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Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within disease free equilibrium

Mathematical model of schistosomiasis with health education and molluscicide intervention

Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic with Treatment

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within closed loop system

Stabilization for uncertain stochastic T–S fuzzy system driven by Lévy noise

Disturbance Observer Enhanced Neural Network LPV Control for a Blended-Wing-Body Large Aircraft

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within basic reproduction number

Optimal control problem and backward bifurcation on malaria transmission with vector bias

Dynamics and Control of Worm Epidemic Based on Mobile Networks by SEIQR-Type Model with Saturated Incidence Rate

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within endemic equilibrium point

Significance of antiviral therapy and CTL-mediated immune response in containing hepatitis B and C virus infection


Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within linear matrix inequality

Passivity-Based Fuzzy ISMC for Wind Energy Conversion Systems With PMSG

New Criterion of Robust Hܣ Stabilization for Uncertain Neutral Systems

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within infection free equilibrium

Dynamics of a new HIV model with the activation status of infected cells

Global stability of a delayed and diffusive virus model with nonlinear infection function.

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within estimation error system

State Estimation for a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems with Time-Varying Delay over Mobile Sensor–Actuator Networks with Missing Measurements

State estimation for semi-Markovian switching CVNNs with quantization effects and linear fractional uncertainties

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within filtering error system

Stability Analysis and Robust H∞ Filtering for Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems with Time-varying Delays

Event-triggered H∞ filtering for nonlinear networked control systems via T-S fuzzy model approach

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within output feedback controller

Global Event-Triggered Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems

Robust Resilient Control Based on Multi-Approximator for the Uncertain Turbofan System With Unmeasured States and Disturbances

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within resulting closed loop

Distributed Rendezvous Control of Networked Uncertain Robotic Systems with Bearing Measurements

Combined indirect & direct adaptive fuzzy decentralised control of large-scale systems with strong interconnection and its application

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within free steady state

Dynamics of a seasonal brucellosis disease model with nonlocal transmission and spatial diffusion

Impact of Fear and Habitat Complexity in a Predator-Prey System with Two Different Shaped Functional Responses: A Comparative Study

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within sliding mode controller

Station-keeping of a solar weather detector by a tethered-sailcraft within elliptic Sun-Earth restricted three-body system

Design and Characterization of Second Order Sliding Mode Controller for Pendulum System

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within positive steady state


Hopf bifurcation in a generalized Logistic reaction-diffusion population model with instantaneous and delayed feedback

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within unique endemic equilibrium

Dynamical analysis of COVID-19 epidemic model with individual mobility

Analysis of time delayed Rabies model in human and dog populations with controls

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within disease free steady

Analysis of a two-strain malaria transmission model with spatial heterogeneity and vector-bias.

Dynamics of Fractional-Order Epidemic Models with General Nonlinear Incidence Rate and Time-Delay

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within unique positive equilibrium

Hopf bifurcation analysis for a diabetic population model with two delays and saturated treatment

Global stability and periodicity in a glucose-insulin regulation model with a single delay

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within sliding mode control

Optimal Sliding Mode Recruitment Schemes of Enterprise Knowledge Workers System

Design & Analysis of Sliding Mode Controller for Fuel Cell based DC-DC Boost Converter fed by PMDC Motor

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within basic reproduction ratio

Qualitative analysis of a mathematical model with presymptomatic individuals and two SARS-CoV-2 variants

Global Dynamics of a Reaction-Diffusion Model of Zika Virus Transmission with Seasonality.

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within positive equilibrium point

Global stability analysis of an unemployment model with distributed delay

Stability and Hopf bifurcation of the coexistence equilibrium for a differential-algebraic biological economic system with predator harvesting

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within endemic steady state

Threshold dynamics of a nonlocal and delayed cholera model in a spatially heterogeneous environment.

Analysis of a general multi-group reaction-diffusion epidemic model with nonlinear incidence and temporary acquired immunity

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within effective reproduction number

A Mathematical Model Analysis for the Transmission Dynamics of HIV/AIDS with Control Strategy

Lyapunov approach and global stability of Ebola virus infection model of an individual cells population

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within infection free steady

Spatial dynamic analysis for COVID-19 epidemic model with diffusion and Beddington-DeAngelis type incidence

Mathematical analysis of the global dynamics of a HTLV-I infection model, considering the role of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within free equilibrium point

Modeling, optimal control of intervention strategies and cost effectiveness analysis for buruli ulcer model

A mathematical and parametric study of epidemiological smoking model: a deterministic stability and optimality for solutions

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within closed loop control

Sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of mobile robots

L1 adaptive backstepping control for path-following of underactuated marine surface ships

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within mean square sense

Robust Stabilization of Stochastic Markovian Jump Systems with Distributed Delays

Stability Analysis for T-S Fuzzy Semi-Markovian Switching CVNs with Mixed Delays and General Uncertain Transition Rates

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within state feedback controller

Adaptive state-feedback stabilization of stochastic nonholonomic systems with an unknown time-varying delay and perturbations

Stabilizing of a Class of Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems with Input Saturation Constraint

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within planar rarefaction wave

Large-time behaviors of the solution to 3D compressible Navier-Stokes equations in half space with Navier boundary conditions

Stability of the planar rarefaction wave to three-dimensional Navier–Stokes–Korteweg equations of compressible fluids

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within disease free periodic

A mathematical model for Lassa fever transmission dynamics in a seasonal environment with a view to the 2017–20 epidemic in Nigeria

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within free equilibrium state

Modeling the effect of distancing and wearing of face masks on transmission of Covid-19 infection dynamics

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within + + +

Asymptotic behaviours of the solutions of neutral type Volterra integro-differential equations and some numerical solutions via differential transform method

Asymptotically Stable sentence examples within free periodic solution