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Assisted Vehicular sentence examples within unmanned aerial vehicle

An UAV-assisted VANET architecture for intelligent transportation system in smart cities

Game theoretical secure wireless communication for UAV-assisted vehicular Internet of Things

Assisted Vehicular sentence examples within assisted vehicular ad

An UAV-assisted VANET architecture for intelligent transportation system in smart cities

Joint Task Offloading, Resource Allocation, and Security Assurance for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled UAV-Assisted VANETs

Assisted Vehicular sentence examples within assisted vehicular network

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Management in MEC- and UAV-Assisted Vehicular Networks

Performance analysis for large intelligent surface assisted vehicular networks

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Assisted Vehicular sentence examples within assisted vehicular edge

Learning Driven NOMA Assisted Vehicular Edge Computing via Underlay Spectrum Sharing

Volunteer Assisted Collaborative Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing

Assisted Vehicular sentence examples within assisted vehicular fog

Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Carpooling Using Blockchain-Assisted Vehicular Fog Computing

CoRide: A Privacy-Preserving Collaborative-Ride Hailing Service Using Blockchain-Assisted Vehicular Fog Computing

Crowd-Sensing Assisted Vehicular Distributed Computing for HD Map Update

An UAV-assisted VANET architecture for intelligent transportation system in smart cities

Learning Driven NOMA Assisted Vehicular Edge Computing via Underlay Spectrum Sharing

A Novel Deep Q-Learning-Based Air-Assisted Vehicular Caching Scheme for Safe Autonomous Driving

DRL-Based Intelligent Resource Allocation for Diverse QoS in 5G and toward 6G Vehicular Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

Game theoretical secure wireless communication for UAV-assisted vehicular Internet of Things

Joint Task Offloading, Resource Allocation, and Security Assurance for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled UAV-Assisted VANETs

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Management in MEC- and UAV-Assisted Vehicular Networks

Performance analysis for large intelligent surface assisted vehicular networks

A Novel Cost Optimization Strategy for SDN-Enabled UAV-Assisted Vehicular Computation Offloading

TPSense: A Framework for Event-Reports Trustworthiness Evaluation in Privacy-Preserving Vehicular Crowdsensing Systems

More Assisted Vehicular 보조 차량 sentence examples

A Mobile Edge Computing Framework for Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in UAV-assisted VANETs

More Assisted Vehicular 보조 차량 sentence examples

Energy and Delay Minimization Based on Game Theory in MEC-Assisted Vehicular Networks

Volunteer Assisted Collaborative Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing

Enhancing Energy Efficiency for Cellular-Assisted Vehicular Networks by Online Learning-Based mmWave Beam Selection

5G for road safety services

Mobility and Energy Aware Data Routing for UAV-Assisted VANETs

Joint Frequency-and-Phase Modulation for Backscatter-Tag Assisted Vehicular Positioning

Emergency Message Dissemination Schemes Based on Congestion Avoidance in VANET and Vehicular FoG Computing

Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Carpooling Using Blockchain-Assisted Vehicular Fog Computing

CoRide: A Privacy-Preserving Collaborative-Ride Hailing Service Using Blockchain-Assisted Vehicular Fog Computing

Reinforcement Learning Based Task Offloading and Take-Back in Vehicle Platoon Networks

Trusted FPGA-based transport traffic inject, impersonate (I2) attacks beaconing in the Internet of Vehicles

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Assisted Vehicular 보조 차량

Assisted Vehicular 보조 차량
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