food webs of the Vitoria Bay estuary

Microplastics and attached microorganisms in sediments of the Vitória bay estuarine system in SE Brazil

More Bay Es 베이는 sentence examples

In vitro acaricidal activity of essential oil and crude extracts of Laurus nobilis, (Lauraceae) grown in Tunisia, against arthropod ectoparasites of livestock and poultry: Hyalomma scupense and Dermanyssus gallinae.

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Ocean surface circulation based on video features and swimmer training monitoring

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Prise en charge d’anti-publics chez 10 femmes enceintes

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Bay Es 베이는

Bay Es 베이는
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